party in the corridor

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i sat there looking at a bunch of ravenclaws. they think they are smart. "y/n dont think you can beat wits" i looked at cho. i gave a soft smile. "im sorry what was that" i looked at her. "IM TIRED OF YOU THINKING THAT BECAUSE YOUR IN OUR GRADE NOW YOUR THE SMARTEST." i put my fist in the air and started waving it around. "thats so ironic cho" i couldnt help but laugh. "dont think your all strong because your friends are" "ooo" was all i could say. "its so fucking ironic its almost funny" "what the hell are you talking about" i couldnt help but giggle. "pussy to die for" "what" "your pussy is to die for. get it cedric dead" its how i cope. i make jokes. "call him, deadric" i looked at her holding back a laugh. "your an asshole y/n i think you need new friends" "i think you need a new boyfriend" i even had other kids snickering. "do you feel nothing" "what do you feel" i looked at her questioning everything up to this point. "im sad by you y/n. youve changed. what happened to the sweet malfoy i knew" "oh shes in here somewhere. im just realllly fucking annoyed with you" "annoyed with me?" "your questioning my wits and intelligence" "ugh y/n i cant with you" "i cant with myself either" i spoke looking at my nails only having a smile on my face. i looked at luna "y/n" "luna...oh luna" "dont you dare say anything about her" "why would i its fucking luna. shes fantastic" i watched luna smile. "face it cho your te only one making things difficult for yourself" i looked back at her. "ill get the gryffindors" "they wont help" "how not" "they made the same jokes i did just not to your face cho. we all liked him. face that some cope this way. not everyone can run around having a shitty day" "lunch is starting soon i would figure this out" "whos the cutie" "shes new to our group" "im a 3rd year, like you?" she looked at me. "you were that really smart girl who sat next to me and ginny" "yeah i was. your the whole reason i know all my gossip" i watched cho look at her a certain way. "right we are mad at her" "i know i shouldnt be the one saying this persephone" "you remembered my name" i looked at her. "yeah, i do" i spoke giving her a soft smile. "anyway, i wouldnt let anyone control your emotions or who you really are. look at luna" "What about her" i looked at luna. "im loony lovegood to most people here" "but to me and others shes luna. theres nothing loony about her. she doesnt care how people view her all that much. thats what makes her fantastic" i watched the girl light up. "you just said something smart to sound smart" we all looked at cho who just admitted i said something smart. "you wait y/n malfoy" i watched her sit at her table and all of my friends come in. "get ready for the times of your lives" they all looked at me. "i pissed off a ravenclaw" i watched them smile. it might have been true i was becoming a little them. but theres just something about cho that just ruffles my skin. she became angry and moody since cedric died. like im upset to everyone is, but im sure cedric would rather have everyone laughing then upset all the damn time. we sat there eating. "ATTENTION EVERYONE" "is that your ravenclaw" "yeah it is" "Y/N MALFOY IS A LIE. SHES A LIAR. SHES A RUDE LIAR WHO ONLY CARES ABOUT HERSELF. SHE MADE FUN OF CEDRIC" "DEADRIC"  everyone laughed. "i told her" even the boys were. "IT DOESNT MATTER. SHES NOT THE SWEET INNOCENT GIRL YOU MAKE HER OUT TO BE. SHE TRIED TO PUNCH ME. SHE TAUNTED ME. SHES TRYING TO OUTSMART ALL OF US RAVENCLAWS. THE SMARTEST OF THE SMART AND I" "SIT DOWN CHO" was all you heard one of the gryffindors yell. "YOUR NOT LISTENING TO ME. SHES EVIL. SHES A SLYTHERIN, SHE PLAYS DIRTY" "WE ALL DO, SIT DOWN" another from hufflepuff. " SHES LEAVING OUT THE FACT CHO TRIED TO CHANGE WHO I WAS, BUT Y/N TOLD ME TO BE MYSELF IT WOULD GET ME FARTHER" and now everyones cheering. "this is a great lunch" i looked at them. "SHES MADE ME FEEL PRETTY EVEN WHEN I FEEL UGLY" "SHE MADE ME GET OVER A BOY" "I HAVE A CRUSH ON HER" " FUCK WHAT HE SAID I LOVE HER" "THAT GUYS LYING, I LOVE HER MORE" i sat there laughing my ass off. but we all watched mattheo stand up. "FUCK ALL YOU GUY I THINK I TAKE THE FUCKING CAKE" he yelled at the top of his lungs. earning everyone to laugh more. and then he lost balance a little bit which