its quiet, too quiet

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its been 3 days of mattheo staying here. "its not normal" "how?" we all looked at each other. "they are overly happy" "overly okay with it" "overly supportive" "not angry" "or hitty" "or yelly" me and draco took turns naming it off. "y/n your the smart one. what do you think" blaise looked at me. "why do you think they wanted me to marry tom so fast?" they all looked confused. "hes a death eater?" i looked at them. "how do you know" me and mattheo both looked at enzo. "ive seen the mark, other then that hes regularly in the meetings, the partys.he only started being with us when they started talking about it. they know i wont go down without a fight. but if there was someone lets say a husband it would be harder for me to fight. if i had kids it would be harder to save everyone" i looked at them. "mattheo" we looked at dracos door which had just swung open. "aw shit" "downstairs now" we all watched mattheo put his hands in his pockets and follow his mother down. and low and behold here came tom. he reached over to grab me i moved out the way followed by a little scream. the more he tried the more i screamed. until i was picked up and carried out the door. all i could do was punch his back and scream. "LET ME DOWN YOU VILE HUMAN" "RELEASE ME" "UNHAND ME" "shut up"  i kept screaming. it didnt hit me until i started kicking. with a single kick i was dropped. "what the fuck" "protiego" i watched as everyone looked at me. "shit" draco spoke running to me. the second someone touched my bubble i would only scream louder and louder. "I DONT LIKE IT" "DONT TOUCH ME" bella had taken mattheo outside to talk with my parents and tom put it upon himself to touch me. the real kicker is when tom touched it i screamed bloody murder causing everyone to run in. "DONT TOUCH" i closed my eyes to create a distress scene. only for tom to touch it again only making me scream louder and i ended up breaking a cup. "she fucking kicked me" "you picked her up, she told you to put her down. she screamed you told her to shut up. she kicked you and here we are" draco looked at him. i watched bellatrix look at tom. "magic" i could hear my father speak. "DONT TOUCH" i watched as he quickly retracted his hand. i put my hands on the sides and started rolling away. in return i got theo walking on it the other way slowing down my momentum leaving me upside down. "get off my bubble" "no" i took a gasp for air. "y/n" "shes a bit temperamental today" "something about a monthly" draco looked at his mother. "she tends to form a attitude and become possessive over little things. i apologize bellatrix" "i do not have an attitude" i did end up opening a head piece to the bubble. but when i rolled it it disappeared. "can you step out for a second" i looked at my mother. i looked at draco who gave me a safe signal. i took out my wand once more facing away from everyone. "dont look its embarrassing" i casted my little spell and turned around to look at them again. i felt a hand on my shoulder which made me jump and scream which in return made mattheo do the same. i watched everyone in the room smile. i could feel my face get red and i stormed off. "y/n come back here" "no" "she's embarrassed" and now i was being walked back by theo with my head down. when i put it back up i saw bella look at tom and shake her head no. "bella agreed" i looked at them waiting for a bit more info. "i decided y/n wasnt right for tom. he needs someone a bit older. after after talking to you mattheo. its set" "we will go out and buy a ring" "i figured they would be more excited" "its scary lucius" i watched my mom turn to me. "and with your birthday coming up we decided to shop a little early. letting you pick out stuff" i have to admit i was a little taken aback. "your messing with me" i looked at her. "we arent" "dracos birthday is tomorrow. shouldnt you take him" "we are." i looked over at draco who seemed just as surprised. "get what you need and get ready" we all walked up stairs. "magic really y/n?" "you can get expelled" "self defense?" "they arent going to understand" i sighed. "im going to my room" i ended up leaving mattheo in there with everyone. i put on the most homebased outfit i own. sweat pants and a hoodie. "its hot its the middle of summer...just because its hot doesnt mean i cant have fashion" i was talking to myself using imaginary conversations. when i finally came out everyone looked at me. "y/n its the middle of summer" "fashion doesnt have a season" "yes it does" "depends on who you are. mine doesnt" i had my hood on and tied shut only getting regretting looks from everyone involved. "whos coming" "everyone" draco looked at her. and just like that all of the boys were down stairs. "we can use the carriage van" i watched my mother look at my father. 