sometimes i wish i was dead

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i was bring rolled down the hall to my next class by draco who i had my other class with. "be prepared to get yelled at over something you have no control over" "i can try, but maybe today she wont look at me and find something wrong" both me and draco knew something was gonna happened today. "mcgonagall said she went letters to all my professors warning them of my injury and the chair and for the walking sticks" i had a blanket i know its going to cause problems. we met up with mattheo and theo before we even walked in. we all looked at each other and there i was her looking me dead in the eye. "malfoy take the blanket off. its not nap time" i did as told without even saying a single word once everyone was sitting she looked around the room. "i has come to my attention that jewelry has become distracting. i ask you to take it off. rings,bracelets,necklaces. everything" i looked at mattheo who looked at me. i gave him everything i could apart from the necklace thats welded onto my neck. and if clockwork wouldnt have her way she was by me and mattheo. "your bracelet and you necklace" "professor" "not now nott" "yeah they cant take them off" "those are the rules." "its welded onto my neck its not coming off" "its going to, and your going to put your chair at the front and sit down in a normal chair" "theo can you take the chair up there" "no you are. your going to walk over there and walk back. and take off that stupid necklace." the second her finger landed on it was the second i bit the shit out of her. "OFFICE" "GLADLY" i yelled back at her. in the end me and mattheo were getting in trouble for not obeying. "my ring" he gave me my ring and i put it back on my finger in the end we were stopped by snape. "the little heathen bit me" "did you try and touch her" "i tried to rip her necklace off saying it was welded. both of them. they never listen" we showed snape the necklace and bracelet. "you would cause more harm to the students then remove their things from them. and asking y/n to walk is outrageous." in the end we all walked to mcgonagalls apart from me who got pushed in a chair. "mattheo my ankle hurts" "its in my pocket but i dont have a drink" "im sure we can get one soon" he smiled at me. "a couple shouldn't even sit together"  "they work good together dolores" "not good enough, they get in trouble every time they step into my class" "funny they never got in trouble in mine" 

"i will discuss this and we can go from there" "uhm may i have a water please" "certainly y/n" i watched as mcgonagall handed me a water cup. i took my meds which only sent umbridge over a fucking bridge. "drugs now. i told you she was troubled. the minute she tried to take my boot off was the moment i screamed in pain. "dolores what has gotten into you" "she thinks she can do whatever she wants" mattheo ended up running to get ice and snape was next to me looking at my ankle. "your dismissed from this room. go" mcgonagall spoke. once mattheo brought me the ice it felt a little better. "ive been wanting to" "good its your class now" "what the hell did i miss" i looked at mattheo. "shes no longer our teacher snape is" "y/n how is your ankle" "in pain" "whats your last class?" "the fee class" "apparition. ill see if there's a way she can"  "ill talk to dumbledore" mattheo ended up walking me back to the class only to see draco and theo standing there. "wheres enzo?" "yelling" theo looked at draco. and like that enzo was out. "we all yelled at her" "FUCK YOU" and now here is astoria. the boot was next to me and i still had ice on my ankle. pretty soon the whole class was out in the hallway with us. "can i have more ice draco. 2 bags and a cup" i watched as he left to get it and when he came back i put it on my ankle and started eating it out of the cup. "y/n do you have low iron?" "i dunno why" "theres this thing where if you crave eating ice you might have low iron" "i wouldnt know" i just sat there listening to everyone talking. "WHAT?" was all you heard draco yell. "your telling me she ripped y/ns boot off thinking she was faking it causing her to scream in pain and feel nothing for it?" he was yelling and everyone had stopped to listen. "why you you think she doesnt have it on anymore?" astoria sat on the floor to get the ice where i couldnt sit it "feel better?" "yeah" "good" mattheo was still standing talking to the rest of them. "student, students" we all looked to the side to see dumbledore and mcgonagall walking towards us. "your professor said you all yelled at her and walked out. i know only 3 of you should be out of class." and then it started everyone yelling all at the same time their complaints. which only landed mattheo to cover my ears and astoria to keep the ice on my ankle. "all of you back in." and then it was the group who didnt. "im the roller" "the brother" "the icer" "meds giver" "support" "you all care so much but the only people who should be here are" "all of you may go to the dorms. your good to take the rest of the school day off. im sorry for the way she has acted. there will be change next class" we got the okay to go from mcgonagall so we did. i ended up resting my feet off the side of