what do you say in a moment like this

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"if you dont wake up im going to personally jump on each of you" i fluttered my eyes open to see theo standing over me. "how the fuck" i spoke. "i wonder the same thing" "did she leave already" "if you looked on the floor." "how did you get there" "i dont know" everyone was looking around at each other. "are they together?" we all looked at the girl next to him. "no, but since draco was busy with pansy he offered in the act to act like a big brother. only child syndrome" theo spoke. "thats so sweet of you mattheo, oh weve never met before. im astoria greengrass." "y/n" "y/n malfoy" she smiled. "its first come first serve. but we shouldnt be rushed" "why not" mattheo asked. "its snowing" i was already at the window. "its really coming down" i spoke. "mcgonagall sent everyone a letter to layer up and umbrellas would be provided"astoria spoke. "and considering your the one with a water proof blanket, guess who your sitting next to" theo spoke. "how is 4 people going to fit in it" mattheo asked. theo bent over on the bed and started whispering. "i cant do that" mattheo spoke harshly in a whisper. "fucking get over it then. tuck and roll" theo spoke laughing. astoria smiled soon t follow theo in laughing. "why are we laughing" "its our little saying" theo spoke. "theres a slight problem" i spoke and everyone turned to me. "i dont have a coat" "how do you not have a coat y/n" theo looked at me. "well i just figured i wouldnt ever need one" "mattheo" theo spoke looking at him. "ill see what i have" i watched him get up and go to the closet. "have you ever owned a coat?" "it was a tommy jacket. i took off the coat part." "not fashionable enough?" "its hot and bulky" she looked at me with a little twinkle in her eye. "she gets it theo" "do not start a fight over this" "your the one forcing me to wear this eskimo of a coat" "so its my fault i want you warm?" "cut it out" mattheo spoke. he held up two options. "that one" "wrong" "then why let me choose" he threw a jean jacket coat onto me. "im going to get help y/n find clothes in her room" astoria spoke looking at theo before pulling me along to my room. "which one is yours" "the single" she looked almost confused before setting her eyes upon the empty closet looking door. "this one" "yeah" "do not tell me you live in a janitorial closet" "no i dont. i have my own bathroom all to myself" "you lucky dog. ill remember that the next time i want to take a shower" she spoke. i watched as she rummaged through my closet. "you do not pair well with winter" she spoke. "these are cute, but short" "those are probably the warmest pants in there" "im not seeing jeans" "i dont own any, they make me itch" she almost looked confused. "you only have one long sleeve" "yeah but if your going to pair it, take out my spandz" "your what" "my spandex. keeps me looking thin" she looked even more confused. "i think i need to have a talk with your brother about that. thats really concerning y/n" i looked at her puzzled. "your already really thiin, i dont think you need to be any thinner. any thinner and youll look like a tooth pick" "no it hides my chub" "baby girl..." she looked at me. "guys chase the chub i dont think you see it yet. your body is perfection." i went and found them myself and got dressed in the bathroom. "do you not have ankle socks?" "no just no show" she looked almost sad. "we can make due" she smiled. she grabbed a fluffy blanket off the bed and we headed back towards the boys dorm. "i need to talk with malfoy about little miss y/n" she spoke to theo. "why?" i watched her lean in and whistle. "shes still young astoria" "shes a year younger then us. theo. and her family has money i cant possibly understand where it all comes from" "what the hell did she say" mattheo asked getting an answer back. "ill take care of it" he spoke. "im still talking to him" Astoria murmered. "get the blankets and lets go" theo spoke. astoria kept next to me the entire walk. "is money the problem? we can go shopping" "a little but i can manage" "y/n my love, not with the clothes you have" and even entering the giant stadium we realized we were not the only people with this idea. "miss malfoy are you sure your good to wear that?" professor mcgonagall looked at me. "im fine" "arent you cold" "a little" she looked me up and down. "pick your seats and heres an umbrella" she spoke giving us all an umbrella. "draco is behind us with pansy and blaise" "wheres enzo" "lorenzo berkshire is already here. he was the first to arrive." professor spoke again. once we found enzo we claimed a seat at the top in front of the only wall.  "best seats for the cold" theo spoke. "these are a lot more spacious then the front row seats" pansy spoke. i took a seat on the bench. "amatur" blaise spoke sitting down and slideing to the floor with his legs resting on the bench. but the second i tried it i ended up hitting my head on the wall. "be more careful y/n" pansy spoke making everyone look at me all the while im holding my head. "thanks, should have said that before hand" i spoke getting mad. "Draco your sister is getting upset" "shes cold. give her a break" he spoke back. "get up for a second" mattheo spoke. i sat back on the bench. i looked over to see astoria sitting in-between theos legs looking comfy. i felt the back of my jacket get pulled "scoot closer" theo spoke earning mattheo to scoot both him and me over. "so this is what you were whispering about" astoria asked "i figured it was the only way to fit" theo answered. out of fear of bumping my head again i was still sitting up even between mattheos legs. "scoot closer" mattheo spoke and i watched as they were basically shoulder to shoulder. "y/n your going to have to lay back" i looked at astoria and she pushed my shoulder down. "i dont think mattheo is going to let you get hurt again" she smiled at me. she had a point my head was on his shoulder, since he was sitting up i had back support and a head rest. "put this under your shoes" he spoke i did as told. "put your feet in the space under the seat" "you do the same" theo looked at Astoria. mattheo leaned me back down and wrapped his jacket around me before zipping it back up. "how are you both fitting in that tiny ass jacket" "simple" mattheo answered. "i dont have arms" i spoke earning astoria to laugh and theo to smile. and once the big blanket was on it wasnt so cold anymore. "why are you so