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i felt my body jolt awake. i looked beside me but i couldnt find mattheo. even looking in the bathroom he was no where to be seen. it was then i saw the lightning in the window followed by the thunder. "its not so bad" i felt like the whole place just shook. i ran to theo and mattheos dorm. i opened it which i figured he would have locked it. but laying there was a girl with no shirt and theo with no shirt. for once i decided to be brave. "THEO" i spoke shaking him aggressively. "what the hell" i could hear the girl mumbling. "theo please" i shouted and with one more thunder i fell to the floor hugging my knees. "what is it" "i cant find mattheo he wasnt in my bed and hes not in his bed" "what are you talking about" "get dressed and get out. y/n dont look up" "what do you mean theo" "i mean get your shit and leave" and with more thunder came my anxiety tics. "theo hurry please" "im trying just let me get some fucking pants on" "theo i thought we had a good time" "we did now leave" "so am i just a one night stand" "ill talk to you tomorrow and explain. just leave" i heard a huff and the door shutting. i could feel my whole body trembling. "did you take your meds y/n" "no, i havent what does that have to do with it" "lets go"  he grabbed my wrist and started dragging me handing me my meds and a drink. "this doesnt help me theo. where did mattheo go. why did he leave" i could see the flash on my wall. "aw fuck" theo could only cover my ears with his hands. it wasnt long before i started to cry. "we can look around but you have to calm down" "i cant" my tics were getting worse and worse just as much as i felt my chest sink in. "take another pill" "im not supposed to" "take it" i did as told, but i would still have to wait and see if it even worked. we looked in enzos room. no one, dracos blaise was gone. "where the hell is everyone" theo spoke going to the common room. "MATTHEO" theo yelled "huh" i could see him peak his head up from the common room couch. and with a bright flash came a giant heap of thunder. i dropped to the ground once more holding my ears. i hate to admit i was a crying anxiety ridden fit. and it didnt help that the anxiety makes my head jerk in uncomfortable way. when i finally uncovered my ears i had to cover them again. "theo" was all i muttered in a sob. "oh shit" i felt my wrist be grabbed and theo started walking away with me back to his room. "here hold this" it was mattheos fluffy black blanket. he dragged me back out to the common room. and with more thunder sent me hugging theo who didnt have a shirt on. "mattheo" theo called angrily. "what, oh fuck" that all he could say. and with a loud crack i dropped to the ground once more into my sobs. it had gotten so bad to the point i clawed my own face, just trying to make it stop. "she woke me up as im laying there butt ass naked with a girl who is also butt ass naked, and she comes saying she cant find you. and here the fuck you are. how the hell did you not hear me the first time" i still sat there on the ground clawing my ears and cheeks up. it doesnt matter as long as all these feelings just stop. hyperventilating plus my neck in pain from jerking my head so much, plus the deep feeling in my chest doesn't mix well with me clawing the skin off my face. 

"that wasnt my fucking question mattheo" "then what is your fucking question" "why the fuck did you just randomly leave and not think of heres lightning, i better go check on y/n who is deathly afraid of it" "because i didnt notice i was talking to blaise and enzo" "you know what. fuck this y/n. come on" i looked up at theo. "god damn it, to the fucking wing we go"theo looked at me more. "what do you mean the wing" "dont fucking worry about it now mattheo. ill go wake up draco" theo took the blanket out of my hands and threw it at him. "y/n stop scratching" theo took both my hands and pulled me off the floor. he walked with my wrists in his hands covering my ears with my hands. "theo" "theo fucking listen to me" "no mattheo. i figured you wouldnt be that fucking stupid, and you still havent acknowledged the position shes in" theo removed one of his hands off my wrist knocking on dracos door. "What the fuck do you.. what the fuck" he took one look at me before pushing theo and me into the room. "i wont look at the naked girl in the room draco" theo spoke. "i dont give two fucks about that. what the fuck did i miss" "she panicked and couldnt find anyone, so she ran to me. and now we are here" "theo she fucking clawed the shit out her face, what else happened between that" "i wish i could tell you. i spent 10 minutes yelling at mattheo and the others." "blaise and enzo" "yeah" i gave draco the biggest hug i could. "the common room has more stuff that i can use. like the first aid kit" "you go back to sleep. ill take her" "knock if you need anything theo" and i watched draco climb back into the bed. theo was still dragging me everywhere even past mattheo and the other. turns out blaise was lecturing mattheo and enzo was doing the same not actually knowing what was going on. "oh my fucking god i cant" was all you heard. "sit on the couch y/n" "when the hell did you have time to get to your arms" he looked at me. i was still crying my eyes out and shaking. i was shaking so much the whole couch felt like a massage chair. i felt a pair of hands cover my