the chair. "you know what sounds so good" i looked at astoria. "a back massage" "with lotion?" "always with lotion" "it does sound good." "you know i used to go to a place and they would rub your ass with this lavender oil" "why does it sound so good" "cause your in pain all over so anything that would help you feel better sounds a million times better" "i hate that your so smart" she smiled at me only earning me to laugh. she was right, i would take anything to make me feel better. even if it was a simple rub. my knee still hurt. my ankles a problem. but now my body is just sore everywhere from the whole ginny thing. "ginny handed me this at lunch, she said i wrote it down because i knew y/n wasnt paying attention, but its everything the doctor said in regards to healing her ankle." "read it astoria" enzo spoke up. "keep the boot on as much as humanly possible, and no she doesnt have to wear it to sleep. but you cant put strain on the ankle its self. ice as much as needed and to reduce swelling. the swelling should go away in 3 days to 7. its fine if it takes longer. the pain should subside within the same time frame depending on care itself. for the first 72 hours avoid hot baths and showers, warm to room temp is fine just limit exposure. try to elevate ankle with padding such as a pillow or something soft. but be sure not to have it to extended. limit walking, walking should be little to none. avoid bending and twisting on the tendon to avoid extra ripping." she went on and on and i ended up tuning her out either way, just like i did at the doctors. "you here that mattheo" "you mean change my sleeping habits? yeah i do" "your such an asshole to her mattheo" "i need my beauty sleep just as much as she does" i ended up looking back at him with the biggest saddest eyes i could create. "not going to work on me sweetheart" he sent me a smile. "curse you mattheo" all i heard was everyone laughing. "ow astoria" "your an ass" "she knows im going to end up doing it anyway whats the fucking deal" "you were?" "yes" "mattheo cant help but prefer to have y/ns health and comfort levels at the top of his list" theo looked at her. "just like draco" enzo chimed in. "shes my sister its different. i got in trouble if she got hurt. and shes clumsy." i laughed along with everyone else as we walked into theo and mattheos room. they sat me on the bed with a pillow under my ankle. "should we put the boot on?" "i think ice will be fine" "keep the fucking boot off my bed" we all looked at mattheo. "i told you he was mean" he rolled his eyes handing me a water and sitting behind me. i done fell asleep again and when i woke up no one was in there but astoria. "good evening" "where the hell" "quidditch" i looked at her groaning. "why dont we go watch them?" "its cold" "ill bring a blanket, you know i think they would appreciated. they love playing but never want to leave you, you never wanna watch." "fine a blanket. give me the walking sticks" "crutches y/n" "yeah" i had the blanket over my shoulders and we walked there. "this is kinda fun" "we told you" "its slower" "its gonna be." once we got there and sat front row. we got called down by the instructor and got to sit where the players usually do which was a bit warmer but we also sat towards the back. "nice to finally see you again y/n what happened to the ankle" "just me being me" "you know malfoys been complaining about cho, i heard from the staff you dont have to lie" "yeah..." i just looked at her. "your quite distracting to the players" i looked at her confused. "mattheo never shuts up about you to the point it affects his playing just as much. you know i think he likes you. and on top of that theodore is worried because your his best friends crush and your his friends sister. hopefully you being here makes them play better" i watched as she went to the middle of the field and spoke to everyone. "who is it?" "where are they?" "just play like your life depends on it" i looked to astoria who was covering me up with the blanket since i couldnt really wear pants due to the fucking boot. wearing pants makes it hurt more anyway. theres a lot of pressure and shit. "is it so bad being here is it?" "im freezing to death" "once everyone gets here youll warm up" we looked at hooch who looked back at us. eventually practice ended and the only people to actually see us were draco and blaise. "this is a surprise" draco just smiled at me. "we thought it would make you all happy if we came and watched" astoria spoke looking at them. "wheres the chair. did you walk y/n i swear" "crutches" they both looked shocked. i just smiled at them only for them to smile back like a proud parent. "THEO, MATTHEO YOUR GONNA WANNA SEE THIS" it didnt take long for mattheo and theo to fly by spinning around in the air. "y/n scream" "what" draco looked at me. "scream" they gave me their shoulders and i walked out and let loose. i watched them both stop and what they saw was me screaming and draco and blaise walking me back to the station. i sat back down next to astoria and when they finally came in and saw me sitting down smiling and talking they looked at blaise and draco. "you scared the fuck out of us" theo looked at them. "you didnt come when i called your name" "so you