skyfall two

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i had woken up earlier then mattheo so i just up and left. i did leave a note but i had to meet with mcgonagall. "hello? professor mcgonagall" "come in" i opened the door to see her with some other teachers in their little staff room. "i was reading and got more curious. i would like to try the truth potion, but i have some speculations. how would we actually be able to tell if im lying or telling the truth" i spoke looking around at them. "shes smart for her age" professor snape spoke looking at mcgonagall. "i ask you to pull a list together of the students who know you the most. preferably including mister malfoy on the list. but considering you dont have potions today when are you asking we might do this" "i know the ball is after classes and ill have to get ready following break. if is not to much complication i would like to do it during another class" "depends on your list miss malfoy" she looked at me. "draco malfoy, mattheo riddle, ginny weasley" i looked back at her and watched as she pulled up classes of each person listed. "professor snape, i understand and encourage you to participate in making 4 potions for us today" "i will get on it" "first class you will all miss i will send the letters to be delivered to staff and students" "thank you professor mcgonagall" "but if you come across anymore things you would like to try, feel free to be open to talk to me" i nodded and left. and i waited for draco to meet me outside of his class not expecting both of them to walk out. "what did you do this time y/n" i smiled at him meeting up with ginny. 

"why are we in snapes potion class" mattheo looked at mcgonagall. "each of you will drink these. varying the results" she looked at us and told us to take seats down. "professor snape and a few of the girls ive gotten from your grade levels will be asking questions to see what the range levels are from" we all drank it. "i dont feel any different" i looked around. "is y/n your sister mister malfoy" "yes professor" "is mister malfoy your brother" "yes professor snape" i watched everyone look at each other. "ginny who do you have a crush on" "harry potter, wait i didnt want to say that" "are these truth potions" mattheo asked only getting a smile. "i want out" "calm down mister riddle. you know y/n and your very important to this" "draco who do you have a crush on" "astoria greengrass" and now we are all looking at him. "im dating pansy, i dont like pansy. but i dont like pansy" i could tell the frustration coming from him. "y/n who do you like. try and lie to me" "no one in particular" i smiled "sorry that was a lie i do like someone" "whats their name y/n" "i will not be saying that outloud" i watched everyone smile at each other. "snape another one please" mcgonagall spoke and another one i drank. "whats the name of the person you like. "im not saying" "keep it going" i was being handed potion after potion. "mattheo who do you have a crush on" "y/n malfoy" and now all the girls were cheering. "shes had 10 potions" "y/n who do you have a crush on" it was clear i was trying to fight the effects like most people do. "mmmmmmmm no" "who is it y/n" draco looked at me. "i cant say its a secret" and i was handed one more. "who" "mattheo riddle. i hate myself" i lowered my head in discouragement. "y/n whats your favorite thing about ginny" "everything" "y/n whats your least favorite thing about draco" "im not saying that" "they wore off already. "mattheo do you plan to get a girlfriend" "i already have one" and now everyone was looking at him. "im not as strong as you y/n i cant stop it from happening" he looked back at me. "mattheo who are you dating" draco asked from the side of me. "im dating y/n draco" "your what" "im dating your sister, and i really wish i wasnt saying that" "so much for a secret y/n" "you told ginny" he looked at me. "only a little bit" "i think this concludes the test" mcgonagall spoke. "mattheo your dead" did i mention everyone was tied down due to the fact hands might be thrown.... maybe not. "11 potions and we finally get the truth out of her but only for 1 minute. outstanding."snape spoke. "can you stop using my sister as your lab rat" "mister malfoy shes is agreeing with it. this could change history" "sorry mattheo" "its fine" "sorry ginny" "your alright y/n" "sorry draco" "fuck off y/n" once we were all untied draco did try to fight mattheo only for it to be broken up. "why the fuck didnt you tell me" "because i didnt have to draco" "shes my fucking sister" "please drink these" we drank the potions handed to us. draco and all the other people in the room forgot what happened up until walking in. all the while mattheo and ginny got wear off drinks. "now, get to class" i walked next to mattheo laughing with him and ginny as the only people to remember. "you think she did you guys a favor" "it wouldnt surprise me" the rest of the day was me and ginny cracking jokes. "i cant believe my brother likes my friends girlfriend" "its not to hard. sometimes i think he likes hermione" i couldnt even imagine that. "class is cut short now get out and go have fun tonight" seeing as me and ginny were the first people out we ended up getting caught by Umbridge. "our whole class look" ginny looked at her