ears. "thank you blaise" "no problem theo. mattheos in a pissy mood" "i bet he fucking is" "he wants y/n" "yeah well he can fucking wait. especially if they arent even gonna fucking be there or help." theo practically yelled. "you wont fucking let me" "i never said that" "then fucking give her to me" "no your acting like an asshole" "theo it hurts" "its going to. stop moving. STOP JERKING YOUR HEAD Y/N" i could feel more tears form in my eyes. "she cant help it theo" "then hold her still" theo was rougher then usual, is he mad at me. "if your just going to be mad at me then go away theo. im sorry for waking you up ill never do it again" i spoke crying more. "thats not what im saying y/n" "but its how you feel" "yeah i didnt want to be woken up. but i cant change that" i couldnt help but cry my eyes out. fear, sadness, shock. i dont know anymore. "fucking give her to me" i felt my body be pulled really hard. "then you fucking do it im going to bed" theo yelled at mattheo. after all thats who grabbed me. "wrap your legs around me" he spoke picking me up doing it for me. he sat back down on the couch and wrapped the blanket around me. "hand me those wipes" mattheo was gentler then theo. "it hurts" "i know" and with a loud sound of thunder i head butted mattheos shoulder. "that hurt" was all he muttered out. and then came the crys and the head jerks all over again. "its anxiety. nervous tics. or anxiety tics. its just gonna happen" blaise looked at him. mattheo tried his hardest to rub the swab all over my cheeks. but the second my hands went to my face was the second i started scratching again. meaning mattheo sped up and then laid on my hands. "no hands no scratch" he looked at blaise. "why would you leave in the first place mattheo" "she was sleeping. i wanted a drink. i saw you. i got distracted" he explained. i was still crying out of shock and fear. mattheo covered me and him with the blanket. "i was scared you werent there and then the thunder" "i know just try and calm down now" he took his head out of the blanket and made a little hood for me. i felt his hand press against the back of mine. he was holding me against his heart beat, which was going extremely fast. the other hand was under the blanket wrapped around my waist. "theres nothing here to cover her ears right?" "just a fucking towel roll" "god damn it. with one of my ears on his chest he covered my other ear with his hand. "go back to sleep" "good luck mattheo, she was on edge for like 20 minutes" "i cant believe you would do that mattheo" "you dont even know whats happening enzo" "mattheo right here." i pointed to my forehead. "will that make it better" "maybe" he planted a kick kiss on my forehead. "did i miss a whole fucking chapter" "trying to fucking make her feel better enzo. is this really the right time to question my methods?" i heard not another peep from him. before i went to sleep it was only mattheo and blaise talking in the common room. and when i woke up i was still on the couch with mattheo but this time i was on top of him, while blaise was sitting up using the arm rest as a pillow. if i knew today was going to be a shitty day i would have stayed asleep. theo and draco took me, mattheo saw. yelled at theo, him and theo went to the room. enzo joined into the yelling upon finding out mattheo was dating me. and here i was with draco and blaise. "what the fuck is going on" draco looked at us. "you have to tell him" "i dont want to tell him" "you enlist fear into your sister draco" "we were talking about that?" "no the other thing" "im not telling him the other thing" "will one of you just tell me what the hell is going on" we both looked at him before going back to our bickering. "y/ns dating mattheo" "BLAISE" "rewind for a second. your dating mattheo?" "im sorry please dont be mad" i watched as he sat there thinking. "how long" "what?" "how long" "6 months" "and you didnt think of telling me? neither of you?" "in my defense i found out yesterday. i would ask theo whos known about it probably for awhile. enzo just found out to." i looked at blaise. "hes not mad y/n" "you dont know that" "im mad no one decided to fucking tell me" "we didnt want anyone to know" "why" "because i was scared of what you were going to think" "ill deal with it later" "draco shes happy" "but look whats its done to the group everyone is fighting" "and where do you think they will all stand draco. next to y/n" "im not going to yell at him for dating her" "so your not mad" "only a little" i sat there and sighed. ginny wasnt back and she wouldnt be back for a whole week. and if no one is talking to no one what the fuck am i doing here. "theres a storm rolling in" blaise looked at me and draco. i could hear the distant thunder. i didnt feel scared. i felt calm for once. "i have to take my medicine" i spoke leaving the room and going to mine. i had a couple other students knock on my door asking why all of the boys were in theo and mattheos room yelling at each other, all i answered was i dont know. when it started raining i went outside. laid in the grass. but i had been talking to snape. i knew he created his own curse, so why cant i create my own spell. i tried and the more and more i tried i couldnt get the right result. "i want a giant protection bubble" so i went to find snape. "i want to cast my own spell. make my own" he looked almost intrigued. "what is it your wishing