dun dun dundun

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its been 2 years, im 18. they day i get married. me and mattheo never saw a rush to get married but yet to take out time. "y/n i have your dress come on" i turned my head to look at pansy. "i cant believe you chose a black dress y/n" i smiled at astoria. " theres red on it" i laughed stepping into it. it had off the shoulder sleeves with lace and the neckline wasn't to revealing, but it wasnt modest. my bottom half had red rhinestones trailing the trail and my veil was black with red jewels sewn into it. "your flower thing" pansy spoke handing me my boutique with red and black roses with one white rose in the middle. " everyone is sitting" ginny spoke looking at me with tears in her eyes. "i do really liked the dressed i picked out" i smiled looking at all the bridesmaids and my girl of honor, ginny. "theres not that much people" i said walking out with draco walking me down the aisle. "thank you draco" i smiled looking at him "dont talk to me im trying not to cry" i was trying my hardest not to laugh when i looked down the aisle there was mattheo wiping a tear from each eye. i told him if he didnt cough up some kind of tear i was going to turn back. draco let me go when we got to the end and stood next to mattheo and the rest of the boys apart from enzo who showed up in a bridesmaid dress. we had to make it even somehow. tom had gotten himself out of Azkaban and appeared as one of mattheos groom people. "i knew mattheo would make theo his best man" "shut up pansy" i handed my bouquet to ginny, who held it so pretty. there was the trio, and the only twin left, i saved a spot for fred. the whole weasley family was there. my mother and father. mattheos friends, my friends, even some of the professors we tolerated.  "thank you for joining us here today for this ceremony. blah blah blah a bunch of boring stuff" the person speaking said earning us all to laugh. "mattheo repeat after me. In the name of i, mattheo riddle" "in the name of i mattheo riddle" "take you, y/n malfoy to be my wife."  "take you, y/n malfoy to be my wife" "to have and to hold from this day forward" "to have and to hold from this day forward" he repeated. "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health."  "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health" his eyes were steady focused on me. to love and to cherish, until parted by death. This is my solemn vow." "to love and to cherish, until parted by death. This is my solemn vow." he finished smiling at me. "y/n repeat after me" "yeah i got it. In the name of i, y/n malfoy take you, mattheo riddle, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death. This is my solemn vow." and now he the officiant looks impressed. "moving on. bring the rings" we watched as delphini brought the rings down the aisle. "do you, mattheo take y/n to be your wife" "i do" "do you y/n, take mattheo to be your husband" "i do" "you may put on the rings" mattheo put mine on first and then i put his on. "you may down kiss the bride" it didnt matter if family and friends were around mattheo grabbed my face me smashed our lips together earning a laugh from everyone. "ive been waiting for that part" he said smiling at me earning me to laugh. "mattheo riddle and y/n riddle. yay have fun" the officiant spoke making us laugh once more. once me and mattheo signed the official documents we were free to take pictures. which we did, and we took a lot of them. now it was the reception.  we cut the cake and mattheo fed me a piece while i fed him a piece. "throw the flower thing, i want to get married" pansy shouted. i laughed and ended up getting all the girls together. in the end hermione was the one to catch it and i got a great glimpse of ron hating his life. 

when all was said and done we ended up moving into mattheos old house since no one lived there but him. it was paid for already so all we had to do was pay the bills that we use. we opened the presents and celebrated. "honey moon is to the states y/n"  "you know me so well mattheo" he kissed me again knowing it was the second official kiss of us being married. "y/n riddle, has a ring to it doesnt" "shut up mattheo" i laughed as we packed for the honeymoon. first class in a plane, ive done it but it will be a new experience. "wanna join the mile high club?" "no" i did join the mile high club, there was no way he wouldn't let me. once we landed we rented a car and drove to the best places. had some pretty good fucking sex to. "disneyland?" "yeah, thats where we are going"  "thank you babe" "your welcome princess" he always drove with his hand on my thigh, that was his favorite thing to do since he started driving. "mattheo wrong way" "ah shit, forgot we arent in the uk" we may look dumb driving in the states but at least we are doing it together. it was our last day in the states and we leave tomorrow. we had a 2 weeks of traveling the states, from florida. to texas, to cali. we went to all 3 i drank sweet tea and dr.pepper. it tasted different here then it does in the uk. we walked around the parks and rode the rides. and when we were tired we went to te hotel. "i love you" "i love you to" we both just looked at each other. "its official huh" "yeah it is" he spoke it didn't feel real to me. granted nothing does since the battle. "i still cant believe your parents got divorced" mattheo spoke looking at me. "makes the both of us" i said looking at him. usually he started the spicy stuff but i felt like changing it up. i was a top for once and it was nice, after months of trying to convince him i finally got my way. and when we returned everyone was at mine and mattheos house. 

"hows the couple?" theo said looking at me and mattheo. "someone is bright fucking red" i looked over at mattheo was was more sunburned then anyone could imagine. "yeah and it fucking hurts" i could only laugh and put our stuff away while mattheo talked to everyone. and when i finished we all went out to eat. draco ended up paying and settled it under the wedding cost. "i looked damn good in thats dress" enzo spoke up and we all agreed. i ended up going home and crashing as soon as i hit the bed. jet lag sucks the biggest ass ever, and i would kill it if i could.

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now