the chains

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mine and dracos parents got taken for the battle. so what better way did the boys have it? throw a party, i sat in my room with ginny. "how do you not worry y/n?" "maybe i just dont care enough" "you dont care about your fiance cheating on you? the person your supposed to marry" "if you think about it" i looked at her. "nothing is set in stone now. we could call off everything and just date" in the end i was handed a magazine. "your band is coming to town y/n" "and?" "your a fucking groupie at heart. no man is going to tie you down" "feel like going now then?" i watched her smile. "we have to somehow get downstairs. get some stuff and steal a car" "what are we getting" i winked at ginny. "what the fuck y/n" she spoke as i pulled out an amp and electric guitar. "theres so much i dont know about you" "careful they are muggles" i looked at her. once we packed the car full of things i needed for going i got in the driver seat. "its dark you sure you got this" "wellllll" "y/n your gonna kill us" "only a little" i laughed the second i pulled out i saw draco standing there and ginny wave at him. "you think hes pissed" "oh most def. im not supposed to be driving that was like rule number one for him" we both laughed and when we got to this giant house i knew so well i was finally somewhere. we walked up and knocked. "may i help you?" "wheres ronnie" "your a fan" "who is it" "some fan" "whats their name?" "y/n malfoy" i watched the girl who was standing there be bumped out the way. "hello y/n its been awhile" "i have my shit if you ever decide to let me in" "lets go get it. whos your friend" "her name is ginny, we went to boarding school together" "curse that school" he was still upset that  i left for months on end and never got to see him. "i just broke up with my girlfriend if you saw anything about it" "i didnt. im sorry ronnie" "but blake is still here and so is julia. the new girl is meg not that it matters. your taking her place tonight" i looked at him. "y/n you know every single song. and you vocals are great. megs good and all but shes not you" "im sorry did you say what i think you said?" "we are playing a show tonight. your both coming. im glad your both here" he smiled at ginny. "you drove here?" "im not supposed to." "good thing i am then" he laughed. "should i trust him more then you or less" ginny looked at me. "more" "way more" we both laughed and ginny sat there. "if at any point in time you need to leave ginny i can take you home" "what time is it?" "6" "i have to go" i ended up driving her while they packed the car and when i got back i was rushed in. "ah fuck your brothers here" "hes not gonna let me go" "he has to y/n" we all looked at blake. "no offense but with you here this will be our best show yet" "we already sold out. i threw the keys at draco and we drove off. "Y/N MALFOY" was all i heard him yell. once we got to the place i couldnt help but freak out. "why the hell is there so many people" "you missed a lot sweetie" julia came and hugged me. "i can see that. wow. the fuck" i was so taken aback. "vip will come in soon. i reckon if you dont want to see people theres a little corner" ronnie spoke to me and i hid there. what i didnt expect was for enzo to be there with theo. "hey y/n" "hi enzo" "why are you here?" "i didnt know you liked them" "oh yeah i mean" before i could finish. "y/n do you need a strap" blake looked at me. "what color?" "we have red" "okay" i watched as they looked confused and i smiled at them. "who else is here" "like fucking everyone y/n. expect draco. he said he wanted to look after you. the party ended" "well yeah because it lasted all night" "if you want a list, theres us, pansy, astoria, mattheo, blaise, and regulus" "thank you enzo" "need a tuner y/n" "yeah" i looked at julia who ended up pulling me off the floor. "your gonna need this and these" "protect the fingers right?" "yeah" "im sorry how do you know them?" "their my friends" i looked at theo. "your friends with one of the biggest rock bands in the uk?" "not the biggest, but like the 5th biggest yes" ronnie chimed in. i just smiled at him. "your telling me the whole time ive been listening to them. you knew them and didnt tell me?" theo looked at me pointing to the group i know so well. ronnie ended up draping his arm over enzo and theo. "you know the song right here in my arms?" "yeah how could i not" "she played lead in it" and now they are both looking at me shocked. "test it" as soon as i got my hands on the strings. i watched ronnie smile at me winking and putting a bandana over my eyes. "no crowd, our of sight out of my lady" he spoke. the second i hit