to create" "its a mix." "of what miss malfoy" "i want a smaller base then the one casted upon hogwarts, a room fit for one person. but with the same plus side as the bubble head charm." "a protective bubble?" "yes im glad you understood" "your the oddest student ive ever come across y/n malfoy" i was a good student with a mind for more. "your not like other student. give me your spell book" "what do you mean" "you remind me of myself when i was younger. creative, innovative. this spell could do good for millions malfoy" i smiled i didnt think of it like that. we worked on it all day long until a student came in. "professor snape, i figured it out. give me something harder" "what was it black?" "a incantation spell" i watched him smile. "y/n you have an idea" "for what?" "i give him random shuffled words or a potion recipe. he has to solve them" "i have the perfect one. philosopher's stone melted into gold" i spoke earning a laugh from snape. i looked at the boy who was confused. "need a hint?" "no hints aloud miss malfoy" snape started laughing only making me smile. "a stone turned to gold" "philosopher's stone mister black" "what grade are you in" "im a 3rd year" "4th miss y/n" "oh right newly 4th year" "newly?" "mid semester move up and shes still testing at a middle 5th year" "a 5th year level?" "your grade level she could even help you with assignments" he looked at me. "and your a slytherin" "much like you are..." "regulus black" "y/n malfoy" i reached my hand out to meet his in a shake. "never thought i would meet a smart malfoy" snape looked at him. "no offense to your brother of course, but hes more ruling then study" "miss malfoy" i looked at snape to see the drawn out chart. "no way" i spoke looking at it amazed. "what is that" "creativity in her field" snap answered. i watched them clear out a few tables. "remember to think of your intention just like with every other spell. youll have to do a few more thinking" he spoke looking at me. with paper in my hand i casted just like the spell. "protego incan" i spoke and like a wonder work i was in my own little bubble. i watched snape smile and regulus looked shocked. "how do we suppose i get out" i looked at snape. "lucky for you miss malfoy, i did think of that." he spoke flicking his wand. "incan protego" he named and out i was. "you reversed the words?" he just smiled at me like a proud father. but when regulus tried it nothing happened. "why did it not work" "you arent the creator regulus. youll have to have an understanding of the spell before it will accurately work"  we both watched as snape did the spell and it working. "y/n the honors" "uh yeah" "imagine popping the bubble" i put it in my mind and flicked the wand down. "incan protego" i watched as it popped. i felt happy. "im going to letter the staff. regulus your free to stay here and examine. maybe even learn" snape spoke looking at us. "okay envision it. think of the bubble being around you. move your wand like this and say "protego incan" i watched as he tried over and over again. i didnt realize everyone else was in the room. "no you silly goose ready. thinking of bubble. being in bubble. protego incan" i spoke ended up in a bubble. i heard a couple of gasps. "try it no pressure" and once he did it again  i was happy to see it finally worked. "im so happy" i couldnt help but smile. "how mobile is it" mcgonagall asked. i tried to run in it like a hamster and it did work but bounced off the other bubble. "i can only imagine what it would do if you were to hit someone outside of the bubble." she looked at hagrid. "incan protego" i spoke releasing myself. i watched hagrid stand in from of him before he started to walk. i watched both of them get knocked off their feet. "with practice im sure it wouldnt happen as much" i looked at snape. "send them outside" mcgonagall spoke. "think of popping then reverse it" i looked at him. it took first try for it to happen. they all stood outside with umbrellas. we both casted the spell and looked at each other. "its a little slippery" he spoke but as soon as he said that i ended up slipping earning laugh from him which only caused me to laugh. oncewe finally got the hang on slipping and sliding or better yet walking in general. we learned to run. and soon we were bumping the balls together seeing who could stand the most. he caught on more quick then i did which made for a funny fight. "your center of balance is off y/n" "is that why i run into things" "it could be. think of yourself as a tree. still and stable" he looked at me when i did i was to focused on being a tree and ended up rolling down the slight hill. it wasnt hard to get back up. in the end we could both deal with the recoil of the bubbles and tried casting spell out them. they would only bounce back but it still aloud for us to cast our spell. "i know the potion professor" "what is it black" "the exlir of life" "correct" i looked at him. "how does a young one like you know it" "im smart regulus" and with one final hit he fell down. not even the rain could enter. nothing could. "i think everyone is watching" i looked up to the the slytherin common room staring out the window. once we both released the bubble he brought me into a head lock and looked up at everyone. i saw them cheer and then he gave me a noogie. "hey" i spoke laughing. we walked back to the entrance and looked at all the staff. "good job y/n