2 seats in the way back and 3 seats in the middle row. "I CALL BACK" i spoke i saw draco run past me. i only ran faster we ended up creating a barrier block to keep each other out of the seat we wanted. "draco y/n" we both stood straight upon hearing our fathers voice. "go" i heard my mother speak. it gave me just enough time to squeeze myself in. "eat it draco" "scoot over" "no" "yes" "no" "YES" "NO" "YES" "NO" "ENOUGH BOTH OF YOU" "yes sir" we both spoke at the same time. "how the hell" theo looked at the seats. "floor" me and mattheo ended up having to scoot over in the back for theo to fit between us. "switch?" "switch" in the end we went to a ring place. "you sure you can afford this?" i looked at the man trying to sell the rings. i cant go to jail. i cant go to jail. the parents were no where to be seen. "babe" i walked over to mattheo. "i dont really like green that much" "its our house color" i looked at him unimpressed. "this one" "maam thats for men" "dont call me that" mattheo looked at it. "its just a band" "Exactly" "okay" i watched him walk out the door and get draco. "she wants that one" "isnt it just a band?" "yeah" i looked at him. "why are you the weirdest person ever" "what do you mean by that blondey" "mattheo, i am so sorry my sister likes the simpler things in life" "you brought your brother ring shopping with your significant other?" "say one more thing and i will knock your lights out" at this point i was getting pissy with everyone. "what do you want" "nothing" mattheo looked at me dead in the eyes. "show me what you want. you dont have to wear it at school. no where. just pick one out so they can get off our asses about this" there was nothing scarier then mattheo staring down at me talking in the most angry not angry stern not stern voice. "okay" "now what looks nice" "the band" "put a little gem in it baby girl" "mattheo stop thats my sister" "and no one said you had to be in here" in the end all of the boys came in looking for a ring that i might like. "here" the salesperson looked at me. "black diamond at the top in the shape of a heart, with red diamonds lining the band" i looked at it. "its simple and flashy. but its small meaning you wont feel it much" i picked it up looking at it. "you can try it on" "this is the most helpful thing you have done all day" i stuck my hand out looking at it. "we can make it fit so dont worry about it being to big just tell me how you like it" it didnt cover half my finger it was small and cute. "or there is this one. red heart black outline" "what about a dark green" "emerald?" "forest green almost" "dark emerald" i watched as he pulled out another one. i handed the other 2 back watching him put them on a finger. "work with me here" i looked back at him. "what do you like about these" "he likes this" "i didnt say he. i said you" "i like the black heart" he looked at me for more. "you want a dark stained silver band. with red gemstones lining but not lining."i watched him sketch it out. "simple yet not simple. your looking for small and wearable. and for the design i would go with a silver rose band and basket loop for the gem" i looked at him. "something like that?" i nodded my head yes. "it will cost around 4k for the gems alone plus 500 for making it. round up to about 5000." "okay" "can you have it done by the end of today" "you have to pay upfront for it" "okay" "i can have it made an a hour" i looked over to mattheo. "baaaaaabe" i watched his head turn so fast and he walked over here even faster. i was biting my thumb. he looked at the picture and still took my thumb out my mouth. "there are 3 rings here" "she liked them decided something was off and now we are designing one. i assume she called you over to double check" "rose.. no more dark" i looked at him. "less rose more thorn bush" he looked at me and i nodded. "rose thorn bush" "wedding band. you still want a rose?" i nodded. "thorn engagement. rose band." he spoke. "let me total the price but are you getting one to? get a cheap little one and then replace it with a fancier one" "we can do that" "you want a custom or you just gonna pick" "ill find one simulator" "ill get it started, you guys can find one" i pointed to the next case over making him look at one that had little red gems in a black border. "a little thick. get your finger out your mouth" "im nervous" "draco do you have