pointing. "i will talk to your professor, but if its wrong ill be going straight to mcgonagall" we both started walking away. "we can go to my dorm just get your stuff" i looked at ginny and waited for her. "I HAVE TO SHAVE HOLD ON GINNY" i could hear her laughing at me through the bathroom door. it didnt take long for us to actually get ready. and pretty soon pansy and astoria where in my room to. "thats so cute" "thank you y/n picked our everything" "i knew you liked fashion" i had just tied my hair up with a hair tie and black ribbon. "i wrote a letter to mattheo to stick his hand in my door" i spoke waiting for the knock and when he did i tied a little ribbon around his wrist and finger. before pushing it back out. "we have an hour left" pansy spoke rushing on her makeup. all i needed was mascara and a little eyeshadow. but everyone had different plans for me. "i got contour" "ill get eyeshadow" "ill get lips" and now i felt like my whole face was being beaten to a pulp. "shes so pretty"i could hear ginny speaking. "we tried to keep it natural since she doesnt wear anything really" "she looks less dead now" "your telling me" "that was her whole thing wasnt it" "not anymore, shes not tired y/n shes hot y/n now" i looked in the mirror. "its not bad, its a little dramatic" and i knew when i said that, they would be offended. "get your shoes on y/n you look good" pansy spoke. " you should feel good to" astoria added. ginny was to surprised to even say a word. as soon as i pulled out my shoes everyone stopped in their tracks. "girl" "your ankles are going to break" "thats what i said" even with standing in them i never really towered over anyone, just kind of matched their height. "so this is what it feels like to be 5'6" i joked earning a laugh. "pretty cool right" pansy looked at me hanging her arm around my shoulders. "lets go surprise the boys" astoria opened the door walking out first. then ginny then pansy. "shes nervous let me go get her" and now they were holding my hand and walking me out the door. "wow" enzo spoke from the back. only to get elbowed by mattheo. "accident" i walked up to him and stood there. "you look stunning y/n" "doesnt feel like it" "well you do" i looked into his eyes seeing that same look from before, the look of love. "bathroom meeting" and with that i was dragged to the girls bathroom. "let me bum one pans" "here" "wheres your little friend y/n" "with her date" "want a hit" i sat there looking at a menthol lit in my face. "i dont smoke pansy" "but have you ever even tried it. it could take your edge off" "pansy draco would kill us" "your worried about him im worried about your man and his bestfriend" they were jut laughing until i started coughing and covering my nose. "your sensitive to smoke?"  "no" "is now a good time pansy" "Since we are finally away yeah" "y/n you do know mattheo and theo smoke right" "i had my suspicions" "and you do know we think mattheo is only taking you to the ball because he felt bad right?" "what?" "pansy" "he asked you when right after the pucey incident i think, he feels bad. i think he made a deal with draco so no one else would end up with you. but since draco feels bad he doesnt want you to have a significant other he made mattheo fill that place" "pansy we dont even know if its true" "your right maybe its not but its all connecting. plus her and mattheo arent together. ive seen him and girls. hes never this nice." i stuck my fingers out and hit the cig. "y/n thats not how you do that" "so its not like a blunt" "WHAT" they both yelled at the same time. "hold on a minute how do you know that" pansy looked at me smiling. "a witch never reveals her secrets" i smiled back. "two fingers like this. and lots of perfume. cant get caught" astoria spoke. "we are so bad" pansy laughed. and once everything was said and done it made me see things. even if mattheo was doing this for draco i wasnt going to the dance for anyone but myself and ginny. "wheres your date gin" "i think hes flirting with other girls" "your lying?" "i think yours is being swarmed by girls" i turned around to see 3 girls begging him for a dance. "pansy told me she thinks its all fake anyway. so now i dont know what to think" "have you told him" "no i dont have the heart for that" "slip a truth serum in his drink" i looked at ginny who was looking at me mischievously.  "not a bad idea. but i dont feel like being crazy" "bathroom trip" "lets go" "fred and george gave me this and told me to give it to the wild child. im guessing its you" it was a bottle of alcohol. "how did they even get this" "they have their ways" we both sat on the sink fixture and i took a good look at myself in the mirror before taking off half of my makeup. "i knew you wouldnt like it" "drinking makes me giggly, and sad. its better if i take some off now"  i sat there taking swigs out of the bottle. "i smoked a cig today" "y/n" "draco was right about pansy being a bad influence" "my brothers arent better for you apparently anyway"  i smiled at her all the while handing her the bottle watching her take a sip. "i hate it" "you get used to it" i laughed, i hated the taste but after sometime you barely taste it, barely feel it. "heres to me actually having a good time tonight" i lifted the bottle and started chugging. "y/n slow down" "i