and thank you regulus" "it wasnt a problem" "professor snape you three seem like a great team. i trust they will be in good hands" "most certainly" we walked inside and went to the common room only to hear everyone cheering. "now this is a round of applause" he looked at me. "team?" "team" we shook hands on it. i found my new study buddy and a friend. "you havent learned silent spells yet have you" "i havent. but there could be a chance im not able to" "you are smart" he looked at my wand. "i think its apple wood" "youd be wrong. its alder, do you know what core" "Dragon if i remember right" "alder with a dragon core." he spoke looking at in. "its beautiful, i think it suits you just fine" "so nonverbal" "think of the bubble spell. it might even help if you say it in your head." "so think of 2 things at once" "3. you have to remember the pattern for the spell like try it with lumos" he showed me what lumos looked like, even if i already knew. i focuses all my energy on it. it did end up working. "now try your spell" we both did the buddle at the same time right next to each other and ended up flinging in different directions causing a bunch of crashing. he just sat there laughing while i was face first looking at the floor. when everyone else had run out to see what happened all the saw was 2 people in giant bubbles. " draco look i created my own spell" i looked right at him. i saw a small smile. i started walking only to push regulus ball and watched it start rolling which only made me laugh but since i was caught off guard theo had pushed mine sending me rolling back. i started walking towards the crowd of people who moved out the way expect theo. who sat there with his wand out. the second he tried to cast a spell was the second it came back at him. "oh fuck" he spoke moving out the way. i started running towards him which only made him run. granted i was a little slow until i got pushed and then i was faster. i had jumped onto the sides of the ball to lessen the impact. "you know i was expecting that to hurt more" he spoke looking at me clinging from arm to arm leg to leg on the sides of the ball. "i dont know how to get down" i spoke it was then regulus had stopped the ball and i had gotten out of it. "i created a spell" i looked at draco. "and him" "he was a tester for me" i smiled. "draco" "regulus" "oh so you do know each other" "we do" "he was always to busy" "we see each other more now dont we. since our familys are getting together...oh" he looked at me. "so shes on our side" draco nodded. i looked at them confused. "she might decline in all, we dont know" theo looked at him. "very well" regulus looked at me. "draco did you know your sister is a fucking genius" "i did" "i thought she was a ravenclaw at first" "i dont see how you get confused with that" "does she look like shes in robes" "does she not look like my sister" "now that i see you side by side she does" "did you guys work it out yet" i looked at theo. "no we didnt. but we are trying. we heard commotion and me and draco thought we would check it out." "if your worried about her shes been with me and snape all day" "even in th storm" "we needed to be outside to test it" "how are you feeling" "fine" they looked almost shocked. "wheres the glint in her eyes draco" "i dont know theo" "is she the real y/n" "you guys suck ass" i looked at them. "no shes real" "hold on" they walked me into the argue room. "does this look like y/n" "what the hell is regulus doing here" "DOES IT" "yes" enzo spoke up. "but wheres the shine, the glint in her eyes" "what the fuck thats trippy" "you know what she just told us" "what?" blaise looked at them. "shes not scared of the storm outside" and now the whole room was questioning everything. "she went outside?" "so get this" "theres the glint" "ANYWAY, i made my old spell and with the help of regulus we went outside and tested it. its perfect in everyway" "you made a spell" "you went outside during a storm" "you met regulus?" i looked at them confused. they all just kind of looked at each other. blasie was right they would find their common ground if i was there. "so your done arguing" "we will be if mattheo apologizes" "FUCK YOU" "FUCK YOU FOR NOT TELLING ME YOU WERE DATING MY SISTER" "FUCK YOU FOR LEAVING" i just shut the door behind all of them and rolled my eyes. "let me show you a 5th year spell book" "i have my own you know" i went to my room and pulled it out. "how the hell did you get a master spell book" "i dont know. "ill make you a sandwich." i looked at him. "why dont we cook actual dinner y/n" "im not allowed near the stove and oven anymore since i caught them on fire my first year and 2nd year" "so you were the one who did that" "i was yes, and now no one trust me with fire. something about pyromaniac tendencies" i watched him form a smile on his face. "where are those gryffindor friends of yours. "oh they know all about it" he smiled at me. "can i have her friends" he spoke at the common room door. once they popped out their heads. "you might wanna get a head start to the slytherin common room" he looked at them. "what are you doing regulus" "getting your friends back" "why do we need to run there?" i looked at hermione. "y/n has fire" and just like that i was handed a piece of wood lit on fire. "fire" i looked at it speaking i looked up to see them running. "run go play"  i ran away laughing. with ron and harry