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"mattheo" "hmm?" "mattheo" "huh" "mattheo wake up" "im awake" i watched as he turned his entire body around. and so tell me he didnt. at this point i should really just leave. its 11 in the afternoon and i have to get on with my life. i went to my room and got dressed. but ill have to add i tried my best to look good. i put on my best pair of jean shorts, my best tank top one piece, my best bra, my spandex that make me skinny. and my platform vans. "y/n you look emo" i looked at ginny who looked like an art piece threw up on her. "ginny, you look like someone who painted and then just walked away from it. its a style just like mine is" "your so mean to me" "we are having fun today, of course we have to look good today" "just remember we are meeting my mother in the mall y/n. you look like a hooker. ass out. tits out." "i have a jacket ginny" "around your waist its till 50 degrees outside you psycho" she started laughing earning me to join. "where the hell are you going dressed like that" i looked behind me to see draco. "ginny where are we going" "the mall?" "yes the mall" "whens the others going to be here enzo" "no clue. i dont even know if they are awake" "stay here ill get them" i watched draco leave and i looked at enzo. i looked at him smiled and raised my eyebrows. "am i free to go" "i wouldnt mind, but you know draco" "you know they can come right y/n" "yeah but wheres the fun in that? a bunch of party wreckers" "how" "how are you going to find a man if you have 5 guys following you" "you are right, but you do know i like cloud right?" "i know you like cloud, but you could have a peperoni named aaron" "i wish i would have known i would have dressed better" enzo looked at us. "enzo dont look at her up and down" ginny spoke. "im analyzing what shes wearing" i put on my jacket only to find out it barely goes down past my shorts. "aw damn. i need bigger clothes" ginny just laughed at me. "they are coming" draco spoke out of breathe. "you can come with us" "what" we both looked at ginny. and pretty soon 3 other boys came running over. "you said she was dressed like a prostitute" blaise looked at me. "i think she looks fine" enzo spoke only earning a glaze from a very sleepy theo and mattheo who had to get dressed at the speed of light. "to the mall we all go" ginny spoke taking my hand running to the train. we all sat down theo and mattheo fell asleep on each others shoulders. draco and blaise were just looking at them and enzo was in front of me and ginny. "remember. im gonna have to leave halfway through. my mom is taking me somewhere" i nodded my head in agreeance. i knew the song ginny was humming. "what ever ive done" i looked at her. "i did it for love" i turned my head to the side to look back at her. "i did it for fun" i winked at her. "couldnt get enough" she looked at me. "i did it for fame" we started singing together while looking at each other. before we both started laughing. "wait can you say that all over again" enzo looked at us. i looked at ginny. "whatever ive done i did it for love i did it for fun couldnt get enough i did it for fame?" i looked at him speaking the entire thing out. "i remember you telling me thats the song you would play when your on a killing rampage"  ginny looked at me and enzo looked concerned. once we actually showed him the song he seemed to understand a bit more. "thats y/n killing song" "her what" mattheo looked at me. "y/n has a whole murder playlist" ginny looked at him while i covered her mouth. "a murder playlist" theo questioned. "y/n calls it the songs i would kill someone to" she mumbled through my hand. "i would. doesnt mean i actually will" i tried to explain. mattheo smiled and threw his arm over my shoulder "sure" he laughed. "are we close yet" blaise started complaining. "its only another half a kilo" ginny spoke. 

