doing it all for love

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i had finally been cleared to go back to classes and stop taking all meds apart from the anxiety one. i talked to mattheo through the door, but im still upset. "you know what i want" "what y/n" "vampire fangs, think of it" ginny was just laughing. "good thing i can create that" "y/n no" "y/n yes" i was giggling. the twins had been pulling tricks on me so dumping a whole bunch of red paint on me wasnt out of the unknown. "hehehehe" was all i could muster up. "heard theres a nasty storm brewing to the east to hit us tonight" fred spoke. "if you need a partner you have us" george added. "thats not happening" i looked over to see mattheo standing over me. "got a file gin" "yeah right here" i started to put it to my tooth. "y/n no" "y/n yes" i mumbled out. "give me that" mattheo spoke taking it from my hand and giving it back to ginny. "your lips are chapped" i looked at ginny who handed me a container of lip balm. "how the fuck" i looked at it. "kiss it" so i did just that it felt weird to kiss lip balm from a metal container. "now i can kiss the frog and become a princess" i giggled along with ginny. "i want what shes taking" fred laughed with george. "come on" "what are you doing" "taking you away from the weasleys, say goodbye" "he deemed us dangerous" they laughed with me included. "draco, your sister is filling her teeth and talking about kissing frogs" mattheo looked directly at him. "shes loopy from her pills. leave her alone mattheo" "yeah she actually looks happy for once" blaise chimed in. "so your telling me all of her times with us she wasnt happy?" "no mattheo she was happy, but she was drained. scared. and now shes loopy and happy in her own little world" blaise had to explain once more. "y/n are you happy" "i took a left swever then i took a right" was the only thing i could mutter out. "what the fuck are you talking about" mattheo looked at me. "mattheo drop it." theo looked at me. i knew i was even more jittery then usual, i couldnt ever stop moving. "do you hear that" i asked theo. "hear what" he looked at me. "the fairys have come to give me a present." "draco i think your sister is rocked out of her shit" "WHAT THE FUCK, THATS WHAT IVE BEEN TELLING YOU" mattheo yelled. "im fucking with all of you" i laughed. "what do you mean y/n" "im smart, im bright, i got the games for days" blasie was just laughing. "i cant take you seriously when you talk that high pitched y/n" "the fuck" with one sneeze my head hit the table. "JEZUS" i yelled a little to loud. "my apologies" i looked around. "that was the most normal thing she has said all day" blaise decided to add. "all have you know, ive been coherinentent" "what?" "coherienetnent" "coherent" draco cleared it up for me. "so should we be worried or?" enzo decided to finally speak up. "if you want to be then be. but this is quality entertainment" draco answered on his behalf. "i want her to stop taking these pills" mattheo looked at everyone. "look how happy she is" "look how zooted she is" "y/n cut it" draco looked at me. "okay" i smiled. "what the fuck just happened" "shes not loopy anymore" "y/n say something" "eat my shorts your fucking bitch" i looked at blaise. "i knew she was fine" i felt a tap on my shoulder. "if you wouldnt mind telling astoria im sorry for doing what i did the night of the dance" it was pucey. "what did you do to her" theo stood up. "you left and i did what i had to" i looked him in the eyes before standing up. "your not special,she could have killed you she had every right to" "i told you to say sorry for me" "and you have 5 fucking seconds to leave" "so your not going to tell her" "4" "come on malfoy" "3" "your still mad at me" "2" "dont play this game with me im older" "1 and last chance" "im not going anywhere until you tell me why. i havent done anything OW" and now hes bit. "get her off of me" i could only bite harder, i cant throw a punch that would stun him. "arent you guys going to do anything" it was the accidental knee to the goonies that made him crumble. and then only did i throw a punch. "shes a fucking monster draco" he got up holding his bloody nose with his bleeding arm in tow. "then leave, no one told you to stay" and everyone just kinda looked at me. "finger" draco looked at blaise. "dont look at me. theo finger" i watched theo hold his finger across the table. "prepare yourself" "what" and it was the softest bite ever. "shes been 'teething' lately" blasie tried to explain. "oral fixation is what the doctors called it. so when she bit him she put all her strength into it. she likes to bite. but ive banned her from biting me because it fucking hurts" "i got cut right here" blaise and draco showed their fingers. "it doesnt hurt that bad" "just wait" "canine canine. let go" causing draco and blaise to laugh. "so pills and now biting. what the hell happened at the hospital" mattheo looked at them. "she went under for surgery. got put on a bunch of pills and now she