in my own way

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i made the call to finally leave my room only to see ginny. it was the weekend so i figured it be good to see her. well not the weekend but friday. "ginny" "hey y/n" "i wanted to say sorry for the whole arm thing" "i get it y/n its who you are. you dont like it, what it represents. i think we all do. we did worry for awhile." she gave me a smile. "malfoy" i just kept looking at ginny. "umbridge is trying to get your attention" "i didnt hear her call me" "malfoy"  i turned around to see her looking at me. "your hair is out of dress code your out of dress code in general. your not in classes and havent been all week" "oh uh yeah" i just looked at her. "bye ginny" i did try to walk away before my shirt was pulled. "detention with me lets go" class had 5 minutes left. if i just fucking waited. i ended up sitting there with cho and ron. i smiled at ron who smiled back. "was worried about you y/n" he spoke sitting next to me. "sorry" "its fine. we all talked about it and found out why you would. i would do the same honestly" i figured ginny would tell them what happened. "no talking" i looked at ron. "but i really do like what you did to your hair" "i had to hide" "thats it malfoy. your being extra disobedient" she rolled up my sleeve on the opposite arm. i watched as she wrote 'bad listener' "i hope that hurt enough to teach you" i shrugged it off. "anyway its what i had to do" she ended up writing attention seeker on the same arm. "doesnt that hurt" "kinda but i like it" she did end up slapping the shit out my cheek. "one thing about free will is that i dont have to be here" i spoke looking at ron and left cho snickering until she saw i wasnt phased. i did leave i went to ginny and showed her. "shes so mean to you. to burn that into your arm" "its fine it doesnt hurt much" we ended up going to the dining hall for dinner to see the boys and astoria. "oh my y/n your hair. where have you been?" "just around." "whats wrong ginny" "y/n had detention with umbridge and the stuff she did is ruthless" now all the boys were looking at ginny. "show us" theo spoke. ginny turned my head to show the giant handprint on my cheek and lifting up my sleeve to reveal the words. "shes fucking dead" mattheo spoke. "hey sit" i looked at him, he ended up sitting back down. i rested my head on his shoulder and ginny sat next to astoria. but little by little it was coming closer and closer. mcgonagall and i both knew it would come earlier then what we thought. she knew what harry had been up to. she had the letters. she had been preparing. it was to soon. i ended up leaving the table and sitting by harry while they watched me. "mcgonagall is going to hide the slytherins. i will have to join them harry. but once i get out. ill help the best i can" "i trust you y/n" "i fear it will come closer then we expected" "i understand." "you better stay alive potter" "i wouldnt miss it for the world malfoy" and when i went back everyone was looking at me. "i had a question what?" "nothing" everyone all seemed to say at the same time. once we ate we sat down. i cant pretend its like old times when i had nothing to worry about. i have everything to worry about. i just watch them live carefree. so much so i ended up leaving. and once i got to the main part of london it didnt take long before i was spotted. real world, no magic allowed. "my dear y/n" "mother" "your hair looks nice" "as does yours" she pulled me into an alley. "your a smart girl. why are you not protected" "its not the same anymore. i cant think of anywhere as a safe place. not with the kill band" "the dark lord knew you werent going to be found. your father ended up working it out along side snape" "and tom?" "he helped aid it. shocking to us all. he was the one who we figured would be the best to find you and kill you" "shocker" "you do something to him y/n. you dont see it. you never do" i looked her in the eyes. "i wish i would never see those eyes again" "sorry to upset you" "dont apologise my youngest. you never had a say so in how you become. tom wishes for you to join him. and the lord wanted to send you to do something with him. something easy. theres a meeting tonight" "dont expect me to be there" "under your protection. we will not attempt to kill you" i ended up walking to her car and getting in and when we stepped inside the malfoy manner i was seen by my father. "y/n your hair" "i do not need you to say anything" "your a lucky girl y/n" "i understand" "those eyes, they are living up to the malfoy family" i rolled my eyes going to my room to clean my mess. i stayed in my room until everyone entered. safe to assume the boys had no idea i was here. i could hear little bits of the meeting. "pay attention" "boys" "gentlemen" "snape please bring" "i got it" i watched the door open as i was pouring a glass of water. "y/n. i hate to do this. but your requested" "and if i