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"what the fuck" i could hear mattheo speaking. i opened my eyes to see draco in front of me. "you started trying to cuddle me mattheo dont blame it on me" i sat up and looked over to see theo and mattheo cuddling and blaise and enzo laying on the floor. "my head hurts shut up" blaise spoke from facing the carpet. "ill fix it" i spoke climbing over the 2 boys in the way followed by draco rolling over and wrapping his arm around mattheo. "draco" "oh your not y/n" "no im not" "i get to say im not y/n. mattheo get your hand away from my ass" i walked my happy ass to the kitchen but it had to be the big hogwarts kitchen it was the only place i could find the supplies. "y/n good to see your alive" "oh hey hufflepuff" "still dont know my name" i took a really good look at her. "hold on i need my glasses" i heard a laugh while i put them on. "oh shit evangeline" i watched her smile. "you can have this back i never did end up needing it" "i thought you would be hungover" "youd think but i have a before drinking and during drinking routine to avoid it" "your really smart. what are you doing in here" "making hangover mocktails" i had 5 solo cups and got started on my process. "orange juice?" i looked at her. "vitamin c. its helps a lot" i looked at her getting a giant blue drink out the fridge. "what the hell is that" "i have my own stash in the kitchen. i got it from america. so its probably not the best but its going to be fine" "the more i sat there looking at it the more i knew it was the wrong flavor. "can you hand me the red one instead" "sure" once in my hand i knew i was gonna need a pitcher meaning i poured the cups into it. "orange juice, red drink what else" "water" i ended up pouring 2 water bottles in it. i started up a machine that would help aid it. "stupid no electricity rule" i had to do it by hand and it turned out good if i do say so. "coffee?" "the essence of coffee" "caffeine?" "correct" "and ill top it off with this. can you hand me a spoon" "gotcha" once i stirred it it all came together ass a bloody dark orange. "im calling you evange" "what ever suits your fit towards me." i poured her a tiny little shot. "i dont know how to feel about it. i want more but i never wanted to drink it again." she laughed. "ill see you later i have to get this to the hungover boys" she smiled and i walked my happy ass back to my room. "okay your all going to sit up and drink this" i looked at them all of them groaning. i poured cups for each of them. "its not gonna be the best tasting but it should help" "how the hell are you fine" i looked at blaise. "because i thought about what i would be doing and prepared for it blaise" "it taste alright" "what the hell is that" "STOP COMPLAINING and drink please" "please dont yell y/n it hurts" the more i had them drink the more they felt a little better. "what the hell did you put in this" "it wouldnt be my secret drink if i told you would it be" it really wasnt a secret. its just to fucking hard to make for anyone to want to listen. i heard a knock on my door and when i opened it. "a little hufflepuff girl told me there was hangover remedy in here" "welcome regulus." "how the hell is she standing" "we dont even know regulus" "here reggy" "thats a new one" i gave him a smile. "this taste really good" "your a liar" "i know right" i could only slightly laugh and after each boy had 3 cups they were feeling a lot better. "take meds for the headache but dont over do it" i looked at them. i ended up selling the rest for a decent price. turns out people in pain make for a good profit. i gave them the equivalent to what everyone else had. in reality it would have only been 2 cups with how little i pour. so they got half a water bottle pretty much. shitty thing is i only had enough for 8 bottles. and that became a bid. in the end i made a 200 profit off the hurt and needy. everyone ended up sharing anyway but those who drank had their own remedies. when i went back the boys were in much better shape. "we are talking about the pansy situation" and with a little knock on my door. "hey little hufflepuff" i watched theo push past me and pull her into the room closing the door behind her. "i came to say due to the hufflepuff party the hufflepuff would like some of your remedy. ill pay you in weed" "deal" "y/n" i looked at mattheo. "i wanted to talk to you about that" i looked back at her. "you know me being me. i walked around. and because i wasnt drinking i was coherent." "we are figuring out" "shut up shes talking" i looked at draco. "anyway i over heard pansy and astreeia?" "astoria?" "yeah her. they were talking. pansy about how she wanted to piss off you. so the more i listened the more it made me mad" "what did she say" i looked over to theo with the paper from last night." "she said and i quote it. ' y/n is a liar. we have to portrayer as a slut. mattheo leaves. i comfort him. he cheats they break up, i date theo. great revenge plan'. pansy ended up untying your shorts in the end. but on top of that astoria kept telling her thats not a good idea pansy. and pansy told her to stop worrying. i watched pansy feed y/n like 6 shots