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      ~This Is Harder Than I Thought~

  Eddie and I became boyfriend and girlfriend when I was 18, and he was 19. We both loved each other very much. We couldn't keep our hands from off each other. One day, Eddie and I decided to go further into our relationship. We ended up having sex in the school bathroom. We both couldn't help each other. But that little mistake ended up with me becoming pregnant. We both stared at the test. We were both wondering what we were gonna do. 3 weeks after finding out that we were expecting, Eddie did the unthinkable. He asked for my hand in marriage. I know we had only met 7 months ago, but this is the only option for us to be able to keep our child.

  My parents were very strict when it came to sex before marriage. So, since we already did the deed, we might as well get married. We got married 2 months after the proposal, only because my parents wanted us married before our baby was born. So Eddie and I got married at a very young age.

  2 years after Wyatt's birth, Mine and Eddie's marriage was falling apart. He kept sneaking out almost every night for 2 months. Saying that he was gonna go hang with his friends. When clearly, I know that's not what he is doing. I just recently found out that I was pregnant with baby number 2. Eddie doesn't know yet. And I was excited to tell him. So one day, I put Wyatt in his carseat, and we drove to Eddie's friends house. Gareth saw us pulling, and he looked freaked out. I took Wyatt out of the car and walked over to the boys and said, "Where's my husband?" Gareth and the rest of the boys stared at each other. That's when I started to get really pissed.  I started yelling "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY HUSBAND? YOU BETTER FUCKING TELL ME OR I WILL BREAK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOUR FINGERS UNTIL YOU DO." They all looked scared.

   John, finally opens up his mouth and said "He's in Gareth room! And if I was you, I wouldn't go in there." I stood there, holding my son, staring hard at the boys waiting for a reason why my husband was in Gareth's bedroom. Jeff admitted and said "He's...he's with Chrissy. They been in there for 2 hours." I was fuming pissed. I gave Wyatt to Gareth and stormed off towards Gareth's room. The door was locked. So I decided to kick it in. And once the door was open, Eddie and Chrissy quickly jumped out of the bed, completely naked. I couldn't believe my eyes. I am torn apart. My husband was cheating on me and I caught him red handed. I quickly stormed out of the room and back into the garage. I grabbed Wyatt from Gareth and put him back in the car.

  I looked up and saw Eddie running out to the car. He bangs on the driver side window. I open it, took my wedding ring off and threw it at his face and said "We are fucking done. I think this marriage is over for good. Have fun with your new fuck toy. And your stuff will be on the front porch when you get home." I sped out of the driveway and headed home with tears in my eyes. I couldn't believe what just happened. I finally made it home. Took Wyatt out of the car and went inside the home Eddie and I shared. I placed Wyatt in his playpen and headed towards mine and Eddie's once shared bedroom. I found all off Eddie's belongings and tossed them into trash bags. Once I made sure all of his stuff were in the bags. I tossed them onto the front porch.

  A few hours later, there was a knock on the door. I just put Wyatt down for bed. I look outside and it was Eddie. I opened the door, he barges in without warning. He pushes me up against the wall, with his hand around my throat. His face is inches away from mine. And he says "I am sorry baby. I never meant to cheat. But you weren't giving it to me like you used to. It's getting a little bit....boring! You need to step up your game, babe." His words cut through me like a knife. I looked at him with a very pissed off look and with tears in my eyes. I came out and said, "The sex is boring? Wow! Eddie! I just... just don't understand. We have been together for this long, and you're just now telling me that I need to step up my game. That's just seriously bullshit. That is why your shit is on the porch. And the ring is off my finger. You and I are finished, complete, donezo! I can't deal with your self-pity bullshit, Eddie. Is she better than me?"

Eddie Munson ~One Shots~Where stories live. Discover now