behind me. pretty soon i was running throughout the entire school. "I HAVE FIRE" i yelled running faster. i was holding it in the air catching almost everything on fire. and now i have all the boys and the tri following me. until i saw someone in front of me. "FIRE" i yelled and ran straight towards ron causing him to jump out the way. i did end up setting something on fire. it was a decoration. i could hear the painting talk through my laughter. i had ran so fast and so far that they couldnt catch up. "fire went out" i looked at the stick casting a spell picking it back up with a fresh new extremely dangerous FUN FLAME. "SHE MADE IT FUCKING BIGGER" "WHO THE FUCK GAVE HER FIRE" "THE DIPSHIT NEXT TO YOU" was all hermione yelled "REGULUS" "I DIDNT FUCKING KNOW THIS WOULD HAPPEN" "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN" "SHE JUST SAID GET A GROUP AND HAND ME A FIRE STICK" i was stopped by snape. "did you get my letter professor" "i did, why do you have a long on fire" "i was given a fire log" i watched as he looked at me. "GRAB IT" was all everyone yelled. "i suppose your causing trouble and having fun." "yes sir i am" "carry on, ill talk to you tomorrow" "thank you professor snap" and i kept running. "i thought you said she was slow" "i thought she was" "she keeps going on about how unathletic she is" "you failed to mention her energy is off the fucking roof" i could hear them arguing with each other still. some stopped due to being tired but i could go for days. "EMBER WATCH OUT" "TO THE LEFT" "TO THE RIGHT" thats all they would yell until i dropped the burning log in the middle of the hallway. i started putting my hand into it and picking up the ash and throwing it. and with one swift spell i watched it go out. " fire" i looked at it giving it a little kick and watching it turn to dust. "holy fuck y/n" i looked at theo and mattheo who reached me first, followed by draco and blaise. then enzo and regulus. and then the trio. "y/n no more fire" hermione looked at me before walking back to her room with the 2 boys. "i knew gryffindors were stupid, i didnt know they were slow" theo looked at them. "she looks fucking insane" i knew i had a smile on my face but i didnt think i looked bad. "i have a pyromaniac as a fucking sister" draco spoke looking at me. "look my finger as a burn" i spoke shoving it in dracos face. "get your finger out of my eye y/n" i looked at all of them "lake" was all i said before i took off running. "aw shit" since i had used up all my energy from before i was a little slower now meaning i was able to be caught. and when mattheo did i was just laughing. which made everyone else laugh. regulus looked at me and winked. "see you monday y/n" "see you monday regulus" i watched as he walked away. "i thought we werent letting them meet" mattheo looked at draco. "we werent but snape didnt know that" i looked at them confused. "i dont understand why not" i asked. "because he is smart, but he didnt fit in he wasnt one for fun" "a rule follower with a bunch of rule breakers doesnt fit" "thats not the real reason" i looked at them. "we fell off y/n. he had a different path then us and we didnt support it" "he does seem more relaxed now" "we are going to be with him more often" they all looked at each other and there i was skipping down the hall. stopping at snapes classroom. "i forgot to add something to the list" "what is it" "potion making. if i can make my own spells do you think i could make my own potions" "we can talk about it tomorrow after school y/n" "thank you again professor" i watched him smile as i waved bye. "am i the only one feeling that she is his favorite student" "he has 4 students he likes" "who" "y/n regulus, draco, and harry" "and he barely likes me" draco looked at us. "she came along and now i look like the shadow" "dracos worried y/n is being him in popularity" theo laughed. "can i make eggs and french toast on the stove" "NO" they all yelled at me.  "you guys suck" "teach me your spell y/n" theo looked at me. "really?" "her eyes got brighter" enzo spoke looking at theo. "that was my intent" "no but really theo" " yes y/n" "good i need to work on nonverbal spells anyway" they all looked confused. "how the hell" "regulus told me. snape paired me and him as study buddies since we are sharing the same level of knowledge." i watched as they all looked at each other. "you think he would" "i dont think so" "regulus invited me to eat lunch with him tomorrow with his friends, but i dont think i would be comfortable" they looked at me. "well thats why you sit with us" mattheo spoke. "can we all apologize and make up now" i looked at all of them only to hear everyone apologizing. "perfect now give me your hands...2 of you" i ended up linking theos and mattheos hands together in a x and sitting on top of them. "to the common room" i spoke wrapping my arms around their necks. "who ever is grabbing my ass needs to calm down" i looked at mattheo and theo. and theo looked at mattheo.  