think im okay ginny" i was halfway done with the bottle. it was enough for now meaning i knew i needed to hide it. "wait breathe spray" "i need more then that. give me gum" i started chewing and spraying more of my perfume. "can i have more before we leave" i handed it to her. the only girl with an actual purse to hold it. "lets head back out there" "i want to wait for the kick" after 10 minutes we left. "hey y/n ive been looking for you" i looked at pansy and smiled while she grabbed my hand and led me somewhere. "is she okay" "i think she got a little nervous" i saw mattheo talking with the boys away from the dance floor. "this is my fucking song" pansy yelled making me dance with her. "slow down" "y/n are you okay your talking weird." "im fine" it wasnt long before everyone walked in to join. only problem was my dumbass was halfway drunk and the center of attention. "my feet hurt" "your the one who wore heels" "i wanted to be tall, im always the short one" pansy looked at me. and then i was spun around. "i like your height" mattheo looked at me. "please do not spin me so fast i have a killer headache" i looked at him. after getting medicine and waiting i was in a perky mood. "come on" pansy spoke dragging me back to the dance floor. "they are playing hits." astoria spoke. all of the men just collectively merged to the sides. "one two three and drop" i did exactly what pansy was telling me to do. drop to the floor pop and back it up. get up and glide back down. only to be pulled out by the boys. we we all just kind of danced in a circle on the side. "shes quite the wild child" astoria spoke. "your telling me, when did you get so perky" i looked at them. "who knows" i laughed it had been sometime and i could feel the affects wearing off so i had pulled ginny back into the bathroom along with the twins. "got anymore" i watched them smile at each other. "im glad you asked" "i picked this one out" it was everclear. "fred your telling me you picked everclear" "i knew she wouldnt like it here" and then i was handed a water bottle. "what is it" "tequila" i smiled taking a giant swig. "ginny meet wild child. wild child meet ginny"  george started laughing. "shit someone is coming hide" i spoke earning them to hide. "so this is where you go to let off steam i like it" pansy and astoria were standing by the stalls with the twins. i just sat there drinking my water bottle. "where did you get that" "theres this little stand i just asked for a bottle of water and i drank it so i came in here to refill it with sink water." i looked at them. "ill be sure to get you another one" astoria spoke. "draco has been looking for you y/n" "im just taking a breather." "slow dancing is about to start" "ill meet you out there in a second" i watched as they put their cigs out and left. "coast is clear" ginny whispered earning them to come out. "we should be going anyway" and as soon as they left i heard marching back to the bathroom. "y/n why were the weasel twins in here with you" "ginny had called them in" "i needed them to find ron but we all panicked when you guys came in here." ginny tried her best to explain. i looked at her. "water" "i do not want sink water y/n. tell me a good reason i shouldnt tell draco you were in here with 2 boys" "because i wasnt doing anything bad pansy" "how do i know that" "7 minutes is quick for 2 people dont you think? and ginny said she needed them to find ron. so am i not allowed to help one of my friends with a crisis?" i looked at her until she almost looked scared. "astoria" "i see it" i watched as they walked out and i drank more from the water bottle. "y/n slow down. you still have to walk" i did end up taking her advice and slowing down. "lets go, so i can get yelled at." i spoke leaving the bathroom in a huff. "its not smart to leave this way your going to get looks" it took a second to process before i took her advice and stood in the corner. "why are you swaying" "the affects happen more if i move." and when they never came i drank more. "im starting to think this is just water" i spoke chugging the whole thing. "bad idea" fred walked up to me and ginny. "why" "40 prof" "ill be fine" "ginny keep an eye out" in contrast it would have been 3 shots left. "y/n we are dancing come on" astoria came and got me. and as soon as i hit the floor everything went into slow motion. it was still upbeat music. was i feeling myself? a little and it showed. "theres wild child" i looked over to see george standing there watching much like everyone else was only for a few girls to join in. i learned most my dancing from pansy so we already know its a little sexy. "Y/N" "Y/N" "Y/N" was all i could hear the crowd chanting and soon i was in the middle. even pansy had joined to help. it didnt get bad until my legs started coming out the side slits meaning you could see basically all the way up to my high thigh. "y/n are you okay" "yes pansy why" "your never usually this way whats up with you" "nothing at all" "you look like a siren, like your planning something evil" "who knows maybe i am" i smiled at her. it wasnt until the twins started chanting wild child that everyone else joined in. i was only given a break when other girls decided to come enjoy the spotlight. "no seriously y/n" "seriously pansy" "what the fuck is wrong