gum" "watermelon" "nevermind" "i have winterberry" "i have hubba bubba" blaise walked over and gave me a piece. i popped it in my mouth and went on. "the one next to it is nice" in the end we decided i design on black silver an red gems for the wedding and just a black band with a twist on the sides would do for an engagement. "this was if we get both they cant complain" he looked at me and now my parents are here. "thumb" mattheo looked at me causing them to look back. "they choose 2 en rings and 2 wedding." he looked at them. "thats fine" "whats your logical" "if people see a ring on both of us and they match they will know" "i get it now" "i can split it" "we can do that" mattheo spoke up standing next to my mother. "hers will be 7460 total. his will be 2226 total" "how much all together?" mattheo asked. "mattheo if you couldnt" "its 9686" i watched mattheo pull out a card and give it to the person. i looked up at my father who looked back at me. "give me 30 more minutes to finish and touch them to ring size and polish" "why did you pay for it all?" i looked at him. "because its my responsibility to pay for the rings if im going to marry you" mattheo looked at only to look at my parents. my father was the only one not impressed. "can we go pick my present now. im tired of looking at things" draco spoke earning my parents to go with him. me and mattheo sat there waiting. "stop biting your thumb" "i cant" he took mine out and gave me his finger. "your just a nervous as me if not more" i looked at him. "we didnt expect this. but im gonna roll with it and so are you. we dont get married until your 17 anyway. by then maybe all of this could pass over. and if not then we are married and together am i correct" "yeah" "just have to make the most out of it" he looked at me and smiled. "i do have to make a trip to my bank to tell them its not fraud" i looked at him. "your mother told me she would pay me back for your rings" "what did you tell her" "i was fine i didnt need it" he smiled at me once more. "heres the engagement and here's the wedding" "thank you" and with that we walked out and went down the street to find the bank. "i would like to take out 2000 and to say i did make that big purchase it was not fraud." "the ring and co?" "yeah that was me" the teller nodded and off we went to find the group. i looked at mattheo. "youll get the ring on a more fancier term" he wants it to be just like he actually would i could only smile at him. hes being nice even after this whole ordeal. we did eventually find them after an hour of walking through stores. i found myself looking at mattresses and bed frames. " you got them?" "yeah " "let us see" i looked back to see them talking i watched mattheo look up at me smiling before dropping it. i quickly got the side of my thumb out my mouth. "ill show you later" "okay mister fancy man" enzo spoke earning a laugh. "draco here" and with that the crowd followed mattheo who was coming up to me. i flopped on the bed. before getting up. and moving to the next one doing the same thing. and the next one, and the next one. "what is she doing" "finding the most comfortable" i heard a crowd of ahhs. "shes not just picky about food but also about everything else in her life if you cant tell" "shes fine its not to horrible" theo cleared it up. the last bed i plopped on i gave a thumbs up. mattheo joined me in the bed and so did the others. "its soft but not sink soft" theo looked at us. "a new bed?" draco sat there doing the same thing i did landing on the one he liked. "its been" "5 years" draco spoke up. i watched everyone look at each other. "thats a" "queen size. i wont roll off" we ended up going home with 2 mattresses. "you need bedding dont you" "mhm" mattheo took my hand out my mouth and gave me his finger again. "you guys make me sick" theo looked at us. all draco did was look at the side of my thumb. "her finger makes me more sick" in the end i picked dark grey sheets with a fluffy wool blanket. and more more blanket which everyone struggled to carry. mattheo ended up paying and holding it until we were able to put it in the car. "your complaining about blankets try a fucking matress mattheo" "i will gladly hold it if you can take this" the second theo took what mattheo was holding he put it back down and took the mattress. "what did you get" "a 45 pound blanket" "finger" "Sorry" my mother looked at me. and whispered something. i didnt quite understand. "my mother is never this open with anyone. she treats everyone cold. and my father hes being weird" draco stood next to me. "i think they lost their shit" we had the same