forgiven curses

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its been sometime since my first year has passed. draco became nicer to me at least and thats about it. most of the other kids were scared off for reasons untold. "y/n you have to leave my friends will be over soon" "fuck off" today was my birthday, the big 14. "i mean it" "you dont mean anything draco, you havent even told me happy birthday" "happy birthday, now leave" the ability's to switch from doe to siren is a amazing thing. with one glance i laid my happy ass back in his bed. "wake me up in 3 hours" "no" and within 5 seconds there was 3 knocks on the door. "sorry about the GREMLIN IN MY BED" draco spoke. "draco you cheeky bastard" "ew" i spoke shooting up. "i told you to leave" "i told you im staying" "one night stand gone wrong" "theo that is my sister" "no way" i looked so hard in disbelief. "aint no way, you guys look nothing alike" "mattheo chill dont you see...there really is nothing" blaise you son of a bitch. lucky for draco i have the anger of a thousand men. "whoa" i looked back at the boys before leaving in a huff. 

im a dorm gremlin, signifying i only live in my dorm 24/7. but considering my parents havent gave me money in over 2 years i had to start stealing. what better person to start with then draco. i knew he would be gone and since blaise has become obsessed with studying i knew it wouldnt be difficult.  just a simple knock on the door. "blaise its me open" and right in front of me the door swung open. "wheres dracos money" "y/n why dont you just tell him" "thats not going to solve anything" "2nd drawer to the left" he spoke letting out a sigh. "what is it for this time" "its personal blaise" "you know he will be back any second" and here comes the bride right on que. "what the hell do you think your doing" i turned around the quickest i ever have in my entire life. "its not what it looks like" "it looks like youve blown through your money and stealing mine" "tell him y/n" "tell me what" theres a crowd....5 boys in front of me. "i cant" "then i will" and now everyone is looking at blaise. "remember how you blamed all of us for stealing your money malfoy" "yes" "its been y/n, your parents havent gave her a lick of money in 2 years, so when she needs something she begs, steals even gambles. but she didnt want you to know" and now the eyes are on me. "put the money down" i did as told and before i could even leave i was pulled into a hug. "why didnt you tell me" he whispered. "i didnt want the favorite child to know" he let go and sighed. "how much" "40 gall" "for what" "hair care, fem hygiene, tooth paste" i spoke. he looked at me almost unimpressed. "i will just go ask around" "dont do that" it would be a lie to say draco doesnt want to ruin his rep, meaning by everyone seeing me struggle with money meant he likely will be. "ahem" everyone turned to the two boys staring at us awkwardly. "hello i am mattheo" i just looked at him confused. "im theodore but most call me theo" i looked at the other boy and out reached their hands with a couple gall in each. i took everything everyone had to offer and left. embarrassing. i cant believe ive been outed. i already know the deal as soon as the letter got sent my way. father yelling at me telling me i dont deserve it, its been the same old thing for years to come. meaning the second i got it i knew i had to throw it at draco. "i hope your fucking happy" i shouted all the while throwing the letter at him. "well what does it say?" blasie asked. it was everyone sitting at a table, all of his friends. "my dearest daughter, i am highly disappointed you sent your brother to talk to me about your money problem. you dont deserve it, not even a single cent do you deserve. once you learn to accept the hagiarchy of this family then will i consider it. do not loop draco into this matter again, i expect to never hear him talk about it again or for you to beg him for money. in kind regards your father" draco read out loud. and with a swift glace he stared at me. "favorite child much" i spoke leaving him with the note. ginny is waiting for me anyway. we usually go to potions together anyway. and after a long catch up with ginny it was simple. "so hes punishing you for being friends with people who arent slytherin?" "no ginny, hes disowning me for being friends and talking to anyone who isnt the same "rank" as my family." "what does that mean" "being friends with harry. being friends with you and your siblings most likey because your 'poor' or something i dont know and hermione for being a you know" "seems like a lose situation" "it is and its so stupid" "let me letter my mother and i will see what i can do" before i could stop her i had a tall older student stop me. "draco wanted to see you y/n" "uh stranger danger no thank you" "im one of his friends, lorenzo? i go by enzo? ring a bell?" "uh no" but in what case do i really care i followed him anyway. which only lead back to the common room which everyone decided to be in today. "in here" "no way" it wasnt dracos dorm. and it wasnt mine. strict rules of the fact i will only enter those 2 rooms. "draco shes refusing" "get in" and now im walking in. "nice to know shes being safe huh" theo spoke. "she did follow him" draco spoke back.  "she did tell me stranger danger uh no" enzo clarified. "see shes smart" mattheo spoke. "whos the girl" and now everyone was focused on ginny. "that is ginny weasley, your sisters best friend draco" Blaise answered. "why is she here" "ill leave" and with that ginny was gone. "i feel like this is a intervention and for that reason i will be leaving" i spoke only to have Blaise block the door. "i have been thinking" "shocker" i spoke looking at draco. "i get it your mad" "your annoying" "just let me talk y/n" "go on" "i have a plan. i ask for extra money, being the favorite" "thats the worst plan ever" "is it?" he spoke pulling out what would have been my allowance "this would be ours together. heres your portion" "what do you want" "to not be stupid" "explain" "i have eyes y/n. your falling into the wrong crowd." "more specifically pansy" theo spoke. "i havent seen her in like weeks" "but you still talk to her?" "i mean i guess" and now im being sat in a chair. "she trys to get in everyones pants, including your brothers. shes a bad influence." theo spoke. "i do not need my brothers friends telling me what to do" "your friends now" mattheo spoke. "draco" i looked at him. "i want you to hang out with us more. as positive role models. and hopefully father will see your pairing along well" he spoke. "fine" i could only agree. "great. get your blanket and change. we are staying in my dorm" draco spoke. i did the only thing i could do and listen. i wanted that money. plus its only natural, i barely use my dorm. im always at dracos or ginnys. never my own. maybe i dont like feeling alone? who knows who cares. all i know is as soon as i got there i was greeted by everyone even some new people. and thats what scared me. i barely know anyone but blasie and draco. 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now