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(for the sake of fiction i will make tom and mattheo brothers. your welcome you lovley sons of a female dog)

its been 2 weeks since cedirc died. everyone is still upset but they cant be with yule tomorrow. everyone is asking everyone including me. ive gotten 5 questions so far and the day just started. "y/n half the school is talking bout you" ginny whispered to me. "what are they saying" "they are placing bets. weather your going with mattheo or going alone" "what else" "some are betting on which boy your actually going with. in relevance to the pucey situation a lot think your going to go with him. they say he still stares at you" she spoke. "malfoy and weasley" we both looked at the teacher. "your up for the boggart" ginny stepped up. and out from the closet came a man. nice jawline, good hair. "imagine ginny" i watched as she made him look like a fool. "to bad he was cute" i spoke earning a concerning look. "y/n" when i stepped up nothing came out. not a single thing. "it appears you confused it" i watched the professor stand there looking. "i havent seen this in a long time, 30 years in fact" he spoke more. "immune to boggarts, its a powerful skill to have. i will discuss this with the staff" he spoke looking at me.

"ive been waiting for lunch"ginny looked at me. unknowing she sat at the table with the slytherins on the rare occasion they were all in a good mood. "hey ginny" "oh hey whats up" we both looked at hermione. "words getting passed around about your boggart and rons a little worried. what was it" "a really good looking guy" i spoke earning all the boys to look at me. "tom" "tom riddle?" "yes" and now i was staring at her and then at mattheo. "riddle you say" i asked. "yeah tom riddle" "i mean he wasnt that good looking" i spoke looking at mattheo who was looking back at me. "he cant hurt you anymore ginny" "mattheo" "he can hermione" "y/n" and everyone turned to mattheo. "you have a brother?" theo asked. "its not like i see him anyway" "how old is he" "like 19 or 20" "and y/n called him cute"pansy asked. "yeah she did" he looked back at me. "great family genes" i spoke. "ginny i think we should leave now" i spoke "your staying here" i looked at mattheo. i was scared shitless and i think everyone could see it. "ginny" i looked over to see her walking away. "thats my cue to leave" i tried standing up only to be pulled back down. "mattheo" theo looked at him "theo" he looked back. i took this chance while he was busy to slip under the table. "where the hell did she go" im a fucking mastermind. i felt my robe be pulled to see astoria pulling me towards her. i hit my head on the table on the way over there. "fucking shit my knee" "are you okay" "i hit it on the table trying to cross my legs, do you think im okay" she yelled. "okay seriously where did she go" i could hear mattheo and see him moving around. "she wasnt comfortable anyway mattheo" "what?" "you scared the poor girl shitless of course she ran" astoria spokeup. she had put my head on her lap to keep me quiet. but i felt a hand touch my hair and i was met with the eyes of theo. the look in his eyes made me know i was safe. "whats under the table" "i thought i was touching her knee i was not." theo makes the perfect act. "we are at a lunch table dont get handsy now" i saw theo give me a thumbs up. "is that her running out the door?" astoria is trying to create a distraction and i love her for it. "ill go check ginnys table" i saw mattheo get up and start walking away. "hurry" and with that i flew out from under the table and booked it to the nearest door. even out in the hallway i didnt feel safe. but i was soon pulled into an office with the entire staff. "now is not a good time" i spoke. but he released the boggart anyway. we all watched as nothing came out once more. and everyone looked around at each other. "now i know your wondering what else may or may not work as am i. thats why i am proposing class with the upper class. potions, mystical creatures. the grade above her is doing more then we ever will" he spoke. "but its the middle of the year" "think about it. what could she be voided of? what could be enhanced? shes a special case" "tomorrow we will adjust her into higher classes. professor snape meet your new student y/n malfoy" "malfoy interesting" he looked at me. "i have high expectations" and he started walking off before coming back in. "mr.riddle is running around frantically and i dont feel like dealing with it" snape remarked but sighed and left anyway.  "for safe measure ill move you with your brother." i looked at professor mcgonagall. i couldnt even argue that i didnt want to be. but either way they all think im ready to be moved up a grade level anyway. "heres the proposal. ill inform the professors that youll be moving up. and ill show you your next class. potions" i smiled weakly and she walked me to where i needed to be. "snape. put her where draco usually sits" i watched him look at me before pulling up a chair next to a table. "youll sit here with your brother, parkinson and riddle" "actually i dont need to" "would you prefer i move someone?" "no id rather you not go out of your way for me" he seemed almost content with my answer. "i think i found my new favorite student" "wonderful. dont be to hard on her" and she walked out with the ring of the bells. "dont be afraid, im not to rough on students" he smiled walking back to the front of the class. "your having doubts. uncomfortable. would