send y/n to scream" mattheo looked a blaise. "not my plan i just helped look at draco" the instructor was laughing. "after so long of seeing y/n support you draco. i was worried id never see her again. but here she is watching everyone makes me feel happy" hooch spoke to him. "you watched me play?"mattheo looked at me and smiled. "where the hell is the chair" we looked at theo. "yeah where is it" mattheo also looked at me and astoria. "crutches?" i pointed to them and it seemed to make everyone feel better. we did eventually leave after getting yelled at to do so. and we were off to get food. seeing as how i couldnt keep up with anyone, i just started walking. "y/n" "your to fast i cant keep up. and i dont want to look like an idiot" it was then that they slowed down. and when they sped up again i started hobbling away until i made a wrong step and fell. "im so done using these pieces of shit" i shouted only earning astoria to run over. "where are you going" "i cant keep up. im going to my room" "hey you dont have to" "i am" "mattheo draco theo blaise a little help" "you can all go without me" "we arent" "she cant keep up theo she told us that already" "its no my fault she cant" everyone looked at blaise. "i ended up throwing them at the floor when i tried again and walking back to my dorm only to be stopped. "were going" "no im not mattheo." "you are" "NO IM NOT" "mattheo hold on she's frustrated" draco stopped him dead in his tracks. "shes frustrated?" "give her 2 minutes and shes going to start crying. and  it will get worse if you yell back" "come on y/n" mattheo looked at me. "no, im not going" "get off your ankle." theo chimed in. "fuck this stupid boot. and fuck the crutches. IM JUST GONNA GO FUCK MYSELF" i took off the boot and kept walking. "shes pissed" was the only thing i heard so i flipped off everyone. i didnt end up going for before i started to limp. and when i started limping mattheo ended up carrying me to the dining hall. "let me go" "no" "release me mattheo" "can you just be quiet for 5 seconds" i looked at him. even everyone else stopped in their tracks. i did wait 5 seconds. "mattheo. you have 3 seconds to put me down" "put her down" mattheo did eventually end up putting me down and i kindly sped walked my happy ass back to my dorm slamming the door which only alerted the sound of enzo. "go away" "lets talk" i opened the door looking at him. "you know your not supposed to walk right?" "i am aware. what do you want enzo" "you slammed your door" "im mad" "what happened" "mattheo" "what did moody boy do" "moody boy?" i looked at him. "hes been moody all day. like all day" "he didnt seem moody" "around you he didnt. but to everyone else he was. hes been in some mood for we dont know what reason. you know what i bet it was umbridge. but i dont see why he would get moody with you" "im annoying" i looked at enzo. "your not annoying y/n, you cant blame yourself for mattheos emotions" "im stubborn, hard headed and annoying" "i cant argue with 2 but your still not annoying. you have your moments just like the rest of us" "thanks enzo." "i know you want to be alone. so ill be on my way. but cheer up. its boring without you. thats if everyone is still together" "check the dining hall" "thanks" i watched him leave and i just stayed there sitting in my bed. even with all the knocking i never answered my ankle hurt to bad to answer. i was looking at my calendar.  "our one year is at the end of this week and my birthday is the week after. could it get any fucking worse" i spoke to myself. draco knows why im on edge. but i told him in the case someone forgets dont remind them. he told me he wouldnt, and im assuming hes going to keep his word. "y/n open the door" "go away mattheo i dont want to talk to you" "then talk to me" "i dont want anyone in here" "just leave her alone" i opened the door. "enzo get in here" "right away" i shut the door behind us. "no fucking away she let berkshire in before us" "i know my eyes didnt deceive me" "get the fuck out my way assholes. y/n open" "come on draco" i let draco in and astoria. eventually enzo left and waited outside. "she booted me" "i wonder why" "your killing both of them" astoria looked at me. "out. i wish not to speak about them" and just like that it was just draco. "you got booted." "covering your dumbass" "im the dumbass" "yeah you are mattheo. cant fucking tell her to be quiet" i looked at draco. "happy early birthday" "you waited until you were the last one" "fuck yeah, i had my word in there" i laughed a little. "your the best brother in the world draco" "your the best sister" "your my favorite brother" "im your only brother" "i know" i smiled at him. "did you put something on your face" "no? why" "oh no reason" "your lying whats on my face" "your having an allergic reation" "ah shit it was probably that lotion i put on my hands." i went to the bathroom to look. and sure enough i was red and had bumps everywhere. "and no one brought it up" "nope" "i hate everyone" "dont be upset" "well it hurts to cry anyway" thats all i could do is look at him with tears coming down my face. "you know this isnt my specialty" "can i just have a hug" "sure" he gave me a hug. "when you go out there can you be evil for 5 seconds?" "im