till i see you again

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"dont be to upset i have a couple tricks up my sleeve" he spoke looking at me. him and theo were going to stay behind for a couple but me and draco didnt get that luxary. we had to take the first train home. "how did she take it" "rough" i looked over at draco all the while getting slapped on the cheek by pansy. "WHOA" everyone seemed to yell followed by telling her to get away. i hugged ginny good bye "ill call you okay?" "id have to get a phone. my parents get strict around muggle inventions but ill see what i can do" "heres my number extension" i looked at the paper and put it in my bra. "ill try my best" i laughed walking with draco to the train. "im a little upset" "why" "well i mean. i love it here. i love my friends. im gonna be sad that i dont get to see them" he looked at me. "im sure everyone will be over this break like they are every break. you just kept telling us to shut the fuck up" he smiled at me. the train ride was long and painful. i knew i would have to go back to the house i never wanted to return to. and even in the car with our parents the air was quiet. draco never wanted to admit hogwarts was more of a home then our actual home. "we got the end of term letters" i heard my mother speak. "and we both decided to read them now, incase punishment may ensue" my father spoke after. "draco" she spoke looking at him. "mister draco malfoy has had some ups and downs this term. his grades are extraordinary but there is room for improvement. with this term came anger, but he handles it well. i expect nothing less then the job he is doing already. professor snape and professor mcgonagall" she looked back and smiled. "y/n" my father looked at me. "i am pleased to announce that for hogwarts history. miss y/n malfoy is one of few students to get bumped to upper classes. she will be returning to a higher level then what she is placed as. look forward to her joining your sons grade level. her repeated studying and practice has lead her to become a wonderful witch. i have sent her home with a book for learning. i hope this finds you well but she is top of her class currently. professor mcgonagall" i could see my mother smiling at me. for the first time i felt like i finally did something right. even draco was shocked by the news. no one but me was expecting to move up. "we can talk more when we get to the house" the rest of the way was silent. apart from draco telling me where each person lived. "and theres mattheo, and theres theo" "i didnt know they lived that close" "its a 5 minute jog" i stepped into the same doors i never wanted to step into again. and suddenly i was pushed into the kitchen. "grades average draco" it was our fathers turn to tear into us. "i expect better from you. truly a shame. i expect better in the coming year" and then he looked at me. "you moved grades. top of your class, and your still friends with muggle borns and mud bloods. we are a prestigious family y/n. the best of the best. i figured you would have learned that by now. you are pure. i expect you to prefer pureblooded friends. truly ashamed, every year its the same thing, and you never seem to understand that" i looked at the floor. "look at me" he spoke slamming his cane on the counter, i looked as quick as i could. " i expect nothing but excellence" and with that he dismissed us. "draco i need to go to the store" "for what" "im going to break the rules" he sighed walking me to the store. i bought a phone. just something easy a little bedside phone. the second i got home was the second i called ginnys. "molly weasley speaking" "hi miss weasley, has ginny gotten home yet" "not yet, but ill tell her you called. name and number" "i dont know the number. ive never used one of these before" "y/n its fred. ill save your number for you. ginny went to the store with my dad before coming home. ill tell her you called." "thank you" and with that i hung up. hiding the phone in my drawer. "move i need a call" "draco" "i teleported in here now move" i watched him dial the number leading to who knows where. "i know they will but i need you to listen to me. i like you but i never want you near her ever again. we can but never again or its final" and after that he hung up. "how come you didnt get in trouble" "i dont know anymore. you did better then me and you still got in trouble y/n" "kids guest are here" my mother knocked on the door. "you go ahead" i looked at him locking my door behind him. the phone rang 20 minutes later. "ginny" "Y/n" "hey..ill have to call you from now on. so send a letter for me please of when your available." " i will" i heard knocks at my door. "y/n come out now or theres hell to pay" "i have to go ginny, coming draco" i hung up and hid it once more. i sat in a corner while i watched my parents talking to other people. "your y/n right" "yes" "im bellatrix. how come your outhere and draco is hiding with everyone. where are your friends" "with draco" "no friends that are female?" "bella please shes friends with the weasleys" my father spoke. and now shes looking at me funny. "your moving up fast. very smart and skilled" and then she left only earning me to slam my bedroom door. "open the door right now y/n narcissa malfoy" "go away" "you dont get to talk to me like that young lady." i heard dracos bedroom door swing open. "this is not your business draco" "i want to try" "i said no" only for his door to slam to. it was next door to mine. i opened my window and crawled