once we got to the common room we watched the lightning and the rain. i would still cover my ears before the thunder came. "i ruled it. its the sound" "its both" "she freezes when she sees lighting" "she knows what comes after lightning" they sat there talking about it. since my clothes were still wet i had to change. so thats what i went to do. i put on a pair of boxers i stole from a store. they were black with colorful lines on them. a really big t-shirt and white ankle socks i stole from the vans store right after stealing from the converse store. i also did put on a pair of crocs i also took 2 years ago. i walked back out there to see them all talking. i flipped my hair over and tried to tie it in a messy bun. it didnt look good but it was good enough. "you look like you have no pants on" "well technically i dont, but it will work just fine" "what are you talking about" "well i stole these like a year ago, and now i wear them as shorts" i pulled up the shirt to show them. "Y/N" draco yelled and theo pulled down the shirt since he was closest. "who let her decided boxers were shorts" blasie looked at them. "but wait look theres a little pee hole" "Y/N THE SHIRT PUT IT DOWN" draco yelled. "but you didnt see it" "we believe you just keep the shirt down" blaise added. "last time i checked i didnt have a penis and its shorts to me" "its not to us" "but did you see" i felt theo grab the sides of my shirt and pull them down which only led to another problem. since the shirt was to big it the neck could fit over my entire body. so it was trying really hard to. and all you saw was the mesh bra right before it got to anything good. "oh god theo pull it up" draco spoke turning away. "i cant do both draco" he looked at them also looking away. "fucking christ" i spoke sitting next to mattheo and theo. the more we sat there the more mattheo would pull up my sleeves if they fell off my shoulder. "im getting blankets" theo spoke. "ill get my own"enzo spoke sitting up walking away. i felt mattheo pull up my shirt sleeve once more only for it to fall back. my guess is since i was sitting on the shirt it would just get dragged down. "theo get a pillow" i watch him throw blankets on us and then walk back. we all got comfy again before just watching a little movie on the projector. we had waited a week for it back. sure we have 5 of them but have 5 friend groups who wanted to watch something then you have none. i couldnt count how many times mattheo fixed my shirt. but everytime i smiled at him. until he hit me with the blanket in the face. "what the hell" theo looked at us all mattheo did was grab the pillow off my lap and put it on his. "lay down" he looked at me. "what the fucked happened" i took the blanket off of me for him to throw it back onto to me. i looked down to see my entire bra one one side was showing and since its see through apart from the cherry blocking the actual nipple i can see why i got a blanket thrown on me. i just laughed. "my boob is out" i just kept laughing. "you know that cherry bra you were talking about theo?" mattheo looked at him. "shes wearing that one?" "yeah" he spoke "what bra" "so basically its borderline lingerie. everything is mesh expect theres a cherry blocking the" "i get it. stop talking" draco spoke looking at me weird. "its cute" i spoke fixing my shirt under the blanket and taking it off me only for mattheo to pull it back onto him. "im cold" he looked at me. "okay" i looked at him suspiciously. hes never said hes cold. the more we sat there the more i moved around. until theo hit me in the face with the blanket. "i think i saw more then i wanted to" he spoke looking straight at the wall. "oh my god. it is not that bad" i spoke standing up and fixing my shirt. a little was still showing. "mattheo get her" "i wish i could theo" the more i yelled about how its not bad the more it slipped and slipped until i looked down and you could see the side of the cherry. and the rest looked like bare boob. "i see the problem" i looked at enzo who was just looking into my eyes with a red face. blaise who was hiding in dracos back draco who was hiding with blasie. theo who was looking at a wall and mattheo who was bright red and just staring. i held to fingers up and led his eyes to mine. and then i heard him let out a giant breathe. this motherfucker was holding his breath. i could see him holding the pillow on his lap. "fine ill lay down" "NO" him and theo both shouted. i went up to theo and leaned my face closer looking into his eyes. i could hear him holding his breath. staring at my forehead. i watched as he put his hand up. i ended up doing the same to mattheo. "theo shes going to kill me" he spoke looking over for a second. "y/n please" he looked at me in my eyes. "whats the problem mattheo" i felt his hand press against my collar bone. i looked down only to see it showed everything when i bent over to talk to them. "theo switch places with mattheo" i watched as they both got up. "look i fucking have a foot rest now" mattheo spoke. he wasnt wrong. both parts of the couch had something that looked like a little bed attached to it. but that wasnt my intent. i laid on my stomach in front of mattheo and kept my legs on top of his up in the air. i did try and keep them away from his face. but i pulled my shirt up so it wouldnt show from the front. "mattheo pillow" "theo pillow" i had to bend backwards to grab it. "thank you" i covered my front with it and gave myself a nice little head rest. "okay mattheo put your legs together" i got up for a second so he could and then i scooted my ass back so i could use the couch as knee comfort. i could hear theo laughing. when i looked back he was laughing at mattheo was was just holding his breath. "hes waiting for you to pick a spot. better hurry" i tried my hardest to