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"your a gryffindor now miss malfoy?" i looked at hagrid who started laughing. "ginny has my tie" i looked at the trio. and here came my savor. "here" "take yours back" "flintwick gave me one hell of a speech i have to go" she smiled and ran back to class. since i didnt know how to tie a tie i kind of just left it hanging there. usually ginny ties them in our classes but since i dont have her to do that anymore im just stuck like this. "your going to need to tie your tie y/n" i looked at him. "oh yeah okay. i can do that" it took me 10 minutes are failing for me to give up. "malfoy help the other malfoy" i looked at draco walk over. "after all these years still cant tie a tie y/n" "im sorry" "watch. flip, flip, switch, fold under, loop through the top and pull up." in the end i ended up pulling it down a little to form a loose cut tie. "nifflers" the name rung through my ears. "gold seekers for leprechauns." hermione raised her hand and spoke. "correct granger. a point for gryffindor" and as soon as he showed one my heart melted. "they like shiny objects. and will stop at nothing to get one. while sweet in demeanor, not the best to keep around if you have jewelry or money" i looked at draco. "its the cutest thing ever" "as a matter of fact while you were all listening to me, it stole this from one of you" it was a ring, i looked down at my fingers seeing one of my rings was gone. "hey thats my ring" hagrid laughed giving it to me. "if you cant tell. i know all of you have something shiny. dont expect to be safe. sneaky little things. but all things found will be put in this box." i couldnt even see it anymore no matter how hard i tried to look for it. "miss malfoy. your ring is back in here. and 3 other rings are to" i looked back at my fingers to see no more rings on them. "draco" i whispered. and showed him my hands. only for him to laugh. "what is it malfoy number two" "two?" "whats funny" "it took all her rings" "my necklace is gone draco" and now he looked serious. "the one i got you?" "the one you got me and the heart lock" "give me the bucket hagrid" "anyone else missing their objects" everyone looked around shaking their head and the second i got everything back it was already at my feet. "get away from me" and the second it tried to reach my hand is the second i started running only for it to follow me. earnin everyone to laugh. "get someone else i beg of you" i shouted it never did. i had to hand my things to draco and it was still on me looking for more shiny things on me. "here he has something shiny" i picked it up putting it by dracos feet only for it to come back to me. "pick it up maybe it will see you dont have anything" ron looked at me. and when i did it went straight for my earrings. "draco take this thing, its not cute anymore" the entire class it stayed there trying to get things from me. i took all my rings back and necklaces. "im missing a necklace" i spoke only getting a tap on my shoulder. "i believe this would be yours" "it is thank you" i watched draco take it. "a blood vile with a snake around it?" he looked confused. "yes draco now give it back" "whos blood is it" "its mine" i took it and put it around my neck walking off. "y/n its following you again" harry spoke. i looked back and sure enough it was. i bolted to protect my lovelies. but running from a creature meant i was being avoided to having my ass slap. thats all you heard in the hallways any how. "whoa whoa whoa" was all i heard before i got stopped by an arm. "your scared of a niffler" blaise looked at me. "it keeps stealing my shit blaise. my shit" "someone is losing their mind" "im heading to hagrids. ill just return it" enzo looked at me and smiled. "SLAP ASS FRIDAY" was all i heard someone yell in the hallway. "RUN PROTECT YOURSELVES THE UPPERS HAVE BEGUN" and now it sounds like a stamped of animals. "i have to get to dark arts ill see you guys" "y/n watch out" "what" and it went by so fast. "my ass. it hurts" i spoke only earning them to laugh at me. "this is the worst fucking day" but the first person to try it again got the look of 1000 serial killers. "ginny" "y/n" "my ass really fucking hurts" "i havent gotten a single one. im so lucky" i looked at her before looking back at the front. "so the fountain. i figured not many people would be there. super lucky for today." "draco has a game today much like he did yesterday." "seems like they are always busy doing something" "hows mattheo taking today with you" "i was running from a niffler when it happened, he doesnt know" "how do you think he will take it" "im not fucking telling him" she laughed at me. but as soon as this class ended school would be over. they cancelled everyones last class for the game that we are supposed to watch but me an ginny decided to ditch. \

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now