the string it felt weird. i hadnt played in so long. "rip it y/n" and i did and i did a damn good job. "mattheo is going to flip" i could hear theo speaking. "not if you dont tell him" "i wont. ill let him figure it out" once the actual thing was started they got permission to walk off stage and into the pit with everyone else. "your friends are here y/n" "shes nervous ron, leave her alone" "blake your girlfriend" "julia come here" "I KNEW IT" was the only thing i yelled earning a laugh from everyone. and once we finally got set out on the stage my job was to sit there and look pretty. we each got ear pieces so we could talk and hear verbal words. "y/n you ready?" "yeah jules. just nervous" "you havent done this before. we all were" "okay we are starting stop talking" blake knew would we never stop talking. "y/n, blake. bass and guitar. first and second. f key. right here in my arms" we heard the audio ring. i heard the tap of the sticks and there went my cue. i started off. just giving a tease. "i have to say. meg is not here with us tonight. but someone special to my heart is. we call her red. so give my little lady red a good clap" i really wish ronnie wouldn't flirt with me now. he always has. "gimme the riff y/n" i could hear in the ear piece. once i started the crowd was yelling there asses off. and when the song actually started the whole crowd was cheering. "y/n your filling megs part. i need to to do the back vocals. can you do that" "yeah i can try" "we can have julia back up up for you" "thats fine." "1 2 3" and that meant it was my time to shred ass on this motherfucker. "3 2 1 vocals" "she'll be right here in my arms so in love" me and ronnie had harmony. it was then that ronnie ran over to me and hugged me. "she'll be right here in my arm she cant let go" he looked at me before going back to the crowd. "sorry about him" "im going to be later when i get my ass beat" i could hear julia laughing. i played to the greatest of my abilities while ronnie sat there trying to flirt the entire time, not just with me but the crowd. "im going to die when i get home" "why y/n?" i looked over to julia who looked at me. "over protective friends which who like me. and will beat the fuck out ronnie. that and draco didnt want me being here" "you cant fear everything y/n" she looked back at me. "GOOD NIGHT LONDON YOU WERE EXCELLENT" i heard ronnie shout and then it was our que to leave. "i cant believe you let her sing and play for me" "meg its one time" "what about my fans" "they liked the show meg" "i have to get home im sorry" "and shes under age ronnie. your 18" "shes 16 meg" "your trading me for a 16 year old. i saw the way you looked at her ronnie. i thought you still loved me" "i never loved you. we never dated" "and you did" "no but thats not the point" as soon as the boys walked in i walked away drinking water and went to a corner. "I NEVER LIKED YOU MEG" "WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT HER SO MUCH" "SHES NOT A STICK IN MY ASS TRYING TO DATE ME EVERY 10 MINUTES" "BUT YOU LOVE HER RONNIE" "YEAH I DO LOVE Y/N. SHES LIKE A SISTER I NEVER FUCKING GOT" "get your shit y/n we are going" "but it wont fit" "we can make it" i looked at blaise as he helped carry my things. "give me" "no one touches her but me" "she gave the guitar a sex" theo looked at me laughing. and when we got to the car i watched blaise shove everything in the trunk before looking at me. "i can do it" but the second i looked at the trunk i saw no way to even attempt it. theo ended up taking it and putting it away. "that bitch was heavy" he spoke looking at me. "sorry" "you better be. what the fuck was that y/n" "i know im rusty and i didnt even wanna look at all those people" i looked at theo. "what the hell were you saying the whole time" i looked at enzo. "i was telling julia that you guys were here and im going to die" the time on the clock was 12am. "wheres mattheo" "beefing it out with ronnie i assume" "i told em" "why did you tell us you can play" i looked at blaise. "wheres the fun in that. then its play this, play that, play everything" once mattheo hopped in the car blaise started driving. "draco is pissed you took the car y/n" "i know" "and hes pissed by what you did" "i know" "and so are we for different reasons" "im mad at you for being oblivions" mattheo said looking at me. it was a quiet car ride for me until i hauled all my shit to where it needed to be. before mattheo could even follow me into my room i closed the door. "well where the fuck am i sleeping" i could hear him from outside the door. "just let her cool off" "fine" 

i didnt talk to them the whole night. 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now