la luna

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"mattheo we have to get up" "5 more minutes, im comfortable" "now or we are going to be late" and with groan he let go of me and got out of bed. "remember blaise is still in our room since draco brought pansy to his" theo spoke. i watched as they walked out my room. "they were fucking naked" blasie spoke meeting up with the boys outside my dorm. i quickly got ready and waited outside their doom room door. "im telling you just do it" i could hear theo speaking. "draco wouldnt approve" "oh fuck his status" mattheo spoke arguing with blaise. "do it. your the only one who can"blaise followed up. "but how? when?" mattheo asked. "preferably alone?" theo spoke. "if you dont someone else might" blaise spoke once more. "and i really dont want that happening" "We didnt think you did mattheo" i wonder what these boys talk about sometimes, and i still cant fucking understand. "oh hey y/n i have a question" "oh hey whats up uh.." "pucey, adrian pucey" "i dont believe we have ever met" "probably not, im in the same class as the weasel twins" "oh gorge and fred" "yeah them, but i had a question to ask you" "oh what is it" "well you know yule is coming up, so i was wondering if.." "hey get in here" theo spoke. "i was asking something" "and i dont care, come on" theo looked at me. "sorry i have to go, but hey find me after school and i can probably give you an answer" i spoke walking into the room. "no wait" he tried to yell. before theo shut the door. "schools about to start we should go" blaise spoke. we all walked out. "y/n i really need to talk to you" adrian spoke. "we better hurry or we are going to be late" blasie spoke. "will you go to yule with me y/n" he spoke stopping everyone in their tracks. "what did you ask" theo spoke. "y/n malfoy will you be my date to yule ball" he asked again. "you must ask draco malfoy before asking me again. then come back and tell me his answer" i spoke. "okay just hold on" he spoke running to dracos dorm. "hurry, lets go" i spoke walking faster then i usually do. "i dont think we have to worry about her anymore" blasie spoke. i was dropped off at my first class and sat next to ginny. "well harry and ron are going to yule with these sisters, and im going with neville longbottom" she spoke. "what about you" "some slytherin named adrian pucey asked me this morning" i spoke hearing the whole class go quiet. "adrian? the uperclassmen?" "yeah..?" "well what did you say" "i told him to ask draco" i heard her take a sigh of relief. "why?" i asked. "hes been bragging to all of his friends about how he wants to score a lower classmen to have night fun" "you mean like sex?" "yeah preferably a virgin" ginny spoke. "and he thinks im a virgin?" we both started laughing. "hes going to keep trying. your a malfoy. if he can get with a malfoy its extra pull points" ginny spoke. "so hes only asking me to have sex with me?" "yeah, no way would he ever do it for his own love" "WILL YOU GO TO YULE WITH ME""YES" me and ginny stared at the kids in ur own grade yelling each other to the yule. give or take it was a month away. "this is getting crazy" "dont forget this weekend, we can take the train. i know my mother would love you" "let me just double check with draco" "you dont need to youll be gone for friday and half of saturday" ginny spoke. "oh okay" i smiled. it was tomorrow after all. "can you believe the tournament is next week?" ginny spoke as we walked to our next class. "im not that excited about it" i spoke. "i get it. i mean its just watching people run around. but we cheer on our school and our player" "it sounds like a rat race" she laughed. "so about tomorrow, we are skipping and going straight to my house" "im game" i smiled. missing one school day shouldnt affect me, draco has missed close to 5 already. "i noticed the jacket, whos is it" "its mattheos" "i knew it couldnt have been yours" she laughed. and at the end of the day i packed my bags and waited for her. "where are you going" i turned around to see theo and mattheo "ginny is taking me dress shopping for the yule ball" "oh you have a date?" theo asked. "no but ill probably end up going alone." "when will you be back?" mattheo quickly asked. "mid to late saturday why?" "no reason, just making sure your going to be back safe" he spoke. i smiled at him and left with ginny. still wearing his hoodie. which i knew made him smile. he cared like no one ever has before. the train was filled with gossip and drama. "your so blind" "how am i blind ginny" "you dont see it, oliver wood likes you and you cant tell" "how can he like me if he never talks to me" "guys work in weird ways" she laughed. and as soon as we got off the train we were met with her mother and father."oh ginny she writes so much about you, its so good to finally meet you" her mother spoke. "nice to meet you to mrs.weasley" "oh please call me molly and this is arthur" she smiled. "careful shes no used to motherly attention" ginny spoke. "i must apologize then" "its fine. i dont mind" i smiled back. "ginny i can only afford 100 on your dress and shoes, i had to split it between your brothers." she spoke. "y/n can spot me right" she looked at me. "let me count" i spoke pulling out a little wallet. "100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000...yeah i can spot" she almost looked shocked. "how do you so casually have 1000 with you" she asked. "i get allowance" i laughed. "but since we are in the muggle world....can we go to a restaurant...ill pay" i spoke and less then 10 minutes later we arrived at one. food was good sleep was rough. unfamiliar places scare me sometimes...

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now