made us die of laughter and when he sat back down i saw 2 more guys stand up. "FUCK MATTHEO. IM THE LOVE OF HER LIFE" "FUCK HIM, IM THE ONE SHES GOING TO MARRY" "FUCK BOTH OF YOU BECAUSE IM PRETTY SURE IM GONNA DO THAT" everyone slowly started cheering on mattheo. "ARE YOU GUYS DATING HER?" "NO" they spoke in unison. and youd think hed say something next but he didnt. all you heard was them fighting over who liked me more. "this is a fucking shit show and i love it" "tell them mattheo" "what" "tell them off" theo looked at them. "HEY ASSHOLES" "WHAT" "SIT YOUR ASS BACK DOWN" "I WILL WHEN YOU STOP TALKING ABOUT MY GIRLFRIEND" i was trying to hold in my laugh. "NO PROOF" "YEAH FUCKING RIGHT" "come here" he looked at me. "this is a grand entrance you sure" "fuck yeah im sure" "HES A LIAR" he reached his hand out "FUCK YOUR SHORT"  he yelled earning a laugh from the everyone. "move that shit" mattheo looked at theo who cleared off apart of the table. i stepped on the table. "YOU WANT PROOF" "YEAH" the whole place screamed and mattheo had kissed me right then and there. "SUCK MY LEFT FUCKING NUT" i couldnt help but laugh and the whole place was cheering. mattheo helped me off the table and i sat back in my seat. "can i have a bite of your chicken theo" i watched him roll his eyes and hand me a piece. i looked over at mattheo who looked proud of himself. "I HATE ALL OF YOU" cho yelled at the top of her lungs storming out the dinning hall. "damn" was all i said. everyone was patting mattheo shoulder. "why the hell" "they think he pulled lucky. most assholes in here dont know what its like to have a girl that actually likes them or they just dont get love so they fuck around" theo explained to me. "but thats not" "no its not the same with you two. and it wont take long for everyone to figure out" "expect people to still hit on you and him" regulus spoke next. "they dont actually understand real relationships" enzo chimed in. "they think i fuck her every night its really funny" mattheo looked at theo. "nothing happened dont look at me like that" i knew he was referring to last night. "draco was mad he couldnt get in" "next time dont fucking lock the doors" "draco rule of thumb. always lock the fucking door. i still cant unsee it" i watched as he rolled his eyes. "We are going to diagon alley after school whos coming" everyone agreed. "actually i have to see snape after classes" me and regulus spoke at the exact same time.  "we can wait" "okay" "i have a date" and now all eyes were on him. "shes a slytherin. and shes in my class" "thats all your telling us" "when the hell did you turn into gossip girls" i looked at them. "we are just curious" "im not telling you" "why not" "because what if it doesnt go good" "tell us" "figure it out" "come on" "tracey davis" i answered looking at him. "how the hell" and now everyone is looking at me. "she was talking about it. i heard her in the hallways. shes happy by the way. her friends dont approve so shes unsure." "why dont her friends approve" "because they think your to good for her. your smart and cute. they think a cute man is up to no good and a dirty cheater" "all from walking in the hallway" "no i actually stopped to talk to them. they asked me what i thought of him since i was younger. i put in a couple good words with her and her friends. your welcome" i spoke hearing the ringing of the bell. "oh but they did think i was trying to get with you. hope they dont still" i smiled at him walking to my class. "mattheo lets go" i looked back at him. i watched him get up and jog towards me. "we have snapes last class together. and now you can walk me there" i watched him smile and grab my hand. i started walking until he started walking in front of me. we sat there waiting for everyone to come in. "nott your late" "yeah i know i got asked a million questions in the hall" i watched theo pull up a chair next to me. class was pretty boring the rest of the time but when the bell rang the first one through the door was regulus. "i know what it is"  he spoke out of breath. "its an incinerating  spell" "very good regulus" i walked up to the front of the class with them. "you have your test dummy, try not to kill him y/n" "i can only hope it wont" i mixed a couple of things in and let it simmer. i looked and saw mattheo sitting at a table closer. "riddle do you wish to be apart of