its me against the world

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"so whats happening" looked at ginny as we stared at the boys. "none of them will talk to each other, or me" "why what happened i thought everything was good yesterday" "you think that but draco got mad at mattheo which got enzo riled up, followed by blasie. so on and so forth" "about what?" "mattheo touching me" she looked almost surprised. but they weren't talking at all not even in classes. i pushed my food aside. "arent you going to eat" "i feel sick" it was those words that got me out a lot of stuff. "if this doesnt clear do you want to go for a walk" i looked at ginny. she nodded in agreement. "hey y/n...hello weasley, anyway why wont draco talk to me" pansy looked right at me. "hes mad" "well why wont no one talk. what have they told me" "its a lost cause they wont even talk to her" ginny spoke. "oh no way" she sat down next to us. i explained everything. "its so simple, mattheo is trying to take on the brother role." pasny spoke. "and that has to be why draco is so mad at everyone" ginny added. "but they arent taking any role." i spoke. "boys dont understand that. all they see if a challenge who can be better then who. when they see draco piss you off they all want to step up to secure their role. its a guy thing" pansy spoke. "oh speaking of guys, who told you diggory was 9inches" "cho" "thanks babes" she spoke walking away. "your the best girl ever y/n i love you" she yelled from across the lunch room. i looked at ginny. "i cant believe im still under the weasley shadow" "i cant believe im still under the malfoy shadow" "not as much as i am" i watched ginny light up. "ron...i can fix this" i watched as she waved ron over. "touch y/n" "what no way" "do it" i felt ron place his hand on top of my head. "is that.." "its no way" "a weasley boy touching a malfoy" "no possible way" he looked around. "ginny your trying to get me killed" ron spoke. "nonsense, do more" i felt ron pat my head. "am i the only one feeling really uncomfortable" i asked. "i am to" ron spoke. it wasnt long before hermione and harry walked over. "ron what are you doing" hermione spoke. all harry did was place his hand on the top of my head to. "the trio is touching y/n" someone spoke to loudly. earning the boys to get up and leave the lunch room. "well that didnt work..." ginny spoke. "are you trying to get the slytherin boys to snap out of it?"hermione asked. i watched ginny nod. "boys lets go class will start soon" hermione spoke leaving the boys be. i grabbed harrys sleeve. "i know you and draco arent on good terms but can you see whats up" i asked he nodded and walked away. "i have a feeling that we will be taking that walk later" i spoke. ginny started laughing. 

even after the end of school we were both puzzled.  "im skipping dinner" "i will to" we both looked at each other as we laid on a blanket outside. "y/n" i looked up at harry. "he refused to talk to me. and in the end all i got was looks" he spoke. "thank you for trying" i watched as he walked away. "i saw theodore and riddle talking to each other in the hallway" ginny spoke. "i saw blaise and draco talking" "but wheres enzo" "thats the funny part. enzo was the only one to talk to me today" "not to mention since they arent being a hawk, ive seen a lot of guys looking at you" ginny spoke. i didnt even notice. "the ball is in 2 months and the tournament" ginny followed up. "i always forget about that" "my mom is taking me dress shopping this weekend if you want to come along" she spoke. i nodded. "i think we should move" "why" "i have a bad feeling" and with that we picked up the blankets and moved. "dracos talking to pansy" ginny spoke. "i see, im feeling really picked and choosed" i spoke. "hey uh y/n i see 3 guys running this way all yelling your name" "we should run" and we did. until we couldnt. there was at least 8 guys there trying to ask me to the ball. "all of you back up" enzo. "back up" the murmurs were about him being an upperclassmen expect one. "i dont take orders from a lower class" i dont even know who this dude is. "then maybe you'll take them from me" theo. i couldnt help but run. ginny running after. i saw my chance and took it. "lets go to the tower" ginny spoke. so we did. 

