i dont wanna feel better

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2 weeks. 2 weeks i went without talking to anyone, meaning i looked like shit. "y/n open" "coming" i laid in my bed. "Y/N" "COMING" i opened the door to see ginny. "what fucking died in here" "me" i heard her sigh and light some candles. "are you even showering." "yes" "your hair...has a fucking bird laid eggs" "i dont think so" "THINK?" i heard more knocking at the door. "y/n open and dont tell me coming and you never come" i opened the door anyway. "what fucking died in here" "y/n did apparently" "what the fuck is wrong with your hair" "i havent brushed it...or washed it" "i was going to say now that you have company the boys are coming over and i was seeing if you wanted to hang out" "no" "why?" "your all mad at me" "no we arent just concerned now" "im getting food" i turned around leaving "y/n have you not been eating" ginny asked "no" "draco" i heard ginny say only for draco to sigh. once i started the heating up a mac and cheese cup i heard the door ring. and draco opened it. "hey shes whoa" i turned around to look at theo who in returned looked at mattheo. "she hasnt been taking care of herself just let her be" draco spoke "maybe we should help" "yeah draco i dont think her hair is supposed to be that tangled" "it will take all night" draco spoke more and more to them. im the end i was in a 2 piece bathing suit sitting in my bathtub. "ow" "ow" "ow" "its gonna hurt y/n" "she looks like she skin and bones draco" mattheo spoke and then he pulled my hair. i looked beside me to see a knife. "put it down" "the knot" draco ended up grabbing the knife and trying to brush it out. "yall are cute....let me see it" ginny spoke grabbing my head and using a rattail comb to get the knots half way out or loosened. and now the boys were brushing again. "how the hell did it get this bad" mattheo spoke trying not to pull my hair" "where the hell is theo" draco spoke looking around. "your really going to let someone who has a crush on y/n see her in a skimpy bathing suit?" ginny spoke. "thats a good note ginny" i turned to look at her only for my hair to be pulled when i did. "im here...whoa" "dont look" "someone's little man woke up" "THEO" "IM SORRY MATTHEO" there ended up being 4 people trying to work on one head, my poor head. "stop crying y/n" draco spoke. "it hurts" "maybe if you brushed your hair" "i couldnt" "then get someone next time" it was a constant argument with me and draco. mattheo and theo were arguing. ginny was taking out every knot the softest she could. once my hair was done they ended up trying to blow dry it. "your doing it wrong with her hair type and shit. your going to make her look like a lion" ginny spoke and with a few little tweaks and it being dry they stared at me in shock. "why have we never seen your hair like this?" theo asked looking at me. "nut tap" i watched mattheo straight up punch theo followed by him falling to the ground holding himself. "i think im gonna throw up" "good" mattheo was proud of himself. "you never see y/n with her hair like this because it would take her hours to even attempt" draco spoke. "thats not even the full routine" ginny cleared it up. "give her 3 days and ill make sure she does it" draco looked at them. and i just watched theo still rolling on the ground, only earning me to go over there and help him. "at least SOMEONE is nice" theo looked at mattheo. mattheo ended up pulling me away and hugging me. "just be lucky shes willing to help you" "your head is so far up your ass mattheo" "says the dude trying to steal my fucking" "IM NOT." "YOU ARE" "NO IM NOT" draco ended up punching both of them to the point they fell doing the same thing. rolling on the floor holding themselves. i ended up putting my foot on mattheos chest. "mattheo baby" "yeah y/n" "shut the fuck up" "what the hell did i do?" "theo hasnt made any moves on me. its just a harmless crush mattheo" "but" "but what? if he trys he knows who he would have to deal with. its more trouble trying to 'win me' so just forget it" he just ended up nodding. and once ginny left it was the 4 of us. "im going to go fuck a girl" draco spoke leaving 3. "three way?" theo looked at mattheo. "what the fuck theo" "its a serious fucking question" "you are not fucking my fiance" "and im not saying i have to" "get the fuck out theo" "alright, dont miss me to much mattheo" in the end i decided to sit on the bed and plan a wedding. "small right?" "big" "small, its not like we know that many people" "fine" i looked at mattheo. "we can send it and see where it lands us" "deal" "what about a black dress?" "not white?" "who do you think i am mattheo. a white dress your insane" "red vest black shirt, red tie, black pants" he spoke looking at me. "i was thinking of something like this" i spoke drawing something that was poofy and form fitting. "i like that" "good, cause i was also" "do me a favor" "what?" i watched him dig around my closet. "wear this." "okay so" "oh and take off you know" "mattheo what is the plan of this?" "i just wanna see something" when i did he was laying on the bed. "where the fuck did your pants and shirt go mattheo" "it got hot" "what ever" "stand over me" i did it anyway "sit" "i am not sitting on your face" "sit" i sighed and did it anyway only earning a tongue up me. "hey" "mmmmm" "what?" i got up a little. "sit back down" in the end i dont know what i was expecting but we ended up having to wash ourselves and the covers and sheets. everything....everything had jizz on it. it was fun so im not complaining but there was so much. "how the hell do you" "dont ask" "you gonna let me be a top?" "no never" "you suck" "you suck me" ask and you shall receive. "wait im sorry. please" i felt him grab a handful of my hair and it didnt take long for him to start pushing my head. "mattheo" "huh" "top" "no" "to bad" i did it anyway and needless to say...ill be doing it more often. he didnt last more then 10 minutes. kind of upset about it, but mattheo being mattheo made it up in the end. "we are getting stuff" "what stuff" "toys and stuff. maybe a rope" "mattheo you kinky bitch" "yeah only a little" "go to sleep" "okay i love you good night" "i love you to good night" 

sleep in peace. sleep in the arms of my fiance. 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now