new beginings

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"your going to get lost" i turned around to look at draco "i mean it hurry up" my first year at hogwarts  would live to be nothing short of dracos. i followed draco through a wall only to be lead to a magical place. "what is this place draco" "diagon alley. youll get your wand here, as well as other necessary things" he was showing off now that hes in his own element. i glanced at the wand shop almost to scared to walk in until i felt draco push my shoulder. "meet back here, i have things to do" he spoke. "but" hes gone. all i could do is walk up to the only adult in the store. i ended up running into a girl with hair as orange as the sun. "im ginny weasley, and you?" "y/n malfoy" "nice to meet you" "so are you a first year" i asked only getting a nod. i watched her find a wand much to a shock it was harder for me. "i think the next one will be it" she spoke. "its been 15 wands already" i held the last wand for it to be mine. "ah dragon and poplar" the adult spoke. "i have to get back to my brother" she spoke. "may i join? i dont know where to go" she gave me a smile and agreed. "you already made a friend" he questioned. "ron this is y/n, y/n this is ron and his friend harry" i shot them a smile. even upon parading around i never once saw draco. even when it was time to board we all got separated, and while i stood there waiting i felt alone. draco never did end up showing up only resulting in me getting back on the train alone. in a circumstance like this i should feel mad, but i dont...just kind of sad. of course i met a few people, but none of them really stuck around. upon walking around i ran into harry and ron. "may i" i asked and with a simple nod i sat down next to a girl. "y/n this is hermione" "nice to meet you hermione in y/n" i smiled earning a half assed smile back. i listened in on there conversations. "what do you think y/n" harry looked at me. "speaking mentally i would have to say, broken hearts break bones" i spoke. "explain" hermione looked at me. " think about it, your friend, you said shes being irrational over a broken heart, one of the 5 stages of grief include anger. in stages of different anger lead to difference in violence" i spoke only earning a approving look. "that still doesnt answer the who factor" ron spoke. "you dont need to know who" hermione followed up. "doesnt malfoy keep looking over here" ron asked earning everyone to look followed by me. "why is he making that face" hermione spoke. i shot him a smile and turned around. "hes still looking" "great way to start off the new year" i looked around. "whats wrong with him" i asked. "hes a prick" "and a jerk" ron and hermione spoke. "i think hes nice" "you say that now" ron looked at me. i felt bad, sitting with 3 people who hate my brother. it really does suck. but considering they are the only people i know, i wont let it damper anything. i felt the train slowly come to a stop and when i stood up i felt my arm being grabbed and yanked. i looked only to see draco dragging me along. "we dont talk to people like that" "they seem so nice" "they arent good enough for us" "they arent good for you" i spoke back. i ripped my arm away and he swung around and looked at me. "i get to choose who i want to talk to and be friends with just as much as you do" "father will hear about this" he spoke walking away. 

ginny had popped up next to me. " are you okay" "im fine" but i felt like the whole world was looking at me. "rons walking over here" "jeez y/n are you alright" "im fine ron" "hes showing me where to go, you coming" "of course" i understand once my house gets revealed i wont have any friends. seeing the way people dont like my brother im sure they would hold the same for me. "this place is giant" "no kidding" i agreed with ginny. we both followed ron to a giant area with a couple of who i would assume to be staff. 

"welcome new students to hogwarts. i am professor mcgonagall and here next to me is dumbledore, professor snape" i naturally tuned her out, shes boring. lack of attention is something i struggle with. its only fair i naturally found something to mess with. that until there were 2 boys, twins even. and with a sigh i knew. "what are your brothers names?" "thats fred and thats gorge" she spoke. i nodded only to go back to what i was doing before. "i promise no matter what house you get we will still talk" ginny spoke to me. "mines pretty set in stone" "my whole family are Gryffindor's" i didnt want to say more. "y/n malfoy" i heard my name ring, i walked over and felt the hat be placed. "SLYTHERIN" common sense. "find your house table and sit please" i walked over finding the spot with the least amount of people. the murmurs throughout the school were enough to make me want to hide. "enough" and with one word everyone went quiet. and just like ginny spoke she was right. a Gryffindor. 

"isnt there anything that can be done professor?" i looked at the tall man with raven black hair. "your status in the wizarding world will get you no where" "thats not what im saying" i was on the verge of tears. "you are nothing like your brother" i stood there looking at him. "i will see what i can do in such a short amount of time" he spoke. and give or take in a couple of minutes i had landing myself a room with no flatmate. and not even through the unpacking a letter was sent for me. earning me no choice but to go see draco. "you being here has caused an uproar" he spoke. "i didnt mean for it to" "mean to or not it did, dont let this family down" "thats all im really good at anyway" "dont throw yourself a pitty party y/n" i was sitting in a chair at his desk. the door swung open and out popped 3 boys. "these are my mates" he spoke. same age, same grade. same house. 

i took my leave and the rest is history. 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now