listening" "can you tell them im like having an allergic reaction and im so upset that i dont wanna come out" "how is that evil" "your gonna make it sound like your in a panic, im gonna up the tears and everything else. and go and get the allergy meds out your room. but act like your in a hurry to get to me. because you are. my face is itchy and burns" i watched him smile. i started my act and draco walked out. "move i have to get meds" "what?" "shes having an allergic reaction now move. oh and by the way shes like this close to having a breakdown. i dont even know how to make her stop crying." "ALLERGIC REACTION" they all seemed to yell. i heard as they pounded on my door, i was trying my hardest not to laugh. i love being chaotic. "GET OUT OF MY WAY" i could hear draco yelling before i let him in. i even let out a sad little scream. which only made them bang more. "let us in" "fuck them let me in" i looked at draco quietly laughing. "we are to good together" "i hope that made you a little less angry" "it did. how worried did they look" "which person?" "name them" i took a few allergy pills and sat there looking at draco. "theo was worried but he was trying not to show it. astoria was on the brink of tears. mattheo didnt know how to feel. he looked upset,worried,watery eyes, and anger. enzo was just panicked. and blaise couldnt care less, hes worried but he knows your gonna be fine." i smiled. "and you" "im standing right here. of course i know your fine, its not my first fucking rodeo" he laughed. i just kept itching my face. "your getting puffy take another one" "great. i think thats a new one" "long exposure plus stop itching it. wash your hands" i did just that. i didnt think about how when i itched it just got deeper in my skin. i ended up taking a shower. "aw shit. draco come in and cover your eyes." i spoke earnin just that. "i was shaving and cut myself. can you get me something" he ended up throwing it at me. when i stepped out i looked at draco. "feel better?" "yeah. my ankle does to" "good" "are they still out there?" "yeah been talking about what to do. i think the only one left is mattheo" "how do you reckon" "he kept saying no to going places let me see" i watched draco walk to the door and open it before closing it again. "he still is" "im surprised" "your still angry" "i am" "and your still all puffy and broken out" "are the better pills in your room" "yeah i grabbed the shitty ones" "we can go to your room" "you want to walk" "you can shoulder walk me" i watched him smirk and off we were. "mattheo move" "y/n" i watched him look at me. and me and draco started walking. "i can not wait for those better pills" "your knee is gross. im guessing you havent been cleaning it" "fuck you" in the end mattheo ended up helping draco get to his room with me. even waited outside. "did you see his face?" draco looked at me. "i did" "he was worried" "i think he was grossed out" i took the better meds and layed down on his bed. draco got stuff to clean my knee. "IT HURTS" i yelled at the top of my lungs. "its going to" and then when it was done it was like good as new. "maybe thats why it fucking hurt" "it feels weird" "probably because its clean" i looked at him once more giving him a look. "your face is clearing up slightly. want to go eat now?" "not like ill be able to keep up anyway" "you felt left out. thats why you got so mad" "no. i got mad because i told you i couldnt and you walked my pace for 5 seconds before darting off 10 feet in front of me again" "yeah i suppose we did sorry" "its fine i should just get used to walking alone for 6 weeks anyway" draco handed me my crutches. "lets get food" "i look like a monster" "you just took like 6 pills on a empty stomach lets go" i couldnt argue with that so we did. at a pace i could actually keep up with. mattheo didnt even realize that we left. probably because he was sitting back at my door. after draco sat there eating with me even if he ate something small we went back to see everyone back at my door. "whats your plan" "i didnt think this far" "how do you feel" "upset to see all of them" "ill tell them why if you want to detour to your room. meet you in there" "meet you in there" draco had looked at them and when he started talking i opened my door and went in. "shes upset at everyone" "why are you the exception?" "its her brother." "why?" "good question. we talked about it. and she said she left unheard by the fact she told us we couldnt keep up and to her it felt like we didnt care enough to try. we slowed down for a minute and then sped back up. and to her its upsetting. she knows she cant keep up no matter how hard we try and that all we do is pesture her for trying to attempt to maintain her normal everyday things" i was listening to draco. i dont remember saying half the shit he is saying but i cant argue cause its true. "now shes 6 pills deep on a empty stomach so i have to get to the room now move" i watched him walk in "scary i like it" "your face does look better" "thank you" "why havent you seen what your allergic to yet" "i dont need to" he looked at and shrugged. "i know you dont want to hear it, but your going to half to talk to them eventually" "one by one they can come in" "whos first, astoria" i watched