at a time and wouldnt let her stop even though y/n had told her she was done. because when i first met y/n she told me she was stopping at a certain limit. she wasnt trying to have to much fun. pansy didnt care even when y/n told her no. it got to the point pansy was forcing y/n to drink. anywho. i watched pansy try to place herself on mattheo but i assume you werent drunk enough or maybe you were and you didnt want her on you so you moved away and she tried to kiss you. so she got mad and thats when she started undressing herself and y/n. and y/n knew to wear extra clothes weather that be she didnt understand her limit or in case something happened. but i watched fred go up and tell you and i knew you werent comprehending so i watched pansy go back over to you and she started flirting and you ignored her which was really funny until she started grabbing you....you know where and mattheo you ended up turning around suspecting y/n i assume and when you saw pansy you walked behind theo and used him as a shield. it was only then pasny took off y/ns other top assuming it was a bra. it wasnt it was a lace shirt that only covered what it needed to in terms of shirt. i went to you told you 'y/n is going to get touched in a way no one wants if you dont get her' i watched him leave and i tried telling the 4 stooges how it happened but no one understood. i left when i saw mattheo with y/n and by the time i was able to come back around i saw y/n fully dressed and yeah" she looked at us all. all i did was turned my head toward mattheo. "i do not remember being touched that way" "i do not remember asking if you remembered" "ah shit shes jealous" "I AM NOT JEALOUS DRACO" i could see theo smiling and elbowing mattheo. "bum it?"  my eyes quickly went to the small huffle puff who had lit a roll. i took a tiny hit and handed it back. "oh come on. dont look at me like that" "you think a hit is going to affect her? she smoked almost 2 fulls with me yesterday" "you gave her the weed?" "yeah, anyway. can i have the sheet list?" i wrote it down and handed it to her and off she went. "im going to fucking kill pansy" "chill out mattheo" "she didnt mention the kiss" i watched the girl open the door. "thats because there never was one. she lied it into the story and drunk people tend to believe things more" i watched her grab the pitcher and leave.  "you can still have your night with y/n now" i looked at theo. "what night?" "theo" "thats on me" "what are you talking about" "mattheo wanted to take you shopping today. but when everything happened he told me, theo, that he doesnt think youll go with him because pansy said she kissed him. but me saying i think it was his cheek was because i knew it wasnt the lips. and thats on me" i looked at both of them. after looking at everything and everything. "astoria really didnt do much besides stand next to me and have fun." "but where ever astoria is there pansy right there" "im tired of her doing this" draco spoke. "thats your ex dont look at us draco" we all looked at regulus. "she cried to me saying oh regulus draco broke my heart can you be there for me. and then she tried to have sex with me" "y/n do you want to go out today?" i looked at mattheo. "yeah i would" i watched draco and theo slide mattheo some money. "shes a malfoy she has expensive taste" "thanks dray" i watched draco look at me and all i did was hug him. "dray.. has a nice ring to it" "shut up nott" they sat there all talking and i laid my head on mattheos lap. "i hate the name" "good thing i already have a nickname dray" "shut up" i could feel mattheo playing with my hair while he listened. "y/n nicknames all of us" "dray,matt and or matty,reggy" "im seeing a bunch of y. is mine theoy" "no its not theo its teddy" i heard everyone start laughing including mattheo. "blaise...i havent thought of one for you" "what about me" i looked at enzo. "its just enzo unless you wanna be i dont know enzy" im still going to say it my cramps really hurt. so i did what any logical person would do and shove mattheos hot ass hand down my pants. "Y/N WE ARE STILL HERE" "my stomach hurts shut up, mattheo relax your hand" i moved it between my stomach and the start of my....yeah. it was fun and dandy until everyone looked at me with an evil intent. "first person to kiss y/n on the lips i will give 100 to" theo spoke. i watched everyone look around and back at me. "mattheo did you not hear that" "huh no what happened" i could only see flashes of them trying to get to me. "what the fuck" "what is happening" "theo said first person to kisses me get 100" it didnt take long for mattheo to get there. "wheres my money theo" "i was hoping someone else would. i wanted to start a little ruin" i watched theo give mattheo the money. "okay now everyone out" "dont fuck my sister mattheo" "ill try" "keep it going draco he wont" "i might" "he wont" i looked at him giving him reassurance. "your still in pain you sure you can go out and about" "i dont know. i want to stay here and sleep all day" classes started tomorrow and lets just say i couldnt even make it to classes. 

but i love her ~mattheo riddle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now