with you both" theo came over making a fit. "what are you talking about" pansy spoke as we both looked at him. and now we were both being dragged to the group. and now we were both being looked at but i knew my savior would come ginny. and with her came the trio. "potter" "malfoy" the tension was rough. "i love this song" i looked at ginny. she looked at me ready to get down in a corner. "now bend it for me sideways, i might have to fuck her on the highway" we both sung dancing to every word including mimicking sex. "oh oohh my" she sung. "i dont wanna take this call to high, red eyes" i sung pretending like i was smoking the good shit. and before we could continue she got cut off by harry and ron. i just kept singing to it and gesturing every word. "get it y/n" she yelled past them only earning me to turn around and look behind my back blowing her the tiniest kiss. only for mattheo to turn around and grab me. "and now your standing here" so i was standing there in front of him. "i have to go to the bathroom" "me to" me and ginny looked at each other. "okay lets go" i smiled. "pansy travel" draco spoke. and now we had a plus one. i went to a stall and ginny in the one next to me. i stuck my hand under for her to hand me the bottle and once she did i took to drinks of it and then pouring it out very slowly to make it sound like i was using the bathroom. back to ginny it went, and out and to the sink we went. "comeon you washed your hands lets go. and no i didnt tell draco, but his words are she spends to much time in there speed it up." "can i have gum" i looked at ginny. and my enemy the bottle showed a little. "y/n narcissa malfoy" pansy spoke pulling the bottle out. "you had this and didnt share" she smiled drinking the rest of the bottle. in turn becoming more drunk to the point she couldnt walk. so when draco saw this he took her to her room. "where the hell did she get liquor from" theo asked. "anyone really" "outside" theo looked at mattheo. "i have to take y/n with me" "dont trust people" "not with the way she danced tonight" "ill be okay with ginny" i looked at him. and then they were gone. "the boys now" i spoke. i couldnt even locate astoria so we were in the clear. we had gotten more from fred who was just hiding it in his locker selling it for a high price. and on to the bathroom it was only to see astoria in there crying. "whats the matter" "theo is being so weird. like so weird and hes barely danced with me" "mattheo has only danced with me once" "my date left me" ginny spoke after. i just sat there drinking from the unmarked water bottle. "but no, i mean he was so happy to see me in my dress an then he sits in the corner talking to his friends not even seeing me. but he sees you and pansy. and oh god does he see you. how does theo notice you y/n before he notices me" "i dont know what to tell you Astoria" "and you just single handedly seduced every man in that room. how can you even fucking do that. your the shy quiet sensitive one. what fucking changed. you were nervous and scared then went to this look in your eye that you rule the fucking world. and now men are just at your feet." "shes confident astoria" "your a fucking weasel i dont need advice from you" "but this weasel is the reason i have confidence. shes the one who will have me at the end of the night if anything happens. and thats friendship. but pansy is throwing up drunk and you arent making yourself be seen. get out there and throw some ass" i starte shouting. "can i have some of your water" "no, its sink water" "i dont care y/n" i watched ginny pull out a regular unopened water from her little bag. and with that she was gone. "i drank a good chunk sitting here listening to that whole conversation. and there she was giving it her all. so i stepped in and joined. "two is a party" "three is a crowd" i spoke. following her every move. but with a singular spin my dress would fly up exposing my shorts and stomach. i held down my dress and smiled shyly but it still mustered up a crowd and cheering. only making astoria think it was for her. only making her work harder. and with another spin the cheers got louder. "astoria" i yelled and that made the crowd start chanting her name. and then the time came when i  took the role of theo that she felt like a princess. i would spin her around and dance with her. that way it wasnt just me spinning. and then we both saw theo and mattheo in the front crowd looking at us. "i know your dress fans but i want a good cheer. get revenge" she spoke smiling flipping the tables and spinning me around and around. until we saw it. my shorts which looked more like booty shorts since my ass hung half out. and she was right the crowd cheered the loudest they could. and then theo and mattheo stepped in and started dancing with us. mostly to tell off everyone else. mattheo was careful to spin me the entire time and astoria was loving the attention. "SPIN, SPIN, SPIN" the crowd would roar only to get a glimpse of my ass even the girls had chimed in. astoria knew mattheo wouldnt so she threw theo at mattheo and took me back spinning me again. only for theo to throw him back to me. and it felt like forever waiting for the song to end only for us to go to the bathroom. "booze y/n, really?" "want some or not" "please" i handed her