the long road

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"found my date"enzo spoke "who is it" we all looked at him at the lunch table. "daphne greengrass" enzo spoke earning everyone to stop eating. "greengrass?" theo asked. "im so sorry" he spoke. everyone kept quiet. "girls dont like me so im good" blaise broke the silence. "3 singles sounds like a good plan" enzo spoke. "the thing is tomorrow right?" i asked. "yeah, just hope we dont get pulled" mattheo spoke. we all sighed. none of us were really all that happy. "class is starting soon we should all go" and just like saturday we all split. i caught up with ginny. "did you know pucey sa and you know girls" "i had my speculations" she laughed. "pansy and the boys are worried hes going to target me" "i would worry to, but you have strong friends" she spoke. she had a point. "y/n" "oh adrian" "so about the yule" "you know i still haven't decided if im even going" "you should, and you should go with me" "i just dont know adrian. i mean im 15 and your 17 it doesnt seem likely that we should." i spoke. "its not that bad of an age gap" he spoke. "i dont think i can" "but malfoy said yes. you told me to ask him, i did he said yes" he started to raise his voice at me. "i have to go to class" "your going with me y/n malfoy" "i cant adrian" "but you can, am i not attractive? not young enough? you like young boys? i can ruin your whole life. go to yule with me" "ill think about it" "your going with me" "i cant" "why not" "im not going" "you are, your going with me" he was constantly raising his voice at me. "leave her alone" "what does a mud blood like you commenting on a pure blood conversation like this" "hey dont talk to her like that" "ironic you defend someone who differs from you. your going with me thats final. and maybe if you treat me right i wont ruin your life here" he spoke walking away. i sat the whole day thinking about it until i was able to finally tell someone. "your joking" "i wish i was pans" "oh you poor thing come here" she spoke wrapping me in a hug. "ill tell draco" she spoke. "i dont want him to overreact. none of them" "you cant fight this alone y/n" she looked at me in the eyes. "hes coming. come back to me" she spoke pulling me back into a hug. "hey your touching whats mine" "and i think she said no adrian" "did you forget who you lost your virginity to pansy parkinson" "no i didnt" "then youll be smart and give her to me" "shes my boyfriends sister. shes my responsibility." "and im taking her. ill keep her safe" "im not letting go" i grabbed on to pansy. "your scaring her, go away pucey" "just give her to me or im ripping her from your arms" "im not" and i could feel him grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him. "stop it" pansy yelled at him. "only cause theres a crowd now" he spoke and when he left he pinched my ass. "he touched my butt" "how" i did exactly what he did to me. a pinch followed by a whole grope. and even on the walk back he still managed to find us and reach over and grab my boob. "i cant wait" he spoke to me before walking off with his friends. pansy pulled me in close and kept walking to the dorm rooms. "MEETING" she yelled. "ITS IMPORTANT AND ABOUT Y/N" she yelled more earning every boy to rush out their dorms. "dracos room" pansy spoke and everyone huddled in. i watched pansy whisper to draco. "what" he spoke. i watched as she nodded. "hes dead" draco spoke walking to the door before getting stopped. pansy went around and told everyone  "your telling me, he touched her" mattheo spoke. pansy nodded. "where" he asked she looked at draco and he went around the room showing everyone. agaisnt his will. "yeah hes fucking dead lets go draco" mattheo spoke. theo joining in. soon all of the boys were going and me and pansy close behind. "you got your little boyfriend huh pansy" he spoke. "i assume your here to give my date to me. we have plans" he spoke more. "your going to stay away from her" draco spoke. "you already gave me your word. plus if she doesnt i know how to ruin her life her social life" he spoke more and more. "and how do you do that" "shes friends with a mudblood while shes a pureblood. she likes young boys. she didnt say she didnt" he spoke. i could see theo holding back mattheos hands much the same as pansy could. "come on my lovely" "dont call her that" "oh a riddle." he looked mattheo dead in the eyes. he ripped m from pansy grasp and dragged me down a hall even if i was fighting him it wasn't any use. he made sure everyone caught up before he crashed his lips onto mine i tried to hard to pull him off i didnt even kiss back. "come on kiss me back" "no, i dont like you" i spoke. "DO IT" he yelled. "lean your head back y/n" theo spoke. i looked to theo and did as told i watched as he let go of mattheo and i closed my eyes. i heard contact. "what the fuck is wrong with you" adrian spoke i saw him on the floor with a busted lip. "go to theo" he spoke. i wasnt going to take a second thought about it and did as i was told. i closed my eyes once more earning my head to be pulled into a shoulder. "get him riddle"pansy yelled. "there goes draco" blaise spoke. "hold her for a second" theo spoke passing me to pansy. "and there went theo" enzo spoke. pretty soon enzo joined and blasie. and when i looked back at pucey he was really beat up. "i think i need a shower" mattheo spoke. he was covered in blood much like the other boys. "ill take her to my dorm. you can render she will be safe with me" pansy spoke leading me there. "im sure you want a shower after all that" she smiled at me handing me a towel and body wash. "what about my hair" "here" "cant we go to my dorm?" i asked. she thought about it and shrugged and off we were to my comfort area. i took the longest shower in history getting out . "i can tell mattheo really cares about you. ive never seen him act like that before" pansy spoke. and with that came 3 knocks on the door. i opened it to see theo and mattheo. "y/n ill get it your still in a towel" pansy spoke. and when she walked up she saw two boys with giant eyes. "go" she spoke. "what can i do for you" she asked i put on pants and mattheos hoodie before walking back up to the door. "okay we will be there in a second." she spoke closing the door. "get your comfy socks and shoes. we are going to theos room to watch a movie. destress you know" she spoke smiling at me. we walked over and the room was quiet. draco couldnt even look at me. pansy went over to him and hugged him whispering something. i sat on mattheos bed while everyone stood around. i watched pansy go over and pick out a movie and put it on. "sit down people" she spoke. everyone did as told. mattheo sat next to me and theo on the other side. i burrowed myself in mattheos hoodie and pulled my legs up to my chest resting my head on them. "okay you guys are to quiet" pansy spoke. "we did just beat someone to a pulp" blaise spoke. "that doesnt matter talk" pansy spoke. she knew i was uneasy. day 3 into mine and mattheos relationship and its off pretty rocky. "come on grow a fucking pair" pansy spoke. and when she left i was there. in the silence. "i get it" i spoke and left to ginnys dorm. i had to tell her what happened. i became basically untraceable. i changed clothes, i restyled my hair. i curled it. 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now