till death do us part

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its the end of the school year. the hardest part was avoiding them at home. the boys might get off scott free. mattheos been telling them im not that smart. it just had to happen cho brought someone to beat the shit out of me and in return out of pent up anger i ended up beating the shit out of the both of them. all i could do is walk my bloody ass to the boys. my lip, my nose, my knuckles. "what the fuck" draco was the first to notice. "how the hell did this happen" "cho brought this gryffindor dude shes been talking to me. i thought never hit a woman was universal. apparently not" i looked at them going to dracos bathroom to wash the blood off of me in the sink. "you might want to avoid the hallway" "why?" "there are 2 unconscious bodies there" i looked at them. "y/n" "what i got mad" i was draco smile shyly. "im going to get in trouble for it" "y/n needs a safe space" i overheard theo talking to mattheo. the more i tried to ignore it the more it stuck out. "you really think they would" "they know about her bubble. they know she cant use it at the house" it wasnt until we heard knocks at the door. "cho said..." "hi professor mcgonagall" i knew i looked worse then them. all they had was a giant knot on their head. "cho had claimed you hit her. but judging my the scene, i suspect she may be lying" "her friend threw the first punch. thats how i got this. and then she did this. i got this from trying to get them away from me" i looked at her innocently. "i will deal with it" "thank you professor" i smiled at her. everyone just kind of looked shocked. we never had to pack due to the fact we always kept the same room. they just cramped more people in them. like pansy and astoria will now have a new roommate next year. draco was 16. it would hit him early. mattheo is already 17. regulus is about to be 18. and here i am about to be 16. draco is about to be 17. i realized my whole time here was a lie. me and ginny were in our 4th year and draco was in his 5th. i thought we were all one lower. regulus was testing under preformed, thats why snape wanted me to help him. i was testing out of 5th year and into 6th year. i was on track to wear the boys would be. with my help regulus would be testing higher but instead hes stuck at the same level. hes getting held back. "babe come here" i looked at mattheo walking over to him. he smiled at me and gave ,me a hug. "everynight. ill be there. ill sneak out, sneak in, sneak out, and sneak back in" he looked at me. i smiled looked at him. he gave me a kiss. "i have to go, ill get a phone" i let out a sigh and looked at him. "i love you" "i love you to" "i know your upset but i know your going to live" he gave me one final kiss and left with theo. "you guys make me sick" draco looked at me. we were catching the train with blaise and enzo. regulus was catching a later one then us. we ended up there waiting for 20 minutes for the train to come back and then another 20 waiting for more students. "draco im nervous" "you have your meds" "i do" "take them" i took one. i couldnt take more for the fact i needed to be alert. i brought the spell book with me so i can study. i could test out of all grades completely. then what? i can leave, be free of the curse upon me. i got close to mcgonagall and dumbledore, they were my guards. i was their undercover agent since i heard everything. no one knew what i was doing, i did my job well. i couldnt get all the info, but i got a hand full of it. i noticed mattheo started wearing more long sleeve shirts much like theo was to. "y/n are you okay" "just thinking" "you look angry" "im not. im tired" molly said i can stay whenever for however days. draco knew i would vanish, but i promised to tell him before i went. "i dont reckon ill survive very long" i looked at him. "we can try" all i could do is flash back to me talking to mcgongall about using spells outside in my home before the age. she told me it was looked down upon, but if i needed to i had an exemption due to my case. she even said she would play up the part of me getting in trouble. she likes me a lot, she likes how i wont stand for my parents. she told me she sees me in all the houses and not just one. im loyal, and brave, and smart, but i do have the slytherin blood in me and she knows i cant change that. but we both wondered where i would be if i didnt have blood to decide it. "y/n wake up we are asleep" i didnt know i was. my dreams have become memories. "draco has proved his excellence, without a doubt he will be moving on to his 6th year" my mother read. "y/n has been showing a decline. she will stay in her 5th year. i truly believe she has talents. but her lack of memory of spell work and potion work lead her to relearning them all over again." mcgonagall lied her ass off and i love her. "i thought you were doing good y/n" "i started to struggle. i joined late cut me a break please" i looked at her. "very well y/n" i knew she wasnt. she was just saying that. "we are having a party. all of your friends will be there. we ask that you both stay out of the way" my father looked at us. "yes father"  me and draco both said at the same time. i reached over to hold his hand and him return the favor. 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now