im not a blow up doll

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i woke up to mattheo laying on top of me and talking to his mother. "you cant stay mad at him forever over one little thing" "but i can" "sometimes i wish i had girls" "hes hiding someone in there" i heard another voice ring. "who are you hiding mattheo" "im not hiding anyone" i heard shuffling and stuff opening and closing. "ill call everyone and tell them to keep an eye out of the girl. its only natural she would run to someone she knows" they are talking about me. "im staying here until further notice" i could hear his mother speaking. "what if i have to change" "the bathroom is right there" "but my clothes are here" "your going to want to hear this" once she left mattheo had put me out the window and told me to get somewhere safe. it would take at least 5 hours to get to the weasleys. so i ran and ran. "GINNY OPEN" it was molly. "come in come in"  i was hushed inside. "sit sit what happened" i looked around at the table and looking at the date. i was sleeping for a day and a half. "they found out a plan of mine. i was staying with the boys and now they are camping the whole area" i smiled shyly. i noticed harry in the corner next to ron and hermione walking out of the bathroom. "glad to see your still safe" fred came up and patted my shoulder. "but where am i going to stay. i need to get to the train. ive been trying for a week straight" they all looked at me. "harry your going back tonight right? wont you be a doll and take y/n with you" "im sure they have contacted the school already are we sure its smart" harry looked at me. "why not just lock yourself in your room" hermione looked at me. i pulled out my wand. "you ready?" she just kept looking at me "appraition" i spoke and suddenly i was teleported next to her. "how do you know that" ron asked. "the uppers learn it, right now the twins are going into it" "after all hogwarts granted her to move up to your level" molly spoke. i had spoken to molly the most about everything. "your moving up y/n? thats great" ginny spoke. "im upset cause you wont be there as much. but they said its a partial grade move until i full get moved in. i've even been studying" i spoke looking around. there was banging on the door. me and harry both hid next to the stairs. "funny seeing you here potter" i spoke mocking my brother. "funny seeing you hide malfoy" we both ended up laughing a little bit. that was the only thing we could fully joke on was how my brother acted. "hello?" "is this the weasleys residence?" "yes, who are you" "im theodore nott, has y/n arrived here safely?" "im sorry what?" "your not going to answer and thats fine. just shake your head no and shoo me off. just protect her for a while" "no shes not here, now go" "thank you. she isnt here what else do you want from me" and with that she shut the door. "the whole slytherin party is looking for me great." "he seemed sweet" "usually he is." "ginny said you have your eye on someone is that him" "oh no he just broke up with his girlfriend" she seemed almost upset. "can you teach me that spell y/n" "were not 17 harry" i looked at his puppy dog eyes. "do this, then this, and then this. but first keep it in your head where you want to go. like next to ron. and apprarition" and now im next to ron. "next to y/n" he spoke thinking about it "apparition" we all just started looking. "apparition" "swing swing flick drag drag flick." i spoke. "when you get to year 6 you will learn nonverbal spells. if your capable. oh i have to add that to my list" i sat there pulling out paper and a crappy pen. "what is that for" "the school is testing me cause im cool and somethings dont work on me" "like a Guinea pig?" "yeah" i watched as molly looked at me concern. "its controlled. ive helped with one of them before. the professors make sure nothing happens" ginny spoke up. "we tested truth serum" "did it work" shes unphased by it until you give her 11 and then it wears off in 1 minute" ginny smiled. "they said its cause my heart is to big and kind" "i doubt it" ron spoke earning freds elbow. "shes a sweet soul in a unfourtate place. of course shes gonna be a little snippy" he explained. "does your brother get treated like this" "no mrs.malfoy" "hes the golden child" hermione popped in. "my father never really wanted another child and a girl at that" i explained. they all looked around upset. "sweets. i want sweets" i was handed some of ginnys sweets. only to later that night start my monthly. "owwe" "owww" i sat there rolling around. "stress can do that. take these" i took it without even giving it a second thought. "ill run a nice bath" molly smiled stroking my hair. "i want more sweets" "quite the sugar crave you have going on there" molly smiled at me and sent the twins to the store. "ginny help me i feel like im dying" she just looked concerned. "i need comfy clothes. appraition" i grabbed what i needed and teleported back. changing in her room. "a hoodie and fluffy pants with fluffy house slippers" "yes. im so glad you can see the look i was going for"  she was just laughing laying next to me on her bed watching the tv. "this is so cool." i spoke. "does your house even have lights" "yes. but that is it. im sure they probably felt the electric dim due to my spell. after some long needed sleep i woke up still in pain. "we leave for hogwarts tomorrow y/n are you going to survive" "im sure i will" i forgot we go back early only to have no classes but rather us get reused to being there. just being there i still managed to run through all my sweets. "i sent a letter to draco and the boys saying i will be leaving early tomorrow and to meet me at the train station" i looked at ginny. "good" "are you okay" "just thinking about your class changes." "mcgonagall said she will sit me next to whoever i feel comfortable being around and still show me the ropes" "well thats good" "dont be upset please i will cry" and before she could even decline i was. "harry decided to stay another day. whats wrong with you" "RON" "ginny is upset with me for moving classes"v "no im not i promise" "girls" ron spoke leaving. "LIKE YOUR BETTER THEN US RONALD WEASLEY" ginny shouted at the top of her lungs. and when the new day came i had to go to my house and grab stuff before i left once more. we were running to the train station and through the wall. "sugar" i spoke looking at a shop for candy. "ill go in" george spoke letting me run wild. "100 in candy alone" he spoke showing fred the paper copy. "they are here y/n" i still looked like a homeless person with my clothes. "careful with that one draco, she will run your pockets over candy" fred laughed. i got a hug from each of the boys and i just sat there eating my candy. "monthly" draco asked looking at ginny. "good guess, shes on a bunch of pain pills so if shes a little loopy you can blame it on me." ginny smiled. mattheo had wrapped his arm around my neck and gave me a little kiss on the forehead. "mattheo lets go" theo had spoke. "my throat has been hurting. and my stomach hurts. and my nose is a little runny" i was rambling on and on while they just sat there and listened. "and some old lady the other day gave me 40 thinking i was homeless. i wasnt offended. i bought this cool jacket with it" "shes never going to shut up is she draco" "no blaise she wont. she will yap your ears off for hours until she just burns" draco sighed. "but then i met a dog. and it looked hungry so i gave it the rest of my food. and speaking of food i want chicken coated with bread crumbs and a side of ranch fries. and cook it in the oven at 425 for 20 minutes until its crunchy but not to crunchy" i looked at draco. "where am i going to get that" "i dunno but i want it" i dont know how that made everyone laugh but it did. "good night" "what" "good night" all i remember was falling asleep on impact. ' 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now