decline?" "its better to come" "can you drag me so it looks like im fighting you" i watched him smile. "your deceitful" "have to be professor" he smiled and dragged me in like i requested. "since you wont listen ill have to resort to other means" his voice rung. snape knew i didnt want to be here. he knew i didnt want to do this. but i had to much like draco in a sense. "ah shes finally found finally here" i watched all the boys heads turn to me. "tom since the boys at the end of the table wont listen. take the traitor. shes get you out of any trouble." "as you wish my lord" i watched tom smile at me. "ill go instead" draco stood up. "you had your chances. i tried and now ive found the gem" in the end tom took my hand and dragged me along. "you can leave me here." "you look hot in your outfit. i think ill show you off. play a little lie" "its just a black long sleeve and baggy jeans?" "its a tight fit black top. and the baggy jeans leaves room for imagination" i rolled my eyes. "your true nature has come to play y/n malfoy" "name a time when i give two fucks about what you say" in the end me shit talking him was probably his biggest turn on. in the end he did all the work while i sat there looking pretty and getting my nails done. red underside black on top. very long and sharp. no fancy design apart from a few red jewels. "you dont being a girl?" "never" i spoke looking at my nails. "did you really pay for those" "i did" he almost looked disgusted. "i can claw just about anyone and leave a mark" he doubted me so i proved it and now hes bleeding. he looked at me with rage and lust. "im going home" i spoke leaving still looking at my nails. "we arent done y/n" he spoke pulling my hair back towards him. "that fucking hurt" "yeah so does my neck y/n" "oopsies" "you dont mean that" "oh my i so didnt know" i spoke like a valley girl. he was getting annoyed now. "hows your arm short ass" "i dont know yet im still cutting it" "stop it" "afraid are you?" i looked up at him for him to look down at me. "if we got caught i could yell no consent" "you wouldnt" "oh but i would riddle" "your a sneaky bitch and i like it" in the end tom liked having me as a partner cause i did nothing. NOTHING. not even looked at him while he did it. even in the end it was just simply finding places to see where they could fight from. "come on we are heading back" "okay" i followed behind like a little duck. in the end he grabbed my hand and started walking watching people look at us. "unhand me right now" "no" "tom marvolo riddle" and now i have a hand. "never call me that again" "never touch me and i wont" no he was not happy about the current mood i was in, but he liked it. he was turned on and when we returned he returned with out me only to drag me back down to the meeting. "good job young ones" "thank you lord" "whatever" i ended up getting elbowed by tom. "your welcome" "thats not what he said" "to be frank i wasnt paying attention" "maybe you should" "maybe you should hop off my dick" tom ended up grabbing my arm. "tom marvolo riddle" "what did i tell you about that" "and what did i say in response" "stop fighting" he let go and took his seat. "wont you stay with us y/n" "no" i spoke shutting the door. tom ended up dragging me again. "what happened to your neck tom" "y/n" and now everyone was looking at me. "what?" "you scratched his neck" "he shouldnt have doubted me then" and then everyone looked at the both of us. "maybe you should have did a little more then stand there with your back against the wall" "and maybe you shouldnt have tried to make me seem like me and you are a thing for validation that maybe your not lonely" i read him like a book so clearly. i raised my eyebrows at him waiting for him to say something but he never did. he sat down and kept quiet, and i left. they cant stand how i can still stand against them. and in the end when everyone was leaving tom came by and grabbed my cheeks. "you made a fool out of me" "oopsies" "oops my ass y/n narcissa malfoy" "let go of me tom" in the end everyone was staring. "what can you do about it" i ended up biting his hand and clawing the fuck out of his face. "you fucking psycho" "no im not" "you are and i love it" "get the fuck away from me tom" i ended up running from him screaming only earning all of the boys to get in the way of him. "thats my fucking women tom" "you dont know her like i do mattheo. none of you do. none of you compare to me." and in the end of them having that little fued i left the house and started walking. "where are you going" i looked to see theo. "i dont know yet" "so what happened" "nothing much. i got my nails done. i stood on a wall. he held my hand and i told him to never touch me. he called me hot. psycho. just random shit. i didnt really do much" "you wanna turn on those emotions a little" i looked at theo. i rolled my eyes and let the show start. "this is not the outfit to have emotion in." i laughed a