𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 06

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Chapter 07 already uploaded on ScrollStack!</3
link in my bio👍🏻

And this chapter is for you❤️
Don't forget to read the Precap at the end!!
Happy Reading💌


"You Bitch! How dare you hit me?" He seethed in front of me pulling my hair painfully and I cried, he slapped me hard causing me to fall on the floor

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"You Bitch! How dare you hit me?" He seethed in front of me pulling my hair painfully and I cried, he slapped me hard causing me to fall on the floor.

He marched forward to me with long strides and hit me again hard. "Stay away from me," I screamed as he once again harshly pulled my hair.

I was trying my best to free myself from his clutches, but he was stronger than me.

"Will you defy me? I was asking you to come with me out of love, but no. Now, I will teach you how to talk to me." He came right up to my face and was about to strike me again when...


"NOO!!" I cried and got up panting my full body sweating.

"It's just a nightmare, Rhea, You are okay, Im okay. It's just a nightmare" I say repeatedly chanting it like a mantra to calm myself but it was of no use.

"No, no, Rhea, you're strong. You can't be weak. You're okay, you're safe. It's just a bad dream" tried hard to convince myself, but it felt like they were pulling me back. Somewhere dark.

I looked around and found the room to be very dark, and because of this, I started having a panic attack. It felt like my breath was getting stuck, and the sweat wouldn't stop. Somehow, I managed to turn on the lamp on the table next to the bed. The light cast a faint glow in the room, but it wasn't enough. I tried to pick up the water jar from the table with my trembling hands and attempted to pour it into the glass. My hands were shaking so much that the water started spilling on the floor instead of the glass. I drank whatever water was in the glass in one go. Placing the glass on the table, Placing the glass on the table, I tried to calm myself, my vigorously beating heart by patting my chest,

I tried many ways to soothe myself, but nothing worked. Tears started falling from my eyes, and I wiped them so forcefully that I knew there would be red marks on my cheeks by morning. I don't know why, but suddenly, I started feeling disgusted with myself. I began to rub my hands and face vigorously while crying, in an attempt to erase those vile men's marks from my body.

I'm missing Sneha a lot now; she was the one who was always there for me whenever I had panic attacks. She was the one who calmed me down. Someone might say I'm crazy to trust someone so quickly, especially in such a short time. But this is the truth - Sneha took care of me like a sister. In these busy months, I never felt alone, and I'm saddened that I didn't meet her sooner. My tears fell even more at the thought of her.

It's as if Sneha heard me; I heard a loud cry, it was Aarush. I turned my head towards his crib so forcefully that it felt like my neck would twist. I went to Aarush's cot and picked him up in my arms. My scream woke him up. Seeing me, he stopped crying, but he started tugging at my shirt, and a playful mood came over him. This made me realise he was hungry. I took him to the bed and sat down. I had started lactation treatment the day after the court marriage. I had to do it at home; uncle had said that if I went out now, it wouldn't be safe because Aarav and his family had many rivals, and they could harm me too.

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