this" "whats the worst that can happen" "disfiguration and death" "or it could be anything" "with what your using y/n i dont know anymore" snape looked at me. "give me a second" i spoke we waited 10 minutes and then i put it in a glass jar. "drink up" i spoke summoning a piece of wood. "accio" i looked at mattheo. "i learned it before i switched classes" i moved out the way. "use a spell that would inflict damage" i looked at regulus and when he i did i watched the wood split into millions of pieces and regulus with his back agaisnt the wall. "it could use some tweaking" snape just looked at me confused. "i made a temporary magic energy inside his body which made his magic stronger from within. but i think it needs less simmering" "write it down" i wrote down the ingredients. "i never saw this. this is excellent." he spoke in shock looking at me. "i studied what each thing did and saw what i could combine to get the effect i wanted" i gave mattheo one who stupidly tried to fire it at regulus and before it hit him he used my bubble spell and we watched as it darted around the room. all i had to do was throw a pencil in the line of the spell and poof there went the pencil. "im taking this up to professor mcgonagall. you are all free to leave" we all did. regulus was getting ready and i was walking with mattheo to join the boys for the alley. we were sitting on the train. split into groups. "your joking" we looked over to see regulus with his date. "sup" "hey" hello" it was stammpered through out the group. "when the slytherin boys are here i know shes not far where is she" and now the fingers were on me. i watched theo scoot in front of her to let her over into our table while regulus sat with enzo draco and blaise. "i wanted to thank you" "for what?" i looked at her. "i know what your thinking, i can see it in your eyes" "what are you thanking me for tracey" i watched her smile. "for convincing my friends he was a good guy. they wouldnt listen to me. even if they thought you were trying to keep me away. and mattheo riddle, thank you for kissing her in front of everyone" he looked at her kind of weird. "hes saying your welcome. dont let the face confuse you." "your lying to make me feel better." "only a little" i laughed with her joining me. "your the main reason i have this night" "i dont think i am. it wouldnt be happening if you and him werent apart of it" "i know thats the correct answer but i would have been locked in my room for even trying" "you knew him before they did. its good to have a supporter in your life rather then 2 downers tracey. i know they support you but sometimes" "they have to let you breathe i know. ive been thinking about it. i know they care" "but you cant let them control you" i looked at her. she reached over and grabbed my arm and hand. "dont listen to cho chang. she doesnt understand you like most people do. plus shes really annoying." "she thinks shes so much better then us because" "cedric is dead. i know right" we spoke at the same time. "hermiones the same but she gives me competition" "shes not near as annoying as cho. she usually keeps to herself anyway" she laughed speaking to me. "thank you again" "your welcome" i watched her get up and regulus join her. "how can you speak so beautifully" i looked at theo. "i got used to telling people how they wanted to hear it" "how come draco hasnt learned that yet" "what the fuck are you saying" "because draco hasnt been through half the shit i have been through" "thats a lie" "is it draco?" and now hes quiet. "im starving" i looked at the ceiling. "why is mattheo being so quiet" enzo spoke causing all of us to look at him. "are you eating a fucking brownie" i sat there with my mouth wide open. "you want a bite" he spoke looking at me. "yeah give it to me" i watched as he handed it to me. "i wouldnt have done that" "why not she takes small bites" "you dont have it anymore mattheo" "what do you mean its" i sat there with my hand over my mouth chewing the brownie. "what the hell happened to my brownie" "i took a bite" i tried to say with my mouth full. "a bite?" "i just watched her jaw unhinge like a fucking snake" theo looked at him. when i finally swallowed it i looked at him and smiled. "where the hell is the rest of it" "i dont know i only took a bite" "she just shoved that whole thing in her mouth" enzo spoke looking at the