has these" "almost like her brain altered. shes more" "OW Y/N" enzo yelled at the top of his lungs. mattheo stuck his finger between my top teeth and gave me his arm. "expect her to want to bite things for a good hour" draco looked at them. "then expect a wave of energy" "followed by a nap" "and then thrist" "but at the same time she wants food" "and dont let her get into your head" they spoke getting up and leaving. "so we get stuck with a new born puppy" theo looks at us. "not exactly" i spoke wiping off mattheos arm to get rid of my spit. "i do have a hankering to bite. but other then that i just chew gum. just causing pain to the pain in my asses are funnier. and no im not a puppy i still have full control over my body. they both know that i just wanted to fuck with mattheo for pissing me off" i looked at him. earning theo to laugh. "but i am really tired." "your an asshole for that" "mattheo you cant call your girlfriend an asshole" "girlfriend?" and now we are all looking at enzo. "i fucked up" theo admitted out loud. "theo calls me and mattheo that since we are close. to theo me and mattheo act like a couple" "and your sure that your not actually dating" "enzo, you could give me a truth serum, and the answer would stay the same." "i actually made one in class today. bottoms up y/n" "how do you just casually take that out of your pocket" "i dont think thats a good idea enzo, it takes forever to wear off" "i insist you take it y/n" i looked at it and drank it all. "now y/n are you and mattheo dating" "no, like i said enzo, we are friends and theo tries to poke fun at us" "do you like mattheo as more then a friend" "no, he is my friend and always will be" i looked over at theo who was questioning the truth only for mattheo to start to whisper in his ear. "i believe you. even if you were i wouldnt have told anyone." "now you tell us" i looked at enzo. "what" "cant believe i wasted lying my ass off for this" "what are you talking about y/n you drank the potion" "i did drink the potion. im telling the truth enzo" i looked at him. "im leaving, i need a nap" i spoke getting up and walking to my room. "y/n im so sorry" "what are you looking at me like that for pansy" "for putting you in the hospital, me and astoria didnt mean to. how can i make i up to you" "how about not be a giant bitch" "sorry pansy, shes on a truth serum" "im also fucked up on a lot of drugs" "see" enzo just spoke there holding my shoulders looking at her. "so shes what?" "shes loopy. im sure in a couple of days she will be okay" i gave her the eyes of death the same ones i gave a lot of people to scare them. its my family eyes. i usually make my eyes appear bigger then they are, to have a more soft feeling. "ill talk to you guys later" she spoke walking up to theo and mattheo. i kept looking only to see her look back and walk away. "living up to your true nature y/n" i looked beside me to see draco. "your just like our mother with her eyes" "What are you talking about draco" "you have the same eyes, but a different color. the ability to change them. you stand neutral good until you need to be neutral evil" "your lying" "im not. it only took 15 years for you to grow into it" i glared at him. "fix your eyes before someone sees them" all i did was open my eyes wide enough to the point i can see voices. "lets go to class" "i wanted to sleep" "you cant miss class, your learning all new things y/n" all i did was end up following draco to potions. "today we will focus on draughts. anyone want to name them?" snape spoke. "dawdle draught" hermiones voice rung through the room. "what else" I raised my hand. "miss malfoy" "now many am i allowed to name" i watched him smile. "i would like to name them to professor" hermione stood up yelling. "stand up here and name them in a order" we both looked at each other. "deflating draught, dizziness draught" she looked at me. "in order. draught of living dead" i spoke looking at her. "draught of peace" we both yelled. "draught of" she sat there looking stumped. "and the final one i know about would be drowsiness draught" i spoke looking at him. "excellent work miss malfoy. i will reward you with first pick" i looked at the table with draco, mattheo and theo. since pansy felt to bad and was kind of scared of me she moved. "dizziness" they all whispered. "dizziness draught, professor" "wonderful." he flipped open a book and handed it to me. "granger what will you choose. knowing one unlucky soul will have to try it" he looked at her. "drowsiness, please" "page 120" everyone knew it was clear i was one of snapes favorites. and once everyone chose their potions we got to making. "it says 1/2" "that says 1 1/2" snape came over to our table from all the bickering. "1/2 of this. 1 1/2 of this. dont blow this place up getting confused riddle" snape spoke walking away. "hes playing favorites with y/n" "think about it. shes a year younger in higher classes. shes everyone's favorite mattheo"  

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now