boot scoot

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"wake up its 1 in the afternoon" draco spoke. and when i did everyone was just there. "its Saturdays, i want to sleep" "i want to eat" blaise spoke. "food?" i sat up and looked around making everyone laugh. "whos telling her the plan?" theo spoke. "you know how in our younger years we would go in a circle and say stuff about ourselves we are doing that" blasie spoke. "so no food?" i asked. "for fucks sake" draco spoke handing me a granola bar. "fuck is this" " chewy bar" "i thought we were going to go somewhere." "no?" "alright wake me up when we are" i spoke laying back down. and now im being dragged out of bed. "ill get the food" blasie spoke leaving the dorm, and even after a 10 minute long wait i was still half asleep. even with food in my lap i still felt like a zombie. "we pull a question out the bag and everyone answers" enzo spoke. "okay but who is that" "who?" everyone looked at me confused but i swore there was another person. "first question, what are you scared of most... easy nothing" mattheo spoke. "false" everyone murmured. "well i am scared of becoming what i hate the most" enzo spoke. it seemed like a riddle to me. "i fear my family name being ruined" blasie spoke from across the room. "i fear my father" draco spoke. "im scared of failure and what my father might do" theo spoke up. and now everyone is looking at me. "i have no fear" "liar"draco spoke up. "its true" "you fear..get ready. the dark, storms, spiders, people, and our parents" "the dark?" "storms" "people?" they all seemed to question everything. "what you find attractive in a women/man" "why is this in here" "who wrote it" "someone gonna answer" "i like a women who takes action" blaise spoke. "i like when a women is pretty" theo spoke. real simple minded. "i like loyalty" draco outspoke everyone. "i like cute and helpless" and now all eyes were on mattheo. "strong? tall? cute? someone who is protecting" i answered next. "if you could go one place where would it be" "my grave" i spoke and now all eyes are on me. "do you want to die?" draco asked. "ive only been saying it for 3 years draco" "i thought you were joking" "obviously not" "well why" and everything was cut off by a simple ahem. "a mountain" "a roaring rapid" "dracos death bed" "what the hell" and now everyone is laughing soon to be followed by a knock on the door. "theres a weasley looking for someone named y/n and seeing how this is the loudest room im sure i have the greatest chance of finding them" it was a professor with black hair and he looked tired with his life. "oh yeah shes right here" i stood up and shot out the room. only before running into pansy. "oh hey girly. whats the rush going like that." "i have to meet someone" "ooo is it a man. remember flash it let me help" and just like that she moved my shorts to show half of my ass. and now i am uncomfortable. if i can just make it to the door ill be fine. 

"why would they set you up like that" "he thinks i hang out with bad influences" i looked directly at ginny. "i think i may like harry" "your lying" "i wish i was. i mean... cedric has cho. ron likes hermione but so does harry. i stand no chance" "you just have to put yourself out there." "when have you ever had a boyfriend" "ive had a couple, no one knows out of fear for draco" we both laughed. "like who?" "you know oliver" "wood?" "yeah" we both laughed more almost falling onto the floor. "my first year i was talking to Cedric but i decided he was something else, hes really sweet but not for me" "y/n" i looked at her who tilted her eyes to the side. i forgot we were out by the fountain and there was theo and enzo standing there. "dont say a damn word" and with that they ran. "catch you later ginny" "later y/n" "im sure youll figure it out" i smiled before chasing the 2 boys. who knew i was so slow, but by the time i made it draco already knew everything. "i dont know why i thought you were still young" "no i am, im just a innocent little y/n" i was begging my heart out. it only worked for half of my benefit, only because draco knows who i am. "just go to your room" he spoke. i felt hurt in some way. even catching a glimpse of everyone with a tear falling down my face. no was was allowed in apart from me and draco. is it bad they seemed worried. and even at the end mattheo had sat by my dorm room door. "cant you just let me in" "i cant. no boys allowed" "im a friend" and that sentence was the one that got him in.  "you have a lot of pictures" "yeah. mainly me and ginny or me and draco" it didnt take long for me to get wrapped up into a hug. "im sorry for those idiots" i dont know what to do in this circumstance. "your supposed to hug back" it would be a lie to say i wasnt a little flustered and caught off guard. "you can tell me anything, and i promise i wont tell draco" "i cant" "i promise" after the hug broke i just looked at him. "your a little red" "im a little scared" he was laughing and smiling i suppose the right thing to do was to return the same. 3 swift knocks on the door sent mattheo into the closet and for me to open the door. "y/n." "draco" "blaise seems to think i was to hard on you" "so you dont know" "i dont think i was, but they told me to apologize" "not accepted, leave me alone" "y/n i am sorry i didnt mean to make you cry" "just go away" "why are you being weird" "im not you are" "what are you hiding" "nothing draco i just want to be alone. why cant i just have one thing for myself" "you do" "no i dont, i cant have my own friends, my own love interests, my own feelings, my own bed, my own thoughts, my own money, my own sanity. nothing i cant have anything" and following that i closed the door leaving draco outside and sat down on my bed. i did eventually have a book thrown at me as a reminder that i never told mattheo to get out my closet. and might i add we read that book together to see who could read faster. it was me, i won. 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now