"the stars, they are so pretty" ginny spoke. i could feel my eyes burning. "whats wrong" i looked at her. "i dont know what i did. why i get so much attention, when the only attention i want is from my friends" i spoke. "you cant help that people like you" "no i know, but why do they all hate me." "y/n" i sat there crying. the most ive cried in awhile. "you like the attention mattheo gives you, it makes you happy doesnt it" "yeah...but draco wouldnt understand" "each star, every constellation means something, thats what my mum told me. theres so many different ones out there. and so many galaxies. she told me to think of planets as family. they are always there." she was referring to her first heart break. "my family is different, i cant be sad" i spoke. "and maybe pansy is right, but what she fails to see is i know the boys know they have nothing on draco, he will always be your brother and they know that." i still couldn't stop crying. i was still sobbing. i know ginny worrys about me. its only natural. "y/n your going to work yourself up" ginny spoke. im like a toddler with no grip control. i dont know how my hand ended up gripping my hair. but no matter how much ginny tried to pull my hand away she couldnt. "y/n let go" "not until its gone. all of it. i cant...I CANT" i couldnt even cry because of how upset i was. "Y/N STOP" she yelled. i know she was trying to get someone's attention. i felt her hug me. "Y/N STOP DONT DO IT" she yelled more into the air. "I CANT..I JUST CANT DO IT ANYMORE" i yelled back. all i could do was scream and cry. "i think all of hogwarts heard you" she spoke. she knew what she was doing and that she couldnt stop it. "what the fuck is happening" "GET THE BOYS" ginny yelled. and the first to arrive was enzo. enzo tried to get my hand out of my hair. "she has a really good grip." he spoke. "she needs to calm down lorenzo" ginny spoke. "stop it...please" i spoe crying more. "her grip tightened" enzo spoke. "shes almost covering her ears" "both of her hands are there?" "yeah im afraid so" "theo im glad your here." enzo spoke. "give her to me" theo sat on the ground in front of me. "y/n let go" "i cant" "you can" "I CANT" i yelled only earning more tears. "fuck where te hell is he" theo spoke. "who?" ginny asked. "dracos with pansy out on the town" enzo spoke. blaise was the next to come. "comfort" he spoke. "well you do it"ginny spoke. "shes not comfortable with me" blasie looked at her. "theo give her a hug" i felt theo hug me. i was pushing and kicking and crying. "she wont stop pushing me away" "shes going to do that, you have to fight her" blaise spoke. "how do you know this blasie" enzo looked at him. "ive seen it only happen 3 times. i watched how draco controlled it. it wasnt pretty but it worked" "so then what the hell is happening" "its an overload of emotions, usually sadness. it becomes to unbearable for her to regulate and she spirals. something must have really upset her, and i feel like i know what it is" "so the hands blaise" "they will release when she is able to let them. like toddlers, we just have to be cautious of a breathing spell" "what the fuck is that" theo spoke i could hear the struggle in his voice. "she will hold her breathe, almost lost control of breathing in general. not even draco knows how to fix it. ive only seen that happen once" he spoke more and more. "well i hate to ruin your speech, but shes not breathing anymore" ginny spoke. "ginny go find mattheo. ill send the letter to draco" blaise spoke. i watched ginny run her heart out. "come on breathe" enzo spoke. "blow in her mouth" theo spoke. "what?" "ive seen it work with newborns now breathe" i felt enzo blow air in my face. which only made me fight more. "okay okay stop" theo spoke. i took a gasp for air and ket sobbing and screaming. "come on calm down" theo spoke still hugging me. "fucking hell took you long enough" blaise spoke. "well where the fuck is she" mattheo spoke. i felt theo let go of me and get up only for mattheo to sit behind me. "she stopped breathing again" enzo spoke. "blow in her face" theo spoke. "dont do that" mattheo followed up. i felt him grab me and pull me in. i felt his hand rub up and down on my back. "can you try and let this side go, so you can rest your head" he whispered. "i cant" "i know you can come on" he spoke so gentle. he started wiping my tears and cheeks. "theo run to the dorm and get my blanket" "on it" "blaise you go and see if you can see draco at the entrance you know what to do" "he wont like it" "enzo i need you to take ginny to get some food she will