table. "thats not true. i have a very small mouth. it wouldnt all fit" i looked across the table at them. mattheo sat there confused as hell until we got off the train. we all got off and walked into the restaurant "draco hasnt gave me money in awhile so i think he should pay" "thats a great idea y/n" theo looked at me. "fuck off all of you" i looked to my left to see a man staring at me. i could feel th evil intent. but my outfit i knew i couldnt fight in it. "so how much did you pay for those shorts y/n" "oh they were like 25 dollars" "you paid 25 dollars for a front piece of cut jean and a back piece of cut jean with string on the sides" "i think its cute" it was ripped jean shorts with string to hold it together. i paired it with a hip underwear. so it gave me the commando look. nothing but skin. and other then that i was wearing a one piece tank top with a deep neckline.  "how much was your shirt" "like 15 dollars" "what" "Well yeah it clips at the bottom" "so its like baby clothes" "sort of" i could feel someone staring at me and i knew it wasnt mattheo he was talking to blaise with his hands in his jeans pockets. and it wasnt theo, or enzo. no one im with is looking at me. although i kept my wand in my shirt and i hide it well i cant run in these pants or this shirt. "y/n we are going inside" "okay im coming" i walked inside and sat with the boys. "can i sit in the middle" "that where we were going to put you anyway" it was 3 per chair in the booths i dont know why i would ask such a idiotic question. probably because im an idiot. i could still see them hiding in the showers. its a male. i can tell by the shadow of the figure. about 6'1. has to be older then anyone here. why isnt anyone else seeing him. "y/n are you okay" "yeah im fine" now all the eyes were on me. "your bugging out" "no im not" "your the easiest to read whats wrong" "i said nothing im fine" hes still there. if i leave alone ill be targeted, if i dont speak up they wont panic. "so we agree we are here to avoid it right" "what if they find us" it finally clicked everything. "i have to use the bathroom" i spoke getting up and walking there. "y/n you cant avoid this forever" i flipped through every stall looked in every corner. i feel like im going to be sick. im not falling into hands of the death eaters. but they could kill me. id be on the run forever. the figure its one of 2 people. my father or tom. meaning mattheos next step is being a death eater. but he wouldnt? he would, he wants to stay with me. "y/n youve been in there for 10 minutes you good" "im fine" i knew it was theo, i know everything. i know regulus is a death eater, he is of age. based on my skill level ill be one before draco. thats why they are hunting me down. i cant just leave, i have to tell them. but then they will come with me. all i could do is sent a letter out the window to ginny about it. i told her to meet me where with ron and the twins. "y/n its been forever" "im good mattheo" "is anyone in there" "no just me. i think"  i watched him open the door. pulling me into a stall. "whats wrong" "i cant tell you" "but you can" "they are here for me" "who is" "theres people trying to get me, they are here. i see them in the shadows. they are going to kill me" "no one is" "yes they are mattheo. i shouldnt even be talking about it." "what are you going on about" i couldnt help but bit the side of my thumb, only for mattheo to take it out my mouth. "no one is going to hurt you, no one is going to take you, no one is going to touch you. i put my life on that" "you dont know the things i know mattheo. ive matured to much for my age. i have more knowledge, im to high above my bar" i looked at him. "who" "i cant say" "who y/n who" "mattheo i really cant say" i watched mattheo look around. "do you have a paper and a pen" "no but" "hold on" i watched as he left and came back. i saw him scribble something on a napkin. "that" it was the mark. the mark of a death eater. i only looked at it in horror. "fuck" he spoke shoving the napkin in his pocket. "y/n" "Y/n listen to me" i looked at him in the eyes. "im not going to let them get you. and if they do ill be there. who did you see in the shadow" "i dont know they were male, 6'1, slim figure but they looked like they had a tux on" "that makes" "2 people. your brother and my father" "yeah" "and i was just going to leave