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(the idea was given from a new co author. it may very on how she wanted it. but eh, she told me to add a tw for pregnancy and loss. so... this is one thing out of comfort a little but ehhh who cares)

it had been a couple days and i noticed something wasnt right. i went to the only person i know who to go to. "ginny" "what is it" "i looked at my period log" "yeah?" "i havent had a period for like a week and 3 days" i watched her expression drop. "when was the last time you did it" i pulled out my little log book. "all the ones marked with a little heart" "y/n your like way off of the period" "i know" she ended up taking me in the middle of the school day to the drugstore. "can i get 2 clearblue tests" "thats 20" "here" once she had them in hand we went back to hogwarts. "dont be scared y/n im sure everything just threw it off" i looked at her. "easy for you to say, but what do i do if i am?" "well do you want a child" "i mean no, im still in school. im moneyless. im not mentally prepared for a child ginny" "i thought that would be the answer. well then hope for a no" "will you be there with me" "of course i will" i watched her give me a shy smile. i just fucking turned 16, one year off of the majority. "why couldnt i be safer" "well now we know for future reference" i laughed a little but not enough to shake my nerves. "nows a bad time to tell you but you kinda have a little zit right there" she spoke pointing to my cheek. "i know" "y/n i thought you had a period" "i thought i did to but now that i look back. i didnt bleed like i usually do. it was light. less painful but still hurt" "y/n..." i watched her look at me. "i dont want to talk about it" when we got back we used my bathroom since i didnt feel like using the gryffindor shared bathrooms. "i took it" "you peed on the stick" "noi filled a cup to dip them into" once we dipped them we set them aside and left the room. "at 3:34 we can look at them" she spoke trying her best to comfort me. "there hasnt been any changes has there been" "i mean your more tired? more sensitive. you pee a lot more?" she looked at me. "what else" "your taste is different but no to different for anyone to notice" i smiled shyly and we waited until it hit. we both walked in. "y/n" "ginny" "i dont know what to say" "im so fucked. everyone is gonna kill me" i sat there holding one of the 2 positive pregnancy tests" "we have to go to a office for this" "can you get ahold of your mother?" "i think we should go there and explain" i ended up writing everyone a note and taking all the evidence with me. and we were off. once we got there i felt like i was going to cry. "oh is something wrong" "girl talk" she ended up following us to ginnys room. "oh y/n" i was pretty much crying. "we can go to the doctors but they may not be able to fit you in for sometime" "shes really upset" "i can see that ginny. every girl is" molly looked at ginny and smiled back at me. and here we were in a health clinic for women. "i need a pregnancy test and a age check" molly was speaking for me. "whats the name" i shook my head no. "anonymous" they looked at me. "your name is juila baker. what age are you julia" "16" "female?" "yes maam" "you dont have to be formal. and is a complaint needed or police investigation" "no" "are you sure" i nodded yes biting my thumb. it looked like a SA case. but its not its my own stupid choices. "please take a seat and we can call you back" we all sat down and ginny held my hand. "how do i tell mattheo? how do i tell draco?" "y/n look at me" i turned around to look at molly. "you dont have to tell anyone, or explain anything until your ready. they can even fit you in for an abortion is need be" i looked at her some more. "do you understand" "yes maam" "oh man shes reverted" ginny spoke all molly did was pull me into a hug and kiss my temple. "cut her a break ginny" "yes mother" "julia baker?" we all stood up. "would you like everyone with you" "yes please" they did my weight and my height. "okay your 5'1 and i need you to sit here so i can do blood pressure" i sat there and watched them but the arm thing on. "okay honey i need you to put your hands down and uncross your legs" "yes maam" she smiled at me. i looked at ginny and molly. and then i was brought into a room. "pee in this cup. and we will test your blood and get a sono. check for heartbeat" i nodded and did as told. we waited and they came back to take my blood. i held ginnys hand knowing needles were something i didnt like. and when they were done we waited an hour. "okay juila. your pregnant. we are still testing for a bunch of other stuff but looking at the hormones and trace. we are guessing first trimester. 4 to 8 weeks" i just nodded my head. they brought in the machine and put it on my stomach. "theres the baby. but we have to uh. put this up there to see if theres a heartbeat" i did what i had to in terms of undressing. "so have you ever been to a obgyn or gyno?" "no maam" "thats alright. your going to feel pressure but it shouldnt be to bad" it was. "theres the heartbeat. its very faint but its there. your blood work should be out in a couple of minutes" i got redressed and sat there holding ginnys hand. "i think i want to cry" "i know" i rested my head on her shoulder. "im here for you y/n" "thank you mother weasley" she smiled at me with the biggest smile ive ever seen. "okay so your 5 weeks along. now we cant preform an abortion until your 6 weeks or later.we cant other places probably could but we get can you in when your about 10 weeks if youd like that" i just looked at them. "you can think about it and slip us a letter or come in again and talk to us if thats a better option" "it is" ginny spoke for me. i nodded my head to agree with her. "and your still a student correct?" "yes sir" "okay any meds?" "buspirone" "alright, for anxiety?" "yes" "alright, dont hate me but i will need you to stop taking it until the baby is born or until there isnt one anymore" "i understand" "and i know you drank recently i see it in your blood as well as drugs." "yes" "ghb was found in your system, so are you sure you dont want police intervention?" "im sure" "sorry whats ghb?" i turned to look at molly. "its a date rape drug. you slip it in a drink or something and well the rest is history." molly looked at me shocked i just looked at her back. "your free to go. given your age and everything its all free of charge. but if you would like us to file a report we can" "thank you" we all walked out. "is it mattheos?" "yes mom it is. i was with her she got back safe. even ron was with her" "you were at a bar?" "no mom" "there was a party. ginny and ron werent drinking but it was my birthday so i thought a few couldnt hurt. 5 other girls maybe didnt get as lucky as i did. i watched them pass out. but i couldnt do anything cause i did to" molly just hugged both of us. "hogwarts partys were always so crazy" she smiled. when we got back to the house of the weasleys, ginnys dad was home. "what are you guys doing here" "y/n had to go to the doctors and didnt want to go alone" molly covered for me. "oh for you ankle" "yes sir" he looked almost taken aback. "food?" the sight of food made me want to puke. "oh you poor thing, they drew blood and now shes been so sick" 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now