draco go get her. "hey y/n" i looked at her. "im sorry for not taking your feelings and condition into consideration." i looked at the door and back at her. "sorry. i understand" i watched her leave and looked at draco. "it was the condition wasnt it?" "yeah" "whos next. enzo" "yeah" i wasnt mad at enzo. he just thought it was best if he left. i watched him come in. "your still not annoying y/n" "i know" "im glad you got the reaction under control." "so you saw it and didnt say anything" "i thought it was just stressed. i know you have been these last couple of days" "your not wrong. now go out there and act sad" "you got it" i watched him wink and step out. "blasie?" "no, theo" theo walked in and told draco to leave by looking at the door. "you forget its my room theo" "i know your upset but you cant be that upset still" "i know your fucking lying" "theo get out" "just keep in mind how we feel when you do this y/n" "why do you think your in here theo?" "to apologize" "no your in here because i wanted all of you to see im alright now that im a little calmer. but when everyone gets together i just fucking sit there. so if im just going to sit there and listen why not go actually do something" theo looked at me. he knew i was right. i just sit there while everyone else talks. its been like that since i met everyone. "y/n" "but you want to yell at me for sitting here doing nothing? why because im not with you? cause everyone else is upset that im upset? you wouldnt have even know why. but draco told you. because draco made me. he didnt try and yell or pry. he asked when i calmed down" i looked at him. "y/n" "no theo. just go. leave me alone" he knew i was hurt. but i wasnt i looked like it. i was just really mad. i watched him leave. "your a fucking pro at that shit" "i know" "the last one is mattheo" i looked at him. "and hes been beating his self up for awhile now." "let him in and get out" i watched draco nod, in went mattheo out went draco. all mattheo did was hug me. he didnt say anything but hug me. i didnt understand until i heard the quiet little crys coming from him. in his mind he thought it was over. we werent together and i wanted nothing to do with him, thats what he thought. thats why he had been staying there. he didnt know how to bring it up, he didnt know what to think. "mattheo?" i got nothing in response. i ended up standing the wrong way only to fall down. he just looked at me. i felt like i had a heavy heart. i watch theo walk in and whisper something to him. maybe they caught on i was trying to worry them. payback fucking hurts though. there was no denying an allergic reaction. he picked up my hand and took he ring off my finger. i watched him wipe it off and put it back on my finger. and why the fuck am i still sitting on the ground. i knew better then anyone. i left to go wash my face in the bathroom. i took off the ring and when i did i watched him pick it up and put it in his pocket. he stayed there behind me watching me wash my face and put lotion on it.  everything burned. the touch, the soap, the lotion. i knew it would only take a couple of minutes for my face to break out again. but its just going to. its still different lotion but since my skin hates me its going to complain by giving me bumps on my face. i walked out and sat on my bed taking my boot off. and just like the doctors said the swelling was going down. i kept the bandage off of it. and laid on my stomach. no one was talking and at this point i just want to be alone. "y/n" "mattheo" i looked at him from the side of my eye. in the end he just ended up leaving. "MATTHEO" "YOUR GETTING THE WRONG POINT ACROSS" he still had my ring. "GIVE IT BACK WORST TIMING" i kept my head in a pillow. if he has it or not its bound to happen we are still getting married. ill get it back anyways. my face is itchy. it was when i looked in the mirror i started to cry. everything was red and bumpy. "draco" i spoke opening the door crying. i watched everyone look at me. "it itches and hurts" "i left for 2 seconds" i dropped the the floor crying my eyes out from the irritation alone. "Stop giving her meds let me see it" astoria grabbed my chin and looked at it. "its a allergic reaction break out. which is super fucking irritated." i looked around at everyone. "DONT LOOK AT ME IM UGLY" i spoke shutting the door. "she washed her fucking face?" "with the same stuff i see her always using" "go in there and tell her shes pretty" "i cant" "mattheo you have to tell her how your feeling" "she thinks you are all trying to fuck with her anyway" "what do you mean draco" "she thinks your trying to get back at her for her being upset" "why does she think that?" "i dont know. thats why shes so quiet. she thinks your trying to make her feel bad, so she doesnt want to show emotion" i could hear banging against the wall. the first person to walk through the door was theo. i turned my back and threw a blanket over my whole body and face. "go away" "y/n" "dont look at me" "will you just let me talk to you." i heard walking around before the blanket was ripped off of me. "y/n" "what theo" "what in the hell made you think we were trying to get back at you for being upset" "cause i feel like my emotions make me an asshole. and i