know what food" "on it" one by one they all left. "its just us" he spoke to me. i felt him tap on my hand "let me hold it" he grabbed my hand out of my hair and placed it in his all the while pushing my head to his shoulder and pulling me into his lap. "i got your blanket" theo spoke. "good now keep guard, i only want you to bring things up" mattheo spoke. he wrapped the blanket around us. he sat there, didnt talk. just kept wiping my tears. one arm around my waist the other holding my hand. i eventually calmed and with the calm came a shutter in each breath. mattheo sat there trying to untangle my hand from my hair. "ginny and enzo are back with food" theo spoke. "not right now" mattheo spoke. no one was aloud on the top of the tower. "im sorry y/n, im sorry for not talking to you. for letting your brother come between us and our friendship" he whispered. i felt a small kiss on my forehead. "mattheo?" i spoke lifting my head up. only for it to be pushed gently back down. "dont talk, just enjoy" i felt his body lean back against the rail. "promise you wont tell draco?" "i promise mattheo" i looked at him to see him smiling and looking down at me. for once i could see what they all meant and what drove draco wild. the look of love. weather it be friendship or relationship. mattheo loved me. thats why him and theo are laughing all the time. why he only trust theo around me. i smiled back and that only made his grip on me tighter, he pulled me in more. thats why hes been so much more touchy, he knows i like it, he wants to show me affection because i like it. all i did was scoot a little closer and felt as he tightened his grip. i felt like the world had stopped and it was just us. but he sat there just holding me, just looking at me and smiling, like hes been wanting to for awhile. "why dont we go back to the dorms and you can get into pants and i can change and me and theo will be over." he asked. "okay" i spoke. we both started to stand up and i felt him pick me up and reposition the blanket on me. "mattheo are you sure you can carry her down the stairs" enzo asked. "im sure" he spoke. and he really did. through the field, the corridors, and the common room. "draco never came" blaise spoke. i knew i was going to get upset. "we dont need him to have a party, you got the cool people"mattheo spoke. i was set down infront of my dorm room. i took off the blanket and tried to hand it to mattheo. "ill be in there in a minute" he spoke. i opened the door and put on the comfest pants i could find. which ended up just being black sweat pants. sweat pants and a tshirt. and when mattheo came by he was wearing almost the same thing as me. grey sweat pants and a white tshirt. "i brought this for you" he spoke handing me his hoodie. "well put it on" he spoke. i did and it was one of the best things to ever exist. i felt him pick me up and lay on the bed. "theo had to go and do something before he came so i stole this from him" mattheo spoke. it was a projector and a dvd player. i watched him set it up and put on one of the only movies he brought. before laying back down. he put his hand on my cheek and started rubbing it. "your so much better looking then draco" he laughed i couldnt help but laugh with him. "im going to scoot you up some" he spoke and he was not lying i felt him pull me up by my legs. "better" he laughed. he always looked at my eyes every chance he got. "im here" theo spoke. "faster then i thought" he laughed. "hey theo can you take her and get the bed set" "why cant you" "come here" the second i tried to drop my leg is the second mattheo pushed it back up. " know i think i can take her for a second" "cool thanks" he spoke rolling over quickly and then going to the bathroom. "he had to pee" "how do you know" "body language" theo spoke. if i tried to help theo get the bed ready he would take the things away from me. i felt an arm sling over my shoulders. "did he finish yet" "no" i was pulled into a hug and kept there. "its finished, i turn my back for 2 seconds" theo spoke. and mattheo started laughing. they were smiling at each other. i laid my head on mattheos shoulder and theo laid his on my shoulder. and somehow we all fit on my singular bed. 

"goodnight y/n" "good night theo" "good night y/n" "good night mattheo" "good night mattheo" "goodnight theo" 

i could feel two arms grab me and pull me in. and a third drape across my shoulders. "theo your hand is in my face" "fuck you mattheo" "why am i touching your hair" "why is your hand still near me" 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now