my ass to his before knocking on it. "your ass is on a stick" "not if they cant find me" i didnt even see who was inside the room. what i didnt expect was for my father to put his head out the window and hit my hand with the cane making me almost fall, and if draco didnt grab my wrist i would have fallen from the second story. "something bad is happen to me" i spoke. "what is it" "i dont know but i feel it coming. ive never thought about leaving before. but i dont think i can be here anymore draco" i spoke quietly. he knew i was treated like shit. he knew i didnt want to be here. "y/n you have to think about this" "whats happening" i looked at theo who had walked to the window. "holy shit y/n" he spoke grabbing my other wrist and pulling me in through the window. "you cant make choices like this" "but these choices are for myself draco. my sanity. my safety" he just looked at me. theo and blaise were in the room. "mattheo has been searching for your room" theo spoke quietly. "its next door" theo shrugged and when i walked out dracos and back to mine i ran into mattheo. "hurry" he spoke opening my door and walking inside with me. "no one told me your right next door to your fucking brother" "been for years" he smiled at me. "so whats the easiest way into this room" "around the back up the garders and into the window" "ill be seeing you more often then" i smiled at him watching him smile back. i stuck my head out the window. "draco" "what" "bring everyone in here" and in 5 seconds everyone was in my room. but i handed them sheet masks. "im never doing this again" "its kind of nice draco" theo looked over at him. "your not the test dummy for new shit" "i will be if it feels this good" theo laughed. "good because i got 4 more i need to test" i looked at them to see mattheo and theo run up to me. "you have to get past this one first. plus its not good to do it over and over again" i watched their smiles fade. "fuck you draco im hanging with y/n if all shes gonna do is test what she has on me" mattheo looked at him. "i second that like a motherfucker." all i heard was theo and mattheo laughing. "then let me get more stuff" i started clapping out of excitement. i had run to the bathroom and grabbed my basket of stuff. "i have serum, haircare, face care, oil, scrub gloves, and more" i spoke putting the basket on the floor. i lifted mattheos head up and put it on my lap and started rubbing it with tools i knew he had never seen before. "whats that"  "A gua" "and that" "a water globe" "and that" "a rose quartz face roller" "what about that" " derma roller" "and that" "ill just name them for you enzo. this is for pimples and black heads because draco has a lot, this is a face shaver for a smooth affect, this is a vacuum for your pores, and this is a mist that helps your skin. i made it myself" "stop nerding out over it" draco looked at both of us. "not all of us have sisters draco, just let us have this" blaise spoke. "only problem with the derma is it can open hair ways and make you all grow facial hair" i looked at them. "mattheo its my turn move" theo spoke elbowing him. "i want more" "you can get more anytime move" i hate to tell him it was time to take it off, so i didnt and just ripped the sheet mask off his face and started rubbing it in. "next" i looked to see theo get comfortable on my lap. only for mattheo to get him a pillow. i went through the line getting them all one by one before i started the next steps. lip mask. eye mask, and scrub gloves. followed by my mist clearing the skin and then oil and moisturizer.  

"you are all done." "what about my hair" "i want my hair" "ill get the basket" and now the line was back. i sat on my bed while everyone sat on the floor. i took time detangling their hair and putting products in it. all expect blaise, since i didnt have any of his on hand. which he seemed to understand and settled for the rubbing portion that the other boys were getting. i would watch as they would half way fall asleep while i rubbed things into their hair. "boys time to go" i looked to the door. "please just 5 more minutes" enzo spoke. "come on lets go" draco walked out half the guys before turning to see mattheo still there. "wake him up" i poked him only to see it wouldnt work so i traded it for a shake. "huh" "its time to go. but i got a phone, if you cared" "ill send you a letter, but ill see about that. phones are banned." he looked at me kissing my cheek and leaving. "i fell asleep" "how did you manage that" "i had a face mask on" in the end all the boys left groggy and relaxed. "how did you manage that" "what" "you put all of my friends to sleep" "i guess im good at what i do" i watched draco put a pillow in my lap and hand me my black head tool. "here, im ready" it took me an hour to get half of his black heads out of his face and another 2 hours for the other half. "do you think they will come back soon" "probably y/n they cant live more then 8 hours without us" "i think they could" "i expect them to be over every other day. mostly to see you and your skincare products" he smiled at me. he puts on a front a lot of the time, but he really does like the feeling of being pampered. "i remember when mum used to do this to me. i always liked it. but i grew and it stopped happening" he looked upset. "you tell me how to do it. ill return the favor of your hard work" i smiled walking him through every step. no surprise he got frustrated when the tools wouldn't work his way. 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now