didnt want to see anyone" "we worry about you because we care. and i dont even want to explain what mattheo thought" "enzo told me hes been moody" "hes stressed about you, about the anniversary. everything, but i told him he needs to come in here and talk with you. but draco said you felt like we were trying to get back at you. and draco said to tell you to take more meds its getting worse" i just started crying more. "your not ugly y/n" "im a monster" "its fucking impossible" i looked at theo. "you dont take them from me. but maybe youll take it from mattheo. but we arent trying to get revenge for you being mad at us" when he left draco walked back in. "your evil" "i am the sinner and you are the saint after all" "your making me a sinner" i looked at draco an smiled. and when mattheo walked in draco handed me more meds for the shit show on my face. once draco left it went quiet again. "your not ugly" "thank you mattheo" "so you believe it" "you want the truth or a lie" "the truth" "no i still feel ugly" i gave him a soft smile. he went back to hugging me his grip was tight. i just sat there. he didnt have to tell me how he felt or what he was thinking about  i could see it in his eyes. "mattheo?" he didnt say anything at all. just sat there hugging me. he put my ring on the bed. i looked at him, he was looking at me. i picked up the ring and put it on my finger. this time i started the hug. which ended up with me being on top of him  on the bed. "feel like talking to me now" i picked my head up to look at him. "put your head back down" his voice sounded horse and rough. i did what he asked. i know he never wanted me to see him cry, so hes probably a little embarrassed. but i found the problem of why did didnt want to talk to me. "then ill talk" he buried his face into my neck. "sorry for worrying you" i took a pause. "and im sorry for you know, looking like a monster and making your life harder then it has to be." i looked at him. "thats all i ever seem to do anyway" i whispered to myself. "its not" "but im sorry for not talking to you sooner. i let my emotions control me. and ill work on not showing any." "dont do that" "its the only way" i could feel him shake his head. "mattheo tell me whats wrong" he shook his head no once more. "id rather hear it from you then theo" i could hear him mumbling but i didnt understand a thing. "i cant hear you babe" i watched as he looked at me with these giant sad eyes almost happy i called him babe. "you thought it was over didnt you" he only shoved his head back into my neck shaking his head yes. "i dont think theres a single time ive thought about it" i watched him hold up his pinky finger. "a pinky promise?" "mhm" i ended up doing it anyway funny enough. when he looked at me i noticed how swollen his eyes were. how red his cheeks were. "want a kiss?" he didnt even answer he just did it. "mattheo?" "y/n" "tell me your thought process" "im sorry for yelling" "theo said you were stressed." "i have been. trying to figure out how to make our one year something to remember" "you know you dont have to right?" "thats a lie. but when i saw the look on your face when i said it i knew i done fucked up. but i couldnt even try to defend myself before you told me to drop you and everyone else saying the same. i didnt even eat. i waited by the door. heard enzo talking in your room went to mine. watched him leave and then sat by your door." i looked at him. "but the more you ignored me, the more i thought it was over. and i didnt like the fact. so when it actually came around to talking to you i didnt know how" "you didnt want me to know" "well yeah why would i" after some time of talking he sounding more like himself. "have you fully ate yet?" "only a little. draco took me to eat" he had picked me up and carried me to get food with him. everyone joining. "theo just kept yelling at me" i whispered to mattheo. "well hes an asshole" mattheo whispered back. mattheo never left my side. i dont know how he could after that. 

(time cut bc why not)

and it was the day of our anniversary. mattheo still hadnt fully recovered from thinking it was over between us, and im still in a stupid fucking boot. which meant his plans of going out were cut entirely. thats why he had been so stressed. he wanted to take me out, show me off. instead he got to cuddle and be alone. my birthday is next week. i told ginny and draco not to say anything to anyone else. but fred and george they already know how i like it. not that they would talk to the boys either way. "y/n what are you thinking about?" "just the usual. you, my friends, what im going to eat" i looked at him and smiled. with the help of everyone he had turned my room into the perfect place to cuddle. theo had the idea for a sexy time thing. but with my ankle mattheo saw no way to actually do it. not unless i just laid there on my back the entire time. and even at the end of the night i had a fun time. we did face masks, took a bath with my ankle hanging out, cuddled, talked, looked at our future, shit talked people. the whole thing, and at the end of the night everyone was sleeping in my room. which somehow worked. the next one will be better i can assure that. 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now