im better dead then alive

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 "get up draco is gonna kill us" i yelled at mattheo who was passed out in my bed. "i dont get it" "he will kill us both, im not supposed to sleep with anyone unless its him or ginny, not in a sexual way." "didnt you just give a giant rant about you being your own person" "yes but thats not the point" i stared at him waiting for him to catch up. "do this some other time i have to go now" he spoke rushing out my room. i knew i had nothing to do but follow around everyone else. first on the pedal is ginny. 

"i heard they were gonna dye the fountain blood red" "you know that actually sounds really fun" i laughed, i knew her brothers did stupid shit but this has to top it. "anyway you and hunk over there?" "hes not hunk hes just my brothers dumb friend." "that you slept with last night?" "apparently so" "so now that you know is coming up do you have a dance partner" "you mean to yule?" "yeah" "no one as far as im concerned. i know i have to for family honor and shit but i mean whats really in it for me" "i dunno its still months away, maybe youll i dont know find someone" "your hinting at my brothers friends i know what your doing" "did you know they were caught talking to an upper upper classmen" "and?" "its like news" but in the end me and ginny sat there watching her two older brother dye the fountain which landed all of us in McGonagall's office. "how long have you known" i watched as she looked me dead in the eye. "like 10 minutes ago i found out" "and you didnt think to stop them?" "its not my business to tell them what to do and what not to do, i am not their mother" "your dismissed" this wasnt going to end well for me, mcgonagall was either a friend or enemy. she tells sometimes forgets the others. considering i just watch 2 boys 'destroy' school property its probably a tell situation. and it didnt take long for everyone to find out i got in trouble for it. 

"what the hell were you thinking" "i wasnt" "i can see that, father will be pissed" "and?" "And?" draco almost looked worried. he was confused. "little miss sweet has a little attitude" blasie spoke. " for fucks sakes blasie do you do anything else but comment on my life. why dont you ever focus on yours? wheres your girlfriend? wheres your dad blaise?" i yelled "damn" "my dad? hes dead. im sure you knew that, so i dont see why you asked a question so stupid" blaise spoke back "maybe you wouldnt be such a sissy if he was still here" "y/n" "what draco, what do you want you perfectly fine golden child? hows your relationship with father? still scared? your a fucking wuss" i spoke i know they are both caught off guard meaning it was my time to leave with a brilliant exit. apart from sitting in my room a majority of the day i was bombarded with angry and disappointed letters from my mother and father who heard about the incident. all i could do was sit there and think, think about how i act and why i feel the need to act so tough. i dont want to be, i want to be the little girl who still needs saving at the end of the day, the princess who got kidnapped and is waiting for a man to save her. i cant do that, i have a family image to uphold. maybe if i was raised different, maybe if i had different parents. dracos strong and im the wuss. im projecting to hide the fact im upset, im the reason im in this mess in the first place. "y/n open" all i could do is walk to the door and open it. "dracos been yelling at everyone for the argument you had earlier, meaning go apologize." "go away mattheo" I watched as he grabbed my head and made me look at him. "y/n the only way to fix this is to apologize. give him a hug" "i dont want to. he doesnt get to talk to me like that, he doesnt get to talk down to me" "and im not saying he does, what im saying is nothing will be fixed unless you two make up." "mattheo your hurting my cheeks" all he did was loosen his grip of my cheeks a little. "why are you looking at me like that?" i stared dead into his eyes. "your the one who really needs a hug arent you?" "no" i didnt even get a second complaint in before i was wrapped up in a hug.  "why dont you ever tell anyone how you feel?" "i cant" "you can, you dont have to act tough because draco does. your a female" "thats sexist mattheo" "didnt mean for it to be" mattheo pulled my head back to wipe a few tears before pushing it back into his chest. "tell you what. ill carry you there that way it was forced. and maybe him seeing you in this state will warrant a apologie on his end" "okay" i felt him pick me up and all i did was rest my head on his shoulder. i wasnt happy about the current situation going on. 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now