get comfortable. and i did once i realized it was better if i laid on my knees to. i crossed my arms in front of me. i could feel mattheo put his hands on the back of my ankles. once i had the blanket on my back i was good. it was only when mattheo gripped my ankles to hard. i didnt feel like breaking my back so i did the downwards dog. it didnt work because when i tried to look at him my shirt fell into my face. "y/n down" he spoke pushing my body back down. i did it again. only to see why he told me to get down. "i think im going to cry" he spoke looking at theo. theo only laughed. when i started moving i could feel mattheo shuffle. i turned my body around to look at him. the second i put my hand down to whisper something i already knew. "oh hello, didnt know that was there" i spoke looking down then looking back at him. "lay back down please" he looked at me. i wasnt going to fight that. i could hear theo trying his hardest not to laugh. and once i found my same place he put both of his hands back on my ankles. "mattheo that hurts" he moved them but what i didnt expect was for them to land directly on my ass cheeks. "mattheo thomas riddle" "im sorry i couldnt help it." "back on the ankles" we were shout whispering back and forth. little by little everyone left but me, mattheo and theo. "i fucking hate you" "oh hello" theo was mocking me. i threw the blanket over mattheos head before standing up once more. "please y/n i will beg you to stop doing that" "but i have to talk to you" i felt my body be pushed and a hand on my ass. "get ass in your face mattheo" "its not ass theo" "oh fuck" i felt mattheo push me down once more. "its everything. i have seen more then i should have" i looked at mattheo. "look you made her upset" i felt mattheo pull me onto his lap. "just ignore it" he looked at me. "im going to kill you theo" "i didnt know its not my fault" "everything theo" "i didnt know" "do you know how hard it is" i looked at mattheo. he looked at me and smiled. "what the hell are you talking about mattheo" "sex theo" "then just fuck each other" "thats not a option on the table" i watched as he turned his head to look at me. "or is it" i pushed his head back to theo. "i told you it wasnt an option" "y/n consider it someday" "mattheo stop being scared" he looked at both of you. "i cant fuck like a rabbit like you can theo. much like pansy." i looked at him. "your more of a private person i know. your waiting for the right one to come and take the card from you" "the card?" "the v card y/n" "theo i lost that my 2nd year being here." i looked at him. i felt mattheo grab my cheeks and make me look at him. "what the hell is your count" we both looked at theo. "i dont ask you what yours is, why do you get to ask me mine. and what are we factoring in" "uh. oral? vaginal?" "are we factoring in forced or is that off the list." "fuck you mean forced" mattheo looked at me. "stats would be. 0 for all if forced wasnt included" "and if it was" i looked at him. "3 forced vag. 5 forced oral" both of them were looking at each other. "like the r word forced" "if thats what you want to call it. i was dating them or talking to them. i figured it was just my relationship duty" "y/n no" theo looked at me. "what?" i looked at him. "whats their names y/n" mattheo looked at me. "uh lets see. we can start with the talkers. there was vikor krum who you would think was a sweetheart. lee jordan who looked like a sweetheart. now the ones i dated. cormac mclaggen, hes a douche. seamus finnigan, which i bet you werent expecting. dont tell draco but goyle, i didnt really know what i was getting myself into with that one. i think i was just lonely" i looked at them. "anyway" i looked at them. "girlfriend duty's?" "yeah i guess so. felt like because i was dating them i owed them" i could feel mattheo tighten his grip on my waist. "mattheo that hurts a little" "lets go" i looked  at theo was was getting up and mattheo who had grabbed my hand. i watched them knock on a door in the dorm. "hey goyle" theo spoke. "can we come in for a second?" mattheo looked at the room. and once the door was shut it seems like everything went quiet. "hey y/n" "hey enzo" "why are you standing here" "im waiting for theo and mattheo get out" "oh what are they doing" "i dont know" we both waited by the door until they came out. "hey enzo" "come on enzo" i watch theo grab his arm and drag him along, explaining everything. "im not the person you need for this" "go get draco" and just like that the whole group was there. "nice of you to join us regulus" "its my pleasure" i looked at enzo was talk talking to him. we went room to room. common room to common room until everyone had been off the checklist. and all the boys had blood on them. "ew" i looked when mattheo had tried to hand me his hand. i watch him roll his eyes and take off his jacket so i could old his arm. "i never expected y/n to tell you any of that sober" "what do you mean draco" "the only time shes told me personal stuff is when she broke into out parents liquor cabinets" "so the dance" "she was drunk i could see it" "y/n is never one not to drink. but it is true pansy and astoria also made her. drinking is y/ns truth serum. but no pansy admitted to drinking and handing her a cig" draco looked at everyone. " i forgot how fun that was" "yeah and if we hurry up we wont get caught by hallway patrol" mattheo spoke causing