"we are here" ginny looked at us. i saw her smile and grab my hand ripping mattheos arm off of me. "this shop" "am i your sugar mommy ginny" "you could be" we both laughed a little, but turns out ginny had been saving money much like i had from draco and my parents. draco didnt know my mother started giving me money again. "i dont think ill have enough to buy everything i want" i spoke looking at ginny only to hear a cough followed by mattheo handing me 100. "mattheo i could have" "shut up and take it" i ended up being able to get more clothes with 400 to spare. "i need to go to that store. can we sneak away from them" i looked at ginny pointing to victoria secret. she nodded and we waited until they werent looking before we ran. "what do you think of this color" "y/n its see through" "i didnt see that" i put it back on the shelf. i walked past the underwear and saw something i adored. "its a thong" ginny looked at me. "but its cute" all i heard was draco behind me saying nope followed by enzo standing next to me trying to be the brave one only to see what i was holding and then leaving the store. i could only laugh. "you sure thats what you want" i looked up to see theo. "its cute" "its asscrack sitter" "its sexy" "im not getting into that with you. what about these" "theo those are boyshorts" "exactly" i gave him the plainest look ever. "im getting them." i spoke picking out a few more. cheeksters, hipsters, high waist. and my thong. and then walking over to the bras. "this one has a cherry" "that only covers the nipple y/n" "at least it covers" she did give me a yeah your right. "hell no put it back" "your taking on dracos job" "he wanted me to since he wont come in here" "im getting it" "im not stopping you. and i dont know anyone who will besides draco" he looked at me. "i cant look at you right with a bra in your hands" he spoke looking away. "ginny look at this one" "a pushup" "make the girlies look good" all we heard was a cough from the only man in the store. "you need a measurement?" ginny nodded and got one.  "32 b" i felt ginny push me up next. "34 D" "D?" theo looked at me. "oh shut up theo" "im seeing my way out now" i ended up taking the cherry one, the red push up and a black one with a waist band that said victoria secret. and once we walked out draco wanted me to return everything. "its not like your going to see it" i looked at him. "but if i know your wearing it i might cry" "ginny bathroom" i looked at her and changed into the push up and the thong which kind of matches it. "better draco" i must admit i feel like my boobs are going to topple over my shirt. "im not looking" "firstly. pull up your pants" mattheo spoke pulling up my shorts. "secondly. your wearing my jacket" he spoke taking his off and putting it on me. "third ill be holding your bags" and with that he grabbed my hand and zipped up the jacket. it was much lower then mine. all you could see was the jacket and my shoes. "now hold my hand" i laced our fingers together and kept walking. "what about tht store" i looked at ginny. converse the best store ever. even got me some high top platforms. "you are the strangest person ive ever met y/n" "its good fashion" ginny was laughing. "look blue converse" "low top. i remember wearing those" "until you started wearing shoes that cover your ankles" i smiled at her. "you know me so well" i even changed my school uniform shoes and now i wear vans or converse. even converted some of the boys. draco is a tuff nut to crack much like enzo is. but theo and mattheo followed my lead. blaise is still experimenting. it didnt stop me from stealing 3 pairs of converse socks. "just these please" i smiled at the cashier. "100" "expensive" ginny spoke looking at me. "i didnt say my style was cheap ginny" i paid the lady and walked out the store. i only had 10 dollars left. "mine were 45" she came out and showed me her bag. i started walking quickly before i stopped and started putting the socks into the bag. "Y/N" ginny yelled. "What?" and now everyone was looking at me.. "you didnt pay for those" "shut up i know i didnt" "you cant just steal" "i didnt have enough" i saw mattheos eyes widen. and then theo started laughing. i just put the other 2 pairs in there. "how many did you take" "only 3" "how much were they" "10 dollars a pair" i watched her eyes open. "maybe its a good thing you did" she just kept walking earning me to follow. the next store was a store that sold merch. but what i wasnt expecting was the whole backside to sell dildos and vibraters. to be fair i didnt exactly look at the name. the boys were playing with the dildos and boobs. i just kept looking around. i knew the staff was distracted by them so it gave me time to smuggle a shirt, maybe two. but on top of that i also had taken a shot glass. what i actually brought up there was a cheap little shot glass that said something funny. "how much would this be?" "let me see for you" "its 5" "okay. let me get you the money" i dug in my pocket pulling at a 10 and giving it to her waiting for my change. "can you stop them before they break something mckenna" "on it" i watched as she placed the 5 in my hand. "thank you, have a good day" "you to sweetheart" i walked out scott free. i kept walking until i found a bench. but all everyone saw was me hiding in a corner taking the shirts out from under mattheos jacket. "y/n" i looked at draco throwing the shot glasses and shirts in the converse bag. "yes draco" "if you can stop, we are leaving" i sighed and looked at the floor. "im just amazed she hasnt gotten caught" you forget she used to do this everyday for 3 years" blaise answered. "ill keep an eye on her" mattheo sighed. i just kind of sat there looking at the ground and my feet. "y/ns upset" ginny spoke looking at them. "shes the one acting like a heathen" draco started speaking to ginny. i felt a tap on my shoulder. it was molly. "ginny say bye. im late and we have to go" "bye y/n" "bye ginny" i watched as she handed me 30 and left. i smiled at the money. "lets go into one last store" i spoke a little sad. "good im tired of being here" draco looked at me. "then lets go home now draco" everyone but mattheo ended up leaving. "heres the deal" he looked me in the eyes. "you hold my hand and we act like a real couple out in public for the first time ever. and ill buy you everything