you prefer to sit at my desk" i couldnt even get a second to answer before the chair was moved there. and with an open hand he led me to the chair. and when everyone filled in the class the murmurs were everywhere. "anyone who talks from this point will receive punishment. i will not have slander in this room am i clear?" "yes professor snape" "perfect now open your table books to page 115" he looked down at the book handing me an open page. "read about it and do it on your own" everyone got to work. "sir professor snape" i watched as he looked at me. "i have never made a potion before" "i suppose thats not a good thing, i will give you a walk through" and then there was an explosion. "parkinson where did you go wrong" "i have no clue" he sighed "redo it" i watched him go to a cabinet before handing me my own little set up. "follow the book" i did and added everything i was supposed to. "which way do i stir" i sat there freaking out before i saw snape stirring it for me. "which ever way feels natural just get a rhythm and go for it" he looked at me. i put it in a little bottle. and after everyone finished we all sat there looking at him. "what did you make malfoy" the room stayed quiet. "draco malfoy" "Amortentia" "excellent, the potion allows you to smell the scent you are attracted to. but its dangerous to drink. who ever drinks it will become infatuated with the person creating obsessions of love" we all listened in. "we will go throughout the class and record what we smell" we started from the bottom and ended at the top. "riddle" "vanilla and lavender" wait thats me i looked at him from across the class only earning a smile followed by an eye roll. i was to unfocused to even hear my name only earning a tap on my shoulder. "what do you smell" i took a sniff only to take another to look back up at snape. "Well" "i dont smell anything" i watched a smile appear on his face. "mister malfoy bring yours up here" i watched as draco brought his to me. "nothing" i looked around. "professor what does that mean" pansy raised her hand and asked. "im glad you asked. y/n is our little testing hamster to understand more into immunity to magic. if i had to assume someone with a heart full of love and kindness can not smell such a potion and grasp what they might like,  even to the extent that ones desires may be unclear. with no such life goals or expecting a relationships at all may lead to it" he was already taking notes to send off about me. "so my sister is a hamster" draco stood up and asked. "precisely mister malfoy, so much so that she will be attending half of your classes with you. she's quite the case of knowledge" i could feel myself sinking into my seat from was only moments later mcgonagall came to retrieve me to take me to my next class. "you remember harry correct" "of course" "i fear your brother may become a distraction so i ask for this class to stick by harry" "of course professor" we had walk through the field. "hagrid" and when he placed his eyes on me he instantly knew who i was. "a malfoy" she smiled at me. "go easy. shes young" "ill do my best" i stood there. "so your a mystery" "i suppose" "i guess you wouldnt have any clue anyhow. let me show you a few things" we walked around all the creatures none that even paid to close attention to me. "pretty neat" i looked at him. "ive been having a troll problem so let me teach you a spell" and once i learned it it was my turn to try and defeat one. i watched as the troll had looked at me and went back to its hole. i looked at hagrid who seemed almost shocked the second he stood there it was ready to attack but when faced in front of me it couldn't care less. "i suppose your either to powerful or dont pose a threat." he looked at me. "class will start soon" i just stood there next to him until i saw harry. "professor mcgonagall told me to stand next to you" i spoke looking at him and his friends. "i heard" he looked back at me with a smile. "shes really quite cute" hermione added. "to think shes a malfoy" ron looked at me. somehow i earned the trust of the golden trio.  class wasnt much of anything besides everyone else trying to fight trolls with the spell learned including me trying to just chase them around even just trying to cast one spell until i was on the ground begging. "y/n i dont think its going to work. your a repellent" hermione spoke to me. "im getting offly discouraged" "how about this ill lure one you cast the spell" ron spoke. and there was the sparkle in my eye. i never really get to cast spells as often as anyone else. i watched ron stand in front of me while i took out my wand and peeked from behind him. i did miss the first time. and the second time earning ron to freak out the closer the troll got. so i stepped in front. which undoubtedly scared the troll off. "this reeks" i spoke to myself. and when the class ended i avoided mattheo and my brother entirely. mcgonagall came to collect me for the last class. "i will be letting you go for te next class seeing as you have taken dark arts today. i will ask you to see harry for practice. but signifying your aim is behind i will have you practice it with other people" she looked at me. "i understand" "i reckon you have great power inside of you. i blame nobody for the lack of being behind, but i will use this as a learning opportunity for you and the lower classes" i stayed there walking with her to the staff meeting for those who were learning about me. 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now