everyone to run back to the common room. i watch the boys do their little guy hug with the hand to the chest to regulus. "mattheo shower" i looked at him opening my door. "a single?" "yeah lucky right" i shut the door and went to get a towel. "here" i spoke throwing it at him. i waited and waited. i wanted to change bras so i did just that. i took off my shirt and there he was looking at me. "fuck" he spoke walking back into the bathroom. turned away from the door taking off the other one. "y/n.. shit" i heard the door open and then close again. how i knew that was going to happen. i knew it was going to happen again because i was struggling trying to clip it. "god damn it" "i cant clip it hold on" i heard the door open one more time. i quickly put it over and mattheo clipped it. "thank you" i turned around to see him with only a towel on. "im gonna need you to put socks on" i spoke looking at his feet. "i forgot clothes." i looked at him. "heres the problem mattheo. the only boxers i have. im wearing" "right" "i dont have anything on under them" "nothing" "no i have something." i sighed and took them off anyway. i watched mattheo turn his head to look up at the ceiling. "i have something on mattheo" "is it the thong" "it is" "then this is how im staring. i quickly put on a shirt and shorts. "these should fit. these are my biggest pants. and this should work." "can i just not wear a shirt" "i dont care go get dressed" "yes maam" "ew never say that ever again" when he came back he was in fluffy flannel red pants and some random socks i could find that looked big enough. "fuck im thirsty" "need a shirt" "ill be quick" all you heard was the boys cheering. "he took my shorts" i yelled at them. earning them to laugh and explain the situation to regulus. "let me see them" was all you heard one of them yell. mattheo pulled down a corner and stuck his tongue out. i cant say i didnt laugh to. "thats my daddy" was all you heard theo say making mattheo stop in his tracks to laugh. i couldnt help but laugh with them. "WILL YOU GUYS SHUT UP" was all you heard pansy laugh. "oh shit. hi mattheo" "hi pansy" "no. hi mattheo" she spoke flirty i know that tone. "stop hitting on him pansy, he has a girlfriend" theo yelled. "okay and?" all you saw was a spell be shot towards her. "who the fuck" "careful pansy his girlfriend might be listening." they started laughing. "where is she" and another one. "WHERE IS SHE" " better just go back into your room" regulus looked at her. i could hear the eye roll. i mean he has muscle. he looks good. i saw him flutter his fingers at them making theo start blowing kisses at him. "i fucking hate you two" i spoke laughing. i sat there watching him chug a whole water bottle. "dont you dare. i know youve been with theo" "im not im not" i looked at him. "what that mouth do" he looked at me. "thats not what i was gonna say" he looked confused. "theo come over here" i spoke opening the door. i told theo what happened he looked at mattheo. i watched as he held up a little piece of his hair in a hair tie i gave him. "i can hydrate you more" mattheo looked at him. "ive got more" i heard theo clear his throat and in the girliest voice he can do he looked at mattheo. "so i make you thirsty" i watched as he winked at him. "get the fuck out theo" i watched mattheo shut the door and look at me. "so i make you thirsty, give me a break" he was laughing at it. sometimes i dont get their humor. "fuck why is it so hot" i spoke opening the window. and then getting in my bed. it was nice until mattheo laid on top of me. "hi there" he spoke. "hello" i looked at him. "want to see a trick" "what is it" "guess what i have in my hand" "air?" "no" "what is it" i was taken off guard by him kissing me on the lips. "it was that" "you fucking romantic" the comment only made him grab my face and kiss me harder. "matt" i couldnt even get a word in without being kissed each time i talked. he would break it apart and look at me. "matt" and back to kissing me he would go. i ended up just giving in and returning him the favor, which didnt make it stop, just made him more aggressive with it. "princess, babe, baby girl, or love" he looked at me. "what" "pick one" all of them" "fuck your indecisive" "hey all ha" and i was cut off again. eventually he had grabbed my thigh and i never even noticed until theo came waltzing in. "aw fuck did i ruin it" and after theo came draco. "we werent going to do it. i was playing around with her" "hes a" and there i go getting cut off again. "she seems mad" "i a" "god da" "matt" every time. "why are you holding her leg" "she tried to kick me" draco just kind of nodded. "draco has experience with that dont you buddy" "dont call me buddy. but yeah i do" "im sure they dont hurt that much" "all her strength is in her legs" theo looked at him. "EXAMPLE" and there he goes again. i got off the bed and theo jumped on my back. i was able to walk and jump. i watched theo raise his eyebrows quickly. "why dont you kick mattheo for doubting you" "wait im sorry" all it took was me walking up for him to just start scream nonsense in a high pitched tone. i got a little pat on my head and watched them leave. i did end up locking my door cause i got annoyed with them coming in when i was actually trying to sleep. but i did finally go to sleep. and it was a upgrade from last night. 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now