but what if they followed me? what if you all got freaked out i was gone. the order isnt coming yet so they have time. but im smart they want me now." "all i can do is stall. stall for all of us. we can talk more at hogwarts. im not sure the girls restroom is the best place" mattheo looked at me pulling me into a hug. "how the hell did you know about this" "mattheo i snuck into the meetings apart from when you hid me"  he just walked us both out the bathroom and back to the table. "we all have to talk. y/n knows something truly remarkable." "what is it" "shes cheating on all of her assignments" "what?" "thats how she knows so much. she writes it down and cheats" "what the hell do you mean" "ill write it for you" i watched him start writing. he wrote some words in big letters and some lower case. s..h...e...k..n..o..w..s...a..b..o...u..t..t...h....e...m...a...r...k. she knows about the mark. "does that solve it for you. she cheats" he looked at them. "i knew it" i know snape was a death eater. he doesnt want to be. but it makes me feel even more when i have to rely on them. and regulus, what if hes telling them. we didnt even eat we just picked up the check and had drinks. once we paid we left. i could still feel them watching me. ginny gave me her keys in case of emergency when she got the letter. so i can hide in her dorm while shes not there. it was another hide and seek game. i hid in my same spot with her door locked. i knew i had to stay here. i even heard knocks on the door. "pardon me. ginnys not here" "oh where is she" i could hear my mothers voice. "she hasnt been here all week she will be back sunday" "do you know where y/n is?" "i would check with the boys she hands with. shes always with them" "thank you" it seemed the check wasnt that bad this time. that was until i was dragged from under the bed. "NO PLEASE" i yelled i tried to hold on to her bed frame. the more i screamed the more attention it brought. pretty soon i saw mcgonagall and a dumbledore. once i felt myself be let go i grabbed my wand and casted my bubble. i watched as they fired spells only for the figure to disappear. "y/n you can come out" "i cant" after 15 minutes of realizing they weren't coming back i sat in snapes potion room with them. i knew i had to come up with a new release, i just didnt know how. not unless i rewrote all of it. a better version.  i sat there with mcgonagall writing it in a spell book making it official. "what is it" "proteigo" "proteigo?" she looked at me. "its close to the original. but with a twist a little accent" "whats the release" i looked at her. "she doesnt want to say out of fear" dumbledore looked at mcgonagall. i casted it and i looked at the bubble. it was more lightweight but had the same durability. even the release was different in terms of words and movement. i wouldnt even tell them how to say it correctly and we spoke that we would never talk about what happened tonight, not even with other staff. i even went back to my own room. only to find someone again. i pulled out my wand and casted my bubble and when they touched it i would scream, but everytime they took it off i would stop until they touched it again. i watched them leave. but i can stay in here forever. somewhere down the line the boys heard i was being difficult and i didnt like the idea or strangers touching me. at least thats what the note they sent said. they sent it in a air plane through a little spell. my bubble wouldnt fit through the door, it wont fit in someones arms, and you cant grab it making me teleport proof. i did end up leaving to go pee which they came back and i asked them to hold on. they did but the second i stepped in my room i casted it once again. i watched them take out a wand, they tried and they tried really hard to get me out of it. in the end it only backlashed and hit them. then i started thinking is there spells that dont need a wand. i watched mattheo run into my room only to run into the ball and fly backwards. so at least i know that part works. i knew they wanted to catch me off guard. it did work, i was concerned until i head someone behind me. "AVADA KEDAVRA" i watched it bounce off and hit them. "Are you dead?" i looked at them asking. "say yes if you are. say no if your not" i watched as they didnt move. i looked behind me to see them shapeshift back. i knew it wasnt mattheo. he wouldnt