lies tell me sweet little lies

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"your lying" i was laughing so much i ended up banging my head on the wall a couple times from laughing so much only making astoria come in and see what was wrong. "ginnys getting hit on by notes under her door" i looked at her. i was sitting on my bed and ginny and astoria on the floor. "wheres mattheo?" "quidditch" they seemed to get it. "do you have these notes ginny" astoria looked at her. "ill read them" she handed me 2 notes. "ginny" i spoke before i started laughing only making the 2 of them laugh, "ginny, ive been looking at you for some time now. i see your beautiful hair, your nice eyes, rounds breasts" i stopped to laugh again much like they did to. "im sorry im sorry ill keep reading. i just want to scoop you up and let loose. you shouldnt over work your self to much, it might ruin your beauty. ill write you again soon xoxo" we all just started laughing. "let loose" "round breasts" "he slid me a picture of his dick under my door. "YOUR JOKING?" i yelled at the top of my lungs. the more racket we made the more pansy banged on the wall. "okay next letter. i hope the picture found it true in your heart...i dont think i can read the next parts" i spoke covering my mouth. astoria grabbed the paper and looked at it. "holy shit" she started laughing. "if you were with me id show you what he can do" "not him calling his dick a he" "me and ricardo the 3rd" "not his dick being named ricardo the 3rd" "shh" but we couldnt we were all laughing. "shh listen. id show you how tight you are inside. watch how deep you could take it" i covered my mouth and started banging my head again. "y/n stop" "heres the picture" i was first to see. "WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE THAT" after i saw it so did astoria. "MUSHROOM" was all she yelled. "ITS SMALL" "3 INCH DEFLATOR" astoria chimed in. i couldnt help but bang my head more. "Y/N ITS NOT FUNNY STOP, STOP HAVING SEX RIGHT NOW" "the fact pansy thinks im having sex is wild" we kept laughing looking at it. "the fact its 4 toned" "y/n that 6" we were dying. and at this point i started shaking so much in my laughs the bed was hitting the wall. "if your here then who the hell is y/n having sex with?" "what?" and all of a sudden i saw theo and mattheo in my room. they looked confused. we all tried to keep a straight face. "mushroom" ginny spoke making us all laugh. "3 inch" astoria added. "6 tooo...toned" i said trying to hold my laughs in. "what the fuck are you guys talking about" "ignore them keep reading" "please dont" astoria laughed before picking up the paper again. "i can show you what ricardo the 3rd is really mighty for" we couldnt help but laugh again. "what the fuck is happening" "and when we finally are together ill see how much you really gag when i grab your head and face fuck you. oh my god"  we all started laughing again and looked at the boys who were clueless and disturbed which only made us laugh more. "how mighty can"i couldnt finish it. "how mighty can 3 inches be" "not bad if there was girth" we all started dying of laughter and with my laugh came the bed shaking. "Y/N STOP"was all you heard pansy yell. "it really is a mushroom isnt it" "why was it so red" we started laughing again. theo and mattheo sat next to me. "okay what is happening" "sh we are reading" ginny looked at them. astoria couldnt even read it without laughing. "my turn" she handed the paper to me. i kept it away from the boys. "im gonna try to do this with a straight face" it didnt happen. i knew i was bound to smile. " ginny just let me show you how deep i can get, how i can reach eve.....eve...every part of you. how i can choke you while you ri-ri-ride it...i cant im out astoria" "give me and ricardo the 3rd a chance to blow you mind while i blow inside you, ill make you a cream pie in every hole you have to offer. xoxo" we all started laughing until another picture fell from the back. "ITS ANOTHER ONE" astoria yelled passing it around. making all of us laugh more. "give me it" i watched theo look at mattheo. "ginny where did you get this" "someone slid it under my door and all these letters" "mattheo?" "what is it" "its a fucking picture of a dick" mattheo looked at me as i was crying from laughing to hard. "the fact i have a gag reflex" ginny spoke. "you know me to" astoria added and they looked at me. "i cant relate to that" "WHAT" astoria spoke looking at me. "mattheo finger" i shoved his finger down my throat without gagging. "i dont think i would be gaggin on him anyway"ginny laughed once more. "who showed my gir" mattheo was cut off by theo sticking his hand in front of his face. "my girl-" "mattheo" "what" "just say it" "my girlfriend?" mattheo only got it when theo held up my hand. "who showed my fiance A PICTURE OF A GOD DAMN DICK" "well" "but why does it look like that" was all i could mutter out laughing which caused them to snicker. "wait sorry what did you say mattheo" astoria looked at him. "who showed my fiance the dick picture" "both of us...wait fiance?" theo grabbed my hand and showed them the ring. "youll have to excuse them, it just happened yesterday" "thats so pretty, and your nails are to die for" "her nails could kill someone" ginny spoke after. "wait what did you say about a gag reflex y/n" mattheo looked at me. "i dont have one?" he just stared at me. "so whats got you laughing about a dick?" "its a mushroom" i spoke first. "its a chode." "its 6 differnt colors" "its name is ricardo the 3rd" "he named his dick?" theo asked. "yeah" astoria spoke laughing. i looked back at mattheo who was still staring at me. "what" "im going to need everyone to leave in about 5 minutes" i looked back at them. "what" "i forgot i needed to take a shower" "we can wait" "no. because mattheos joining" "oh" "talk later y/n" ginny winked. "im not done talking" theo left basically running after them. "lock the door" "yes sir" i was a little bit scared i am not going to lie. "mattheo?" with a finger he told me to get on the floor. "hurry" "okay sorry" it wasnt long before he was testing it out. and it did get more aggressive. did i like it, a little. just a tad...maybe a lot. "you owe me" "i promise i will give you everything you want and more" i looked at him. "you tell theo any of this and i will not talk to you for a week" "yes i understand" he looked at me. "but just so you know i really like it" "mattheo" "IM SORRY" all anyone could hear was mattheo screaming trying to get away from me. "just so you know i kinda liked it" "really?" "shut up" "i will" "do you want a kiss or do i have to brush my teeth first" "kiss then brush?" i looked at him shocked. "if you want to brush them first you can?" "i give you the option because every guy i know has always told me or someone else to brush their teeth because they dont want to kiss someone after they sucked their dick" "just fucking kiss me" "sir yes sir" i went up to kiss him only for him to slam me on the bed and kiss me but to also shake it to piss off pansy. "Y/N" "SHUT UP PASNY" mattheo yelled back. all we heard was screaming next door and the sight for theo to walk into was amazing. mattheo was on top of me shaking the bed. 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now