you want" "promise" "promise" i held his hand and arm and kept walking with him hand in tow. "what store next" "that one. and then can we go to the candy store" i ended up dragging him everywhere i wanted to go. even showing him clothes and outfit ideas. "what about his skirt, with this top." "its cute. i wouldnt wear it around the school" he looked at me. "i should get it anyway shouldnt i" i just watched him laugh and smile. "what about this mattheo" i looked at him holding up a necklace. "its like my blood vile but with gold and water. im sure i could probably drain it and put something else in it. it comes in a pack of 2" i looked at him, he only took it and held it. "look yin and yang bracelets. but with crystals.mattheo" he just kept smiling at me. "what if" "y/n please just get it" i smiled at him holding them in my hand. i picked up a few more things before we went to check out. "empty your pockets" "theres nothing in them. jokes on you" i stuck my tongue our and handed him my last 35. "thank you" he looked at me and paid. "your a lucky girl you know that" the register person looked at me. "thank you" i smiled at her. we walked out to go to the candy store and once we were there we both got something. "are you ready yet?" "im ready when you are" i smiled at him and holding his arm. he looked down and smiled at. and now we were heading to the train and the alley. "you want to go to dinner later?" "in the alley?" "yeah" once we set everything down we went back out. apart from me changing into the skirt instead of shorts. mattheo knew we couldnt be openly in a relationship around hogwarts. but i knew he wanted to. he was tired of people hitting on me, or touching me. "we can hold hands on the train to the alley" i looked at him. "are you sure" "positive" i watched him smile at me once we had sat down i sat next to him and held his hand while resting my head on his shoulder. "thank you for not getting mad at me. and putting up with me the whole time" "you do know you could have asked me instead of taking it. you dont have to do that anymore" "i didnt want to. i thought i could afford it on my own" i felt him rest his head on mine. "i think people are looking at us" "it doesnt  matter to me" it only mattered when pansy came up and sat down across from us. "funny seeing you two here" she looked as us. "whats going on here" "we just got back from the mall, we are tired and we still need to eat dinner" i spoke looking at her. "oh you went to the mall alone?" "no everyone went. i reckon they are probably eating by now" "what i said still stands y/n. on that one night" and with that she walked away. "i completely forget the truth shit. i mean i did replace one of the vials with it. it was more or less be truthful to myself. but it can be the opposite effect to. as soon as we got there i poked a small hole and took his drink and drank some. im sorry mattheo i really am. the more he ended up drinking the more it went into his system. "hey mattheo" "yeah?" "do you really love me" "of course i do. why are you asking" "just been thinking about what pansy said" "y/n im happy with you" "you promise" "i promise" "and you wont have sex with another girl" "i wont have sex with another girl" "and you havent cheated on me yet" "and i havent cheated on you and never will. why are you asking me all this" "just stuck in my thoughts i guess" "you dont have to be you know" i smiled and looked at him. "one day" "one day we will be able to tell everyone about us" he nodded in agreeance. once we ate we went for a walk before ending it on the tower. "theres a lot of people up here" i looked around. "its the stars" he looked at me. i felt him lift my chin up to look at the stars. i bent over the rails to get a closer look only for mattheo to grab his jacket and pull me back a little. we stayed there even after everyone left. granted im sure they had probably been there longer then us. i kept looking at the sky until i felt mattheos finger under my chin. i felt him turn my head and give me a kiss. a real kiss, not like the one from yesterday. when it broke apart i turned my body to look at him. he wrapped his arms around me and picked me up. "your short you know that" i smiled at him before kissing him again. this time i wrapped my arms around his neck. "better for you" "it was great either way" he went back in for more. and when we stopped we just looked in each others eyes. "one more?" "one more" i answered. he kissed me once more before we heard a cough. we both turned our head to to blaise and another girl. she didnt end up seeing but blaise did. "you want to explain this to me" he looked at both of us. "you see" mattheo looked at him. "your dating, you havent told anyone. and you never want to tell draco" "right on the money blaise like usual your the smart one" "dont kiss up to my ass mattheo. how long have you been together." "like 6 months. 7 months" he looked almost shocked. "what?" "it was our first kiss cut us some slack blaise" "blaise" i looked at him giving him my biggest doe eyes. "please dont tell draco, im really happy. and i dont want him to know right now" i heard a sigh. "i wont tell anyone. but make it sooner then later if your going to continue this any longer. i mean it mattheo" "thank you blaise." i hugged him for the first time ever in my history of knowing him. "you can wait a little longer, but i mean it eventually. especially if your going to keep kissing and stuff. you cant hide it forever" once blasie left we both started walking away from the tower. it was our turn to leave just like the others did. 

"are we sleeping in my room or yours" "ill check with theo about it" and once he did i was dragged into his room. "mattheo i have a girl waiting for me. you might want to go to y/ns room if not its gonna get really weird." and with that we left and went to my room seeing blaise on the way to my room. i gave him a smile and he gave me one back. i know somewhere in there hes happy. he sees me as his own little sister in a way. "im taking a shower" "am i allowed to join now." "only if clothes are involved mattheo" "i dont have a spare" "guess not then"  

but once i finished we sat there talking and looking at each other. until i fell asleep which happens at the speed of light apparently. 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now