tables only turn when turned

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"hey blaise, whats the draco update" i asked meeting up with the group in the hallway. "considering he wasnt in class today, im assuming not good" we all just kind of looked at each other. "this falls on me doesnt it?" i asked. "it doesnt have to" enzo spoke. "its not gonna get better if i dont" i looked at them, sure i knew my brother but i needed to make sure it was what i needed to do. "hey boys, guess what" and now we are all looking at pansy. "i just asked draco to yule and he agreed, i couldnt be more happier" "hey pans since you asked draco what how many minutes ago" "10 minutes ago" "how did he seem" "well he didnt seem like himself, kinda sad. it was weird. oh but i also think you should cut back on the food y/n everyone is doing it to look good for the ball" she spoke walking off and once more i looked back at the boys. "if you want to y/n" blasie spoke. i sighed and looked back at them. "stand point what would it really fix, maybe this is what draco needed" enzo spoke clearing the air with agreements. i sighed once more. "blasie can crash in my room tonight" enzo spoke. i hate to be the bear of bad news but it was really weird. like it wasnt bad when i would be there with draco, but with just me and him its weird.  "see yous at lunch?" theo spoke. "yeah" everyone else agreed but me. "im sitting with ginny" i spoke they weren't mad but understanding. 

class by class and now it was finally lunch. i did see draco and he didnt look happy, the opposite. i watched him sit down with the boys. "y/n youve been really distracted today, whats up" "just sibling arguments." "i get it...but hey cheer up and eat" "i dont want to" "your that upset you cant eat" "yeah a little" and then we felt a tap on our shoulders. "get a load of her shes singing" and only when the girl looked back she realized we weren't her friends. "sorry" "no im sorry, whats so wrong with her singing?"  "nothing just let it go...slytherins am i right" i looked at ginny. and with a wink we knew what we were about to do. i stood up in my chair. "REVENGE" ginny yelled standing up on her chair to.  "hopeless" she spoke once more. she knew it was a song that half of the kids knew and would sing to. we grabbed hands and looked at each other. "theres just no getting over you"  i started. "and look im just a fool whos willing, to sit around and wait for you" she sung after. "im hopelessly devoted to you..." "BUT NOW THERES NO WHERE TO HIDE SINCE YOU PUSHED MY LOVE ASIDE" we both sung. and little by little there were others joining in until half the lunch room was standing and joining. "FROM THE TOP" i yelled. " BUT NOW THERES NO WHERE TO HIDE, SINCE YOU PUSHED MY LOVE ASIDE, IM OUT OF MY HEAD, HOPELESSLY DEVOTED TO YOU," everyone joined in., "hopelessly devoted to you" i finished it and with everyone clapping we looked back at the girl. "what a shame im not a Gryffindor" i laughed. i watched her pout, a upper pouting over a lower showing the worst side. a gryffindor being mean to a lower class hufflepuff. but the other girl seemed happy. and that was the main goal. "Y/N MALFOY, GINNY WEASLEY. COME HERE NOW" mcgonagall yelled across the room. we both went and stood there. "disrupting lunch for what reason." "the gryffindor next to y/n was picking on a lower class hufflepuff, making fun and being mean. we had to do something" ginny spoke. "did you tell her to stop" "we did professor mcgonagall" i added "multiple times, even asking what was so wrong about it. she made fun of me for being a slytherin" i spoke. "very well i will deal with it again, but i expect this to never happen again. even if it was a lovely sight" she smiled. "ill take her" draco stood behind me resting his hand on my shoulder. "there is no need mr.malfoy, shes not in trouble. dont give her a hard time. her heart is in the right place, just needs to execute better" she spoke i felt dracos grip get tighter. "but she." "mr.malfoy, you must not be to hard. she stood up for her classmates and herself. thats something to be proud about. look at her smile." i didnt know i was smiling. "please girls go take a seat, draco i would like to speak to you." "if i may stay, professor" i asked. she nodded but shooed ginny. and being we followed her to her office. "i know it my be hard for both of you to understand each other. but many students in the common room of your house have been complaining about the constant bickering. mainly from yesterday. now draco i understand your frustration involving yesterdays events and your sister, but you cant yell at her. and y/n you can not yell at your brother." "but" "no buts draco. ive been caught up and reviewed everything. your sister has feelings and y/n your brother has feelings alike." we both looked at her. "y/n your upset but you hide it very well, draco your upset and hide it poorly. everyone can tell something is up. not that its my business but draco you have not attended classes today and y/n your unfocused more then usual. i suspect all this fighting and misunderstanding is causing a lack in school work. so your assignment is to sit down and figure it out"  "i understand professor" i spoke. "if we need to we can even get a counselor on campus"  "that wont be necessary " draco spoke. "for your sister draco, you dont see it but with many years of dealing with it i know what im looking at" i looked at draco all the while he looked at me. "ill see what i can do regarding it. it may end up helping others to." she spoke and shooed us off. "what havent youve been telling me" he looked at me.  "its nothing draco" "but if it is your supposed to tell me, trust me" "all you do is yell at me" " i wont" "i have class" i spoke walking off. and even after class i walked straight to my dorm. i couldnt even get comfortable before there was knocking. "you need to talk to draco" "well hello to you to theo" "i mean it, after you and mcgonagall spoke hes been worse." i looked at theo. "i cant" "if something is bugging you need to speak it y/n. i cant make you do anything. just hes at practice. go knock on the door and blaise will let you in"  he spoke walking off. i dont want to. i mean i do. but i dont. and before i could even shut the door i was picked up and taken away. "put me down enzo" "cant sorry" and following close behind was theo. "was this a set up" "only a little" enzo spoke and brought me directly to the field where draco was. quidditch was a sport i never really liked. and it doesnt help that im stuck here watching it. "GET YOUR HEAD STRAIGHT MALFOY" "COME ON MALFOY" it was yelling. and almost on impact draco was teleported straight to us. "we wish you the best" theo spoke and i watched as they walked away. "just tell me" "im just upset thats it" "but why" "because im a rebel and its not the family way" "i know thats not it y/n what is it" "im tired of you always being mad at me or mean, your so mean to me. all the time. and i cant take it, i dont like being yelled at. and the fact you cared more about you being introuble for me instead of me being upset really hurt draco. and then i get told to apologize? i didnt even do it, i was the last to know. i was just there, but you didnt bother asking. no one did" "im sorry" i looked at him. he gave me a hug. "im sorry. i should have never yelled at you. ive been thinking and you really are my only sister. and i should have been protecting you instead of getting mad and pushing you away." "thats what you have been thinking about?" "yeah, i like seeing people cry its funny. but not you. i promised to watch you while you were here. so when you get in trouble or do something outlandish it comes to me to be the one to have to crack down on it. and i dont want to. i dont want to be the one to have to yell at you. no one should. and im sorry for being mean." "you really mean it?" "unfortunately. but ive also been thinking of why you might need counseling. and i cant wrap my head around why." "because im almost always sad or mad and mcgonagall thinks im depressive. but she also thinks i have a bad case of the hypers" "the hypers?" "adhd. you know that weird thing everyone thinks ron has?" "i thought we thought he was autistic" "i dont really know" i stood up and he met me with a hug only to see everyone in practice stop to look. "AW FUCK OFF AND PLAY" draco yelled. i dont think anyone has ever seen draco affectionate. "will you be coming with us to dinner?" "no im going to be with ginny." i spoke. and with ginny i was. 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now