be stupid. i watched as they both teleported away. i knew they would try and kill me. but i looked like i was dumb to them. i just had wits. i sat there practicing the basic of basic spells. lumos over and over again until i 'felt' like i had a handle on it.  i even sounded out other words making it seem like i barely knew them. regulus knew i knew everything just as much as snape and the other boys. i have 3 years to keep avoiding this. draco has one year. he has to hold on for one year. just one. if they know my smarts ill be one now. i dont want it to happen. i dress to good for that. i heard a shit ton of knocking even in mattheos rhythm. i kept in my bubble. "y/n?" i watched as they all rushed in looked relieved. "what?" i looked at them. "come out the bubble" "no" i watched them look at each other. "shapeshifters" i stared at them. "what the hell were they doing" theo asked mattheo. "do something" enzo spoke. "i dont know what to do" mattheo looked at them. "what you want me to start doing the helicopter?" he spoke moving his hips around while pretending to spin it. it made me laugh a little. all i saw was mattheo pull down his pants a little. "hey those are mine" "ill give them back" "shes been screaming all night draco, are you sure shes not....what the fuck is that" i looked at pansy. "thats what...see that makes sense" regulus spoke. "by the screamer part?" "yeah" "you know the release" "fuck your right" he did try. it didnt work. "what the fuck"he even did it himself and released himself. "y/n" he looked at me. i did what he did and nothing. it wasnt the same spell or release. "do we need to get snape" "maybe" i watched as he was in front of me. "every single one of you are idiots" thats all he said when he took a look at the ball. i got out for a second running past everyone before zipping back into one and hanging onto the sides. i did have to run through their legs. i watched as regulus made the first spell. "it is different" "its slim, stronger looking" "its a different release. she outsmarted them" regulus added. i got the gist that they could see what i made or created so i kept a safe file. even explaining it to mcgonagall that i got it wrong on what snape sent her. "how the hell" theo looked at me. "i cant help you here" snape spoke walking away. "y/n" mattheo looked at me. "what the fuck happened" enzo looked at draco. "draco..." "what" "what did our parents tell me when i was 11" "how the hell am i supposed to know that" "because ive complained about it every year" "they wanted to sign you off into a arranged marriage" i nodded. "draco. what did i tell you i wanted for my 13th birthday" "to be happy" "draco what did i tell you i wanted to do when i was 10" "you wanted to go to the states and get more sweet tea" "theo what did i tell you when we first met" "nothing. you didnt talk to me" "mattheo. when was the first time i told you i" "we got into a big fight and to calm me down you told me. and i regret not saying it back faster" "blaise what did i ask for the first time you saw me use dracos bathroom" "you told me to throw you a tampon" "did you" "no i rolled it under the door." "enzo...." "yes y/n" "enzo you once told me what at the yule ball" "that i thought you smelled like alcohol and you told me theres people in there drinking some. which was a lie" "regulus..." "yeah?" "what do i have that you want the most" "the master spell book" "and are you giving my idea to the other people" "no" i looked at him. "swear" "swear" i looked at the other boys. i recalled the bubble but kept my wand out. "you better tell me now if i need to run" i looked at mattheo. "keep your guard up" he whispered to me. "avada" thats all i heard before i sucked myself back into the ball. "my question is how the hell did that ball block it" "face it y/n would be dead if she didnt think quick on her feet" i knew i would have to play dirty. unforgivable curses dirty. but i knew i couldnt bring myself to do it. "didnt you hear what they said after" i looked at them while i was sitting on dracos bed. "they said y/n looked at him and asked are you dead? give me a yes for you are and a no for your not" i heard them laughing. 

all i could do is lay my head on mattheos lap and go to sleep. i fought to day, ran, screamed. 

i could only just fall asleep. 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now