little earning one back. "who found you" "my mother" he looked concerned. "your gonna tell them arent you" "yeah no shot im not" "careful y/n" "i always am" he gave me a hug. "can i see it" "see what" "your arm" i did end up showing him. only earning a bigger hug, a tighter one. and when everyone came out they stared at theo hugging me. they also watched his hand go from my back to the back of my head. i looked at mattheo who was already pissed off. when he finally let go and looked me in the eyes there was something different. "i dont have time for that theo. im getting tea" i spoke walking off. mattheo ended up catching me and holding my hand. "your looking back at theo mattheo. look forward" i never really smiled anymore which made everyone worry about me 10 times more. "babe?" i looked at mattheo. "what did you see in his eyes?" "its not important mattheo" he stopped mid walk to hug me. "can i have a back ride?" "yeah" he smiled at me. i just looked at him. once i got on his back i wrapped my arms around his neck. "your thinking i dont have feelings for you anymore arent you?" "that noticeable?" "yeah. but i do mattheo. i love you" "having trouble with controlling your emotions?" "yeah. its been a rough couple of weeks" "theres a lot going on" "how do you not let it affect you" "i guess im used to it" i felt him kiss my arm. "i feel like its been forever since youve done that" "feels like it doesnt it" "you sure you havent lost feelings for me mattheo?" "most definitely not" i knew he was smiling. "but you do scare the fuck out of me with the way you switch" "oh shut up mattheo you do the same thing" "but its not creepy when i do it" "you do creep people out mattheo" i had some emotion in my voice. "hey look at me" i watched mattheo turn his head. i kissed him before smiling at him. i watched him smile and keep walking with the rest of the boys so fucking far behind us. its mid january and im freezing my ass off. but i want some damn cold ass tea. "iced black with caramel please" "what size" "large." i paid and sat down at a table. "would you like milk or something" "please" "what kind" "caramel and half and half" she smiled handing them to me. i poured both and went on my way to find the boys standing there. "can i try?" i gave mattheo a sip watching him fall in love with it much like theo and draco did. we did go back to hogwarts and i told them everything once more. "your an icon y/n" ginny spoke. "a mission?" hermione was confused. "its okay hermione. she got her nails done" "and clawed the fuck out of mattheos brother" once it was established what was happening i left to go to my room. since draco never really had the chance to talk to me he lead me to the haunted bathroom. "that scared the fuck out of me y/n" "how do you think i felt" "you know tom likes you right" "i got the gist draco" "i cant believe they found you" "our mother did." "im glad your safe" "i lowkey thought tom was going to try something on me" i smiled at him. "your never fucking leaving our side" "we can see" i laughed. we left and walked to the common room to see everyone there. "can i have a bum theo" i looked at him smoking his cigs. he ended up handing it to me and i took a hit before giving it back. "you hold it like its weed" "thanks theo" "two fingers" when i tried it was a little more challenging. but i made it work. i looked into his eyes again. "theres something you need to tell me theo"  "i know you can see it. im working on it" "i know you care about me, but im your best friends fiance" "maybe one day" "maybe theo. but its not going to happen now or for awhile" "i know" i knew it was the look of love. he has a crush on me, but doesnt want to tell mattheo. "what are you both doing out here" "smoking" "looking at the stars" theo tried to hand me the cig only for it to get taken by mattheo. and once mattheo handed it back he tried to pass it to me. i took it and bummed a hit, but then it got taken out my fingers. "dont look at me like that she asked for it mattheo" "you can say no. its a fucking word you know" mattheo took my hand and we went inside. "really y/n?" "i wanted to see if anything changed" "your upset and stressed i get it. but theo. i dont know what the fuck he is thinking giving it to you" "hes giving a bum to his crush mattheo" and in the end astoria ratted him out. "my fucking fiance theo really?" "im fucking working on it mattheo. its not like i want to" "you like my fucking fiance. after all these fucking times i trusted you" "and look we both fucking care mattheo. id be pissed to. but at least i would understand and support the fact of even though you like her youd still be there to help if she was in trouble" i was dragged to my room. "y/n, babe, princess" "yes mattheo" he didnt even speak he just kissed me. "sex?" i looked at him and smiled. "Sex" 

and even then i felt like i was on top of the world again. 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now