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                       ~Class Of '86~

   It was the year 1985, and I was falling in love with the freak of Hawkins High. He was a senior, and so was I.  He was a gorgeous looking man. He was sex on legs. I just wanted him to myself. But with me being in the popular crowd, we didn't associate with that group of people. They keep saying that Eddie worships the Devil and that he is a Satanist. I don't believe that he is any of that. He looks like dessert that I want to savor in my mouth. I sit down at my usual table. My eyes linger over to the table where Eddie was sitting. All I could was sit there and eye fuck him. Chrissy waves her hand in front of my face, but I was so focused on Eddie, that I paid her no mind. She finally snapped her fingers at me and I snapped out of my trance. Her eyes wandered to where my eyes were focusing and when she realized that I was staring hard at Eddie.

  She shook her head and said "Y/n, go talk to him. Eye fucking him from afar, isn't gonna do you any wonders." I stared a little bit longer at Eddie and then turned my head to look at Chrissy. "But Chris, we don't associate with that crowd. Jason would get so pissed off if I just randomly went over to their table and strike up a conversation. He would have my head." Yes, my last name is Carver, and yes, I am Jason's twin sister, but he isn't the boss of me. He always thought that he was. I never listened to him anyway.  But any who, I have had this crush on Eddie for over a year now. But I am just too damn nervous to go and speak to him. Chrissy tapped my shoulder because I was staring off i to space, trying to figure out if I should tell him or not. "Y/n, if you don't go over there and speak to him, I will drag you over there and make you speak to him."

  Luckily, Jason wasn't in school today because he woke up a little bit under the weather. I got up, fixed my skirt, and walked towards the table Eddie was sitting at. Yes, all eyes were on me. They were probably wondering why I am going over to the freaks table. I felt ten eyeballs staring daggers at me. I walked over to him, and he looked up at me and said, "Are you lost, sweetheart?" Shit, the fucking pet name. I stared at him and started fiddling with my fingers. Then I responded back "Actually, I am not lost. I am over here to see if we can speak in private." Eddie looks at me and then back at the boys, who were smirking or trying to hold back a laugh. Eddie silenced them and then turns back to me and says "Wouldn't your dickhead of a brother get pissed if you are speaking directly to me?" I slightly smiled at him and said "He's actually gonna be out for a bit. He woke up feeling like shit. And plus, I don't care what he says. He ain't the boss of me. So can"

  I was a bit nervous at first, but the nerves disappeared when he said, "Yeah, of course, doll. We can meet in the woods behind the school. There is a bench, I will meet you there in 5 minutes." I smiled and walked back to Chrissy and told her what was going on. She smiled and said, "Go get your man, sweetheart. Tell him how you feel." I grabbed my backpack and headed out of the school and into the woods where Eddie told me to go. I get there and spotted the table. I sat down and waited for Eddie to get here. I heard noises coming from behind me. I turned around and noticed that it was Eddie. He sits down across from me. He stares deeply into my eyes and asked "What does a beautiful girl like yourself want to talk to me for?" I smiled and blushed when he said that I was beautiful. I looked at him and said, "There is something that I have been hiding for over a year now. So that is why I want to tell you in private."

   Eddie cocks his head to the side and kept staring at me. "What do you want to say, darling?" I was quiet for a few moments. Cleared my throat and said, Point blank,"I have had a massive crush on you. I just can't seem to get you out of my head. There is something about you that has attracted me to you. You are a gorgeous man that needs to know that you deserve so much more then being bullied by asshole of a brother and his fuckface friends. I really do like you, Eddie. I wanted to tell you sooner, but I was bit nervous. And plus, I don't think you would feel the same way as me. And with me hanging out with the popular crowd, isn't quite your scenery. So if you don't feel the same way, I will totally under..." I was cut off when Eddie mentions "Sweetheart, I have had feelings for you as well. I, too, was afraid to say anything to you, especially in front of your brother and his looney squad." I giggled at his statement. My brother and his looney squad, that is new. I noticed he was smiling at me. He walks over to my side of the table and sits back down next to me. He places his hand upon my knee. I started to get goosebumps. I took his hand and brought it up under my skirt. He stares at me with bug eyes, but he happily obliged. I kept watching as his fingers crept inside of my panties. I felt them on my warmth. I needed him so damn bad.

Eddie Munson ~One Shots~Where stories live. Discover now