the bottle and when she was done she gave it back. "about 5 shots there" "perfect" i handed the bottle to ginny. "say nothing" "where did you get it" "the twins" "thats why you were in there with them" i winked at her taking the last shot left in the bottle and then throwing it away. "gum" i spoke handing her a stick. "the boys are going to kill me for the stunt i pulled with you" and she wasnt wrong mattheo had actually taped my dress to my legs. "but mattheo" "no buts y/n" "im sorry we spilled your secret to y/n mattheo" the drink was already hitting her pretty hard. "what secret astoria" he looked at her. "pansy told y/n that you were only doing this for draco, and that you dont like her but rather doing it as a favor for draco. and that she knows its fake because of the pucey thing and your never this nice to anyone. and im sorry your secret got out" she went on blabbering. "you and pansy told her what" "that your only taking her to this dance for draco and so she doesnt get picked up by another man. and i think that made her upset. so shes been trying to fix her sadness with dancing the only way pansy showed her. but we are sorry we ruined this night for her. ill apologize again when im sober i promise" "your drunk astoria" "the twins gave me just a little" "what" theo just sat there looking at her and so did theo. "im sorry you told y/n what" mattheo just kept repeating himself. "I TOLD HER YOU DIDNT LIKE HER ITS A RUSE" she shouted. "why would you do that astoria" "pansy was on track for it. i just never declined what pasny was saying" "you told y/n the night of the dance, i was doing this as a favor for draco? and that i didnt like her" i knew the situation was getting tense. but by how much ive drank these past 5 hours i should be blacked out in a ditch. all i felt was mattheo wrap an arm around my chest and pulling me closer to him. "theo" "mattheo im sorry" "theo" "you both have the same crazy look in your eyes" astoria spoke pointing at me and mattheo. "theo lets dance" "astoria" "pansy made y/n hit a cig" "astoria where were you" "sitting next to pansy smoking a cig" "you both told y/n i didnt like her 30 minutes before the dance knowing it would crush her. and on top of that you both gave her a cig" theo looked at astoria. "i didnt think she would be that upset. look shes fine. i mean sure, pansy has been feeding her contaminated water bottles with tequila all night. but maybe thats just to get rid of her jitters" "WHAT" mattheo shouted "your date mattheo takes liquor like a champ. but since she doesnt want anyone to find out she gave it to ginny. so ginny has been drinking it and pouring it out so pansy thinks shes been drinking it. apart from the times pansy was with her because then she had to." i could only hear mattheo laughing hysterically. "theo" "mattheo hold on" "no theo" "astoria we are leaving" "what why, i want to dance" "you gave my best friends date contraband. and on top of that you and pansy just ruined her brothers relationship." "its not like mattheo actually cares that much. he doesnt even like her. he just puts up with her for draco" she started shouting. "theo" i looked up to see mattheo shaking his head no. "astoria we need to talk" "say it right now" "its over." "what?" my eyes widened. "its over. all of it. go to your dorm or stay here i dont care but im leaving" she sat there looking at me. "y/n gave me the booze" "she got it from the twins giving it to me and pansy. but i dont know weather or not she actually drank any. i never saw her drink it. she poisoned us. she didnt want it so she gave it to us" she started yelling. "she gave it to you because she didnt know who else to give it to. she trusted you and pansy. and here you guys are drunk. and where is she. standing right there. while you tell her lies about mattheo. think of how you guys made her feel tonight as someone who she thought she could trust. the same people pressuring her to smoke with them" theo sat there looking at her in the eyes. " i didnt know theo" "how could you not see it. she looked up to you the most." "lets go theo" when the slow songs came on mattheo spun me around and danced with me while they fought. "did you drink" "only a little, it looked good. i was upset i thought it would solve everything" "did it" "i dont know, it doesnt look like it" "theres a break up next to us" "are you really only doing this for draco? i promise i wont be to upset mattheo" "if i was doing this for draco, dont you think he would know by now?" i guess my mind wasnt straight about it. "you want to go to the alley and get food." i nodded and we got all the boys together and rode the train with a bunch of other students. theo and mattheo explained everything that happened tonight with the girls and me. draco had given me a hug and apologized. 

"y/n why didnt you tell anyone" i looked at theo. "i was scared" "a pure hearted slytherin" blaise sat there laughing. "im still upset you took her mattheo, but i appreciate you looking after her" we all turned our heads to draco. "is that a thank you" blaise looked at him. "unfortunately" 

but with the break and mattheo being not next to me all the time i dont know how i will feel. i mean we have been next to each other since day 1. 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now