hello to another world

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i woke up in the middle of the night nightmares are one shitty son of a bitch. "mattheo" i was whispering my ass off. "mattheo" "mattheo" i was becoming more frantic the more he didn't get up. "mattheo" "huh" "mattheo" i'm crying. why am i crying it wasn't sad. "what's wrong" my entire body hurt that's what's wrong i'm in pain asshole. that's not what i said. what actually came out was a bunch of crying and gibberish. all he did was pull me in and fall back asleep. "maaaaaaa" "y/n what" i sat up to see theo. all i did was punch the side of mattheo. followed by more gibberish. "she wants mattheo. mattheo isn't listening. somethings wrong" i heard astoria speaking. "MATTHEO" "huh what i'm awake" "good" i watched theo go back to sleep after 30 minutes mattheo ended up taking me to draco's room. "why the fuck did you bring her here mattheo it's 3am" "shut up blaise" "y/n no one can understand you if you cry" i looked at draco. trying to speak more. "i'm stumped" blaise spoke turning back around. "y/n what happened" i swallowed the lump in my throat. "dream pain. i hurt. i hurt all over everything" "so you had a nightmare and your whole body hurts?" "pain" i looked at him. he gave me medicine and told me to lay down. "mattheo" "i can take her back now." "go to your room" "what?" "go to sleep in your room" i watched mattheo leave and i was still crying. "draco make her stop" "i don't know what the hell to do. y/n go to sleep" "it hurts" "GET MATTHEO" i heard another girls voice. i watched blaise get out of bed and return with a tired mattheo. "mattheo take her back i need sleep. she's been crying non stop" he did. he brought me back to his room. "theo get the fuck outta bed" "what? why me" "go. you are both clueless come here y/n" i did as told. "get comfortable" "but" "y/n i can sleep anywhere on anything i won't be uncomfortable unlike some people i know" i watched her look at mattheo who had been complaining all night that he couldn't lay like that or i couldn't lay like that. in the end half my body was stretched out on top of Astoria and her arm became my pillow. i did end up falling to sleep.
"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME" i woke up to mattheo yelling to see him pushing off pansy. "oh fuck" that's all i heard next to me i looked at Astoria who looked pissed. "but mattheo" "pansy i don't like you. i will never like you. stop trying to get with me" "do i need to tell your boyfriend your trying to cheat on him?" "Astoria you wouldn't" "i would pansy" the time of tears started again. "god damn it not again" theo spoke even shedding a little tear. "mattheo i think y/n is the one cheating. honest to god. i'm just trying to give you payback" "pansy be so for real" i could hear theo speaking. i was still just crying. "your pathetic pansy" "your a traitor. you are sleeping literally with my fucking enemy." "she did nothing wrong to you pansy. from the start you have been nothing but mean to her. why? because you could? because you wanted to? because you dated her brother?" "i would still be with him if she didn't fuck it up" "you wouldn't be he didn't even like you pansy" "what did you say y/n?" "he didn't like you" "who did he like" "that's my brothers stuff i'm not telling you" "oh fucking grow up y/n crying like a child. why? because i touched mattheo. fucking grow up.or do you need your parents to beat some sense into you" now i'm mad i went to throw a hit and got grabbed by astoria which started a mad sad mad sad combo which ended up with me being in worse pain and a crying laughing fit. "we just got her to stop and now it's worse fuck" i could hear mattheo his voice was tired. astoria was just hugging me. "she woke up y/n" "mattheo" "that's my fucking fiancé theo and guess what? i couldn't even get her to go to sleep. and when i finally got something close to sleep pansy fucking ruined it" "fiancé?" pansy looked at mattheo. "yeah their engaged pansy" theo spoke. "your serious..." "yeah why wouldn't they be" "astoria" "leave pansy." i heard the door open and close. "come here cara mia" theo spoke opening his arms. "theo" "shut up mattheo. i've been calling her that since before you were together" "it wasn't that asshole." theo hugged me. i was still crying. "it hurts" "what the fuck do i do about the pain" mattheo looked at astoria. "painkillers" "she took some" "take more" i did take more. even after they should have kicked in they didn't. warning me more. didn't work. "mattheo" "yeah babe" "bathroom" "go to the bathroom" "bathroom" "y/n" i turned my head to see astoria looking at me. "use your hands to explain bathroom" i motioned everything for bath. "mattheo. start a bath" "i didnt fucking think of that" and here i was walking down the hall with mattheo to take a bath with him. i ended up laying on top of him with my cheek on his chest....i fell asleep.

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now