arrangement just more squished. while draco already had a bed frame i tried to stick the mattress on mine. only earning a laugh from my mother. she shut the door behind me and mattheo. "your curious" she looked at me. "only a little" "im sorry to rush you into this" i looked at her. "we are going back out for more. draco included you can all come although blasie and enzo are leaving" "why are you being so weird" "i love you and your brother and your father so much. i only want whats good for you" "thats not what i mean" she stepped towards me. "a front" i looked at her. "a front?" "mattheo if you wouldnt mind" "i do not" i watched mattheo leave. "your smart y/n i know you are" "no?" "your lying. your lying to save yourself. and you dont have to" "i do" "draco wants to be a death eater. everyone else may be forced but you can say for yourself" "why would he want to be one?" "look at your father? hes following in footsteps. but he wants to keep you safe. hes doing it for both of you. he doesnt understand what it truly means. you do. everyone does y/n. why do you think they went to lengths to hide you. draco wants to protect you from it. and yet hes still learning about it. you know. you hear everything and always have. youve always found your way around these things." she looked at me sitting on the part of the bed that was actually on the frame. " your father will support your choices but ultimately is acting as one. hes striving for power in his name. pretty soon if he can he might marry off draco theres no telling. but hes testing it with you." "its always me" "y/n..." "what?" "your the one who doesnt listen. you know what you can and cant get away with and you know how to get away with it. the letters we get, the classes. your moving up not staying i know this" "does he" "no my baby, he doesnt. the did say he thought your bubble spell wasnt half bad" i looked at her. "professor mcgonagall told us you helped create one" "helped? it was my idea my spell my release" i looked at my mother. "you keep a notebook of things and ideas. snape refuses to tell what anything might be. he says you do it on your own with very little guidance. but y/n you can refuse it in all" "i cant" "you can. you have people who will stand by your side" "your trying to trick me" i watched her pull up her sleeves i sat there looking for any evidence that would say other wise. "i dont have the mark. i didnt want to be in it" "but your in it" "i attend but thats it. i refuse to be apart of it. i have a family. thats my priority." "your so cold to everyone, what changed" "i put up a front much like you do. i saw how you acted with tom opposed to draco and theo and mattheo. you act to fit in, but your still yourself. you put up a guard front around people you dont trust. you acted weak to get tom off your back. but your father isnt upset your with mattheo" "hes not?" "no. he sees in terms of blood. he knows mattheo is a half-blood" "if he sees blood then why does he not like ginny or ron or molly?" "he thinks of them as blood traitors" i looked at her. "im ready to go when you are" i watched her get up. "i hope that clears your scattered mind y/n. you've always been the thinker" she smiled at me. maybe shes warming up to the whole smile thing. i heard her knock on the door to dracos and out popped draco, theo and mattheo. "i think it looks good" "its not bad" "i didnt choose them" i was still wearing my same get up and i curse mattheo for leaving my neck a fucking playground. we got in the nicer looking car. draco called shotgun and the rest of us were punished the the back. "bed frames, and what else y/n" "maybe we could look around" "ill choose the fucking tv store so your noisy tv can finally shut up" i looked at draco. "i like the random static that appears" my mother hit the breaks into a parking spot making all of us to get out. i looked through the styles and colors. "what about that one?" "i can hear the noise" "not if its done right" "im building it. you think its going to be right?" i was getting stress again. "is there a theme y/n" "i dont know. i kinda just went for simple and dark but if i needed a place to hang myself there was one" i looked at both of them with their eyes wide as shit. "no top part got it"theo looked at me. "this one is cute" it portrayed invisible.  "how stable would it really be?" "its not like your going to you know" "fuck off theo" i could only hear theo laughing. "what about this one? youd have to move things around but i think you could make it work" i looked at mattheo. "creek creek creek" "got it" i put my head on his arm only for him to lower his body so i can put it on his shoulder. "dont make me feel shorter than i already am" "this one maybe?" "its not bed. i think it looks like it would break" we both ended up settling on a black wooden bar bed. but since the bar was so far from the bed i needed either spare pillows. "you can put your mass amount of blankets there y/n" "theo your a mind reader" i looked back at mattheo "its not the one for you is it" "no" and back to the drawing board we were. "i can put stuff behind the bed so it knocks less" he looked at me. and then we saw one that had a middle line flat back board that was solid but it was a float bed. the back board would be on the wood but it wasnt it would be supported by the wall and ground. meaning it screwed into the wall with like 7 different screws. "it a 2 piece" "black?" "granite grey?" "black?" "crimson red?" "black?" i looked at mattheo who kept suggesting black only to agree. even then we got more pillows and pillow cases. my mother paid for all of mine and dracos needs. "what else do you need y/n" "need or want?" "at this rate she should redecorate her whole room" theo added. "it feels outdated doesnt it?" "including she just told me and mattheo she designed it for if she needed to hang herself i think so" "theo you loud mouth" i spoke hitting him in the back a bunch of times. "draco what do girls like in their rooms" "im not a girl" "she needs a new desk" "hey i built that desk and that mirror on it" "exactly" "so a vanity" "a dresser. because yours had those little details" "i carved them myself" "dresser" she would repeat everything. "does new carpet count" draco spoke. "carpet. ill have to call someone" we couldnt even get another word in before she was making it. "just move it to the bedroom on the left yeah" "give them 3 hours" we just looked at her. "no swatches?" draco looked at her. "you tell the man what you want" she looked at us. "ill take number 5 in light grey" i looked at mattheo. "what" "hardwood" "one carpet one hard wood" "which one?" he looked at me. i settled for very dark chestnut brown. "uh chestnut black style 7" which kind of looked like a pattern design. "rug" we looked at rugs while my mother paid them. "tell him carpet for boy wood for girl. he can show you the rooms." "1500" "here" "focus" my mind looked back at mattheo. "what do you like" i sat there feeling each one landing on a giant white fluffy rug. "fur shag white?" mattheo looked at me. i nodded. "whats wrong your not talking" i moved to biting my knuckle on my finger due to my thumb hurting. "your nervous" i only nodded. "theo"  "what" "she seems quiet" "she is quiet" "i know" "shes nervous her finger is in her mouth" mattheo just looked at me. "long day?" i nodded at theo. "tired?" i nodded once more. i watched them talk before i grabbed the biggest rug of the one i wanted. "mattheo" i was sliding on the floor trying to pick it up. "thats not fitting in the car" theo looked at all of us. "hang it out the window" i made a bend motion with my hands. "she has a point." they put it in a separate cart and we walked around more finding things i like and or little knick knacks.  mattheo gave my mother his money and walked back to me. "Shes tired mattheo" "i know" i started drowsy walking back to the car. theo ended up picking me up and carrying me to the car for me to fall asleep mid walk. 

"ill take her you can help get stuff. ill come back out" once i got inside theo saw the workers working on my room. "y/n bubble" theo spoke i did as told and fell asleep inside my little bubble. 

"y/n?" i looked up to see draco. "wake up. they are building your stuff and dont know where to put it. i got out the bubble and drug myself up the stairs. only to slip on my ass the second i stepped onto my floor. "aw shit" i heard draco from behind me. "what?" theo looked at draco then saw me on the floor. draco dragged me out my the arms. mid drag i started crying. "moody, tired, and pain dont mix well" draco then flung himself to the other side of my door. after 20 minutes of me crying i walked back into the room. i saw the frame build apart from a place to put it. "rug. bed, board" i looked at them. they did as told and even kept moving it until i was happy. "vanity, dresser, face stuff in. clothes in and out" i watched mattheo set the bed and i was out like a light.  when i woke up in the morning i saw my room followed by theo asleep on the rug with a small cow blanket and mattheo not to far from him. they set it all up and fell asleep on the damn rug. fuck this im going back to sleep. 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now