close"draco spoke. "separate" "im keeping her warm your welcome" mattheo smiled at him. "not to warm her cheeks are redder then a fucking jolly rancher" i looked at mattheo who looked at my cheeks and nose. they always get red in the cold. sometimes even a little blue. "let me see" theo spoke and once i turned to him he started laughing only to get punched my astoria who was also struggling with a little red cheek. and thats when the first sniffle came. i watched as everyone turned their head to me. "3..2...1" draco spoke and right on cue i sneezed. mattheo flipped the hood on the jacket i was wearing and pulled the strings. "i cant breathe" i spoke only earning him to loosen the strings a little. "if we put the umbrellas to the left it should stop windshield" astoria spoke. "i didnt get gloves" theo spoke only to hair a pair thrown at him. "your welcome mate" blaise yelled. i had enzo next to me and blaise was next to draco and pansy. "they pulled names yesterday didnt they?" "yeah. its cedric and harry, i dont care for the others" "krum i think" everyone was talking and i was shivering. "still cold" a little" "theo did you bring another blanket" "yeah here" and the second he took off the top blanket i started shivering more. mattheo tried to be as quick as he could but with the wind it was like an impossible battle. "here let me help" and just like that i had 3 blankets on me. "better" "yeah" "good" mattheo placed a quick little kiss on the temple of my head. "what are you doing mattheo" "making sure shes warm. is that not allowed" "draco leave him alone" pansy spoke. "i dont need him making moves on my sister pansy" i watched as she rolled her eyes. she was already mad that theo is giving his girlfriend the royalty treatment and all draco is giving her is a arm around her shoulder. more by more we watched people huddle in. "draco im cold" "then get under the blanket more" "ugh" we all looked over there. "mind your shit" she looked at us. "expect you y/n your to cute to be mad at" i smiled "gee maybe draco should catch a hint" "he never will"  we watched everyone walk out and they went over the game rules and a bunch of other boring things. "its staring to snow again" mattheo spoke. "get the other umbrella" theo looked at his lady. i got a head nudge from mattheo. "no arms mattheo" "ah fuck, theo hold this" i watched him hand the umbrella over and open mine before grabbing his again. he set it a certain way to hide both of us. "how are we supposed to see" "give me a second, my hands are cold" i tilted my head back to look at him only to get a kiss on the tip of my nose. "what are you guys doing under the umbrella" draco spoke. "i only have two hands draco will you fucking give me a second" mattheo yelled. it didnt take long for the umbrellas to move to create a little tent. blocking the wind and snow. he even found a place to put them to where they stayed. he moved his arms inside his jacket and wrapped them around me. "this is the warmest my hands have been since we got here" he spoke sinking back into the wall a little more. "draco what are you doing" "making sure my sister doesnt get wind burn" "wind burn?" i watched as he put a little plastic film over the little tent mattheo had made. "if you cared to actually learn my sister and be a good friend youd know the wind and cold give her burns similar to sunburns." he spoke. "you have another one draco" theo spoke from beside us. "i only have two and one is mine" i felt mattheos body flinch followed by him pushing me up. "i have to get someone out my pocket im sorry" i unzipped part of the jacket with my teeth and the rest of the way with my fingers before sitting up a little. "flip and tuck flip and tuck" he started murmuring. "theo i need your lighter." "only if your sharing" i watched mattheo pull out a small box and go under the plastic cover. "MATTHEO MY FUCKING SISTER" "DRACO SHES FINE" and that started a yelling party. "IM OUTSIDE OF THE FUCKING PLASTIC WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME" "TO GET AWAY FROM HER" "IM NOT FUCKIN DOING THAT" it wasnt long before the shivering started again. "theo" he spoke. "you were right im sorry" "yeah well help me now" "i dont think i can" "what the fuck are yall talking...oh thats funny" astoria started laughing. "perfect" mattheo spoke. and then i saw draco standing in front of the whole line of view. "what the fuck is wrong with you three" "nothing draco move out of the way." mattheo spoke. "theo help me please" "what the fuck do you want me to do" "i just dont want her cold anymore" "just toughen it out mattheo. im sure she wouldnt care" i could hear them whisper fighting. "you fucking pervert" draco spoke reaching under the plastic to try and get me out. "let her go draco" "shes my fucking sister" "shes my fucking friend" "expect you dont like her like one" "what the fuck are you talking about draco" astoria spoke. "tuck it" draco waited for an answer. "you tuck a hard on astoria" and then it clicked for me and her. "mattheo you have a hard on" "why cant everyone just shut up" he spoke putting his face in his hands. "give me my sister you dirty." i pulled my hands away quickly. "y/n lets go" "i dont want to its warm" "your coming with me" "if she doesnt want to she doesnt have to draco" theo spoke. "im not going to let her sit there in between the legs of someone who cant control their dick who cant even keep it in his pants" he spoke on and on. i looked back at mattheo was was still hiding in his hands. "why cant you just shut up draco" he spoke. "i cant believe i didnt see it earlier. you trying to get in her pants. your no better then pucey" draco spoke once more "go away draco, mattheo is nothing like pucey. hes never once touched me in a way i dont like. you cant be mad at him for being there for me when you never were." i spoke under the plastic. "just come out y/n" "no. your shit talking my friends and im not standing for it" i watched him walk away in a huff. but the second i tried to lay back down mattheo pushed my back up. "give me a second" he spoke looking up at the umbrellas. "just let her mattheo shes folded in half" astoria spoke. i took my hood off and laid back down. and looked at mattheo who was avoiding all eye contact. "its fine mattheo" "no its not" "yes it is" he looked at me for a split second before burying his head into my shoulder. i didnt even remember falling asleep. but i did apparently. 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now