𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 33

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I know Aarav is a good person, I shouldn't be scared, but I'm feeling a nervous sensation. As we ventured further inside, the number of cars on the road dwindled. Suddenly, Aarav hit the brakes and mounted his phone.

"Stay here, all of you," he ordered them, securing his phone in its holder and swiftly manoeuvring the car onto a narrow path. "Just trust me!" he assured, without even looking at me, but I knew he was referring to me, judging by my anxious expression.

Aarush had already dozed off on my shoulder. Outside, there was nothing but jungle, and the road had turned into a series of small, unpaved paths. The light was dim due to the trees, but after a while, the trees thinned out, and light flooded in.

As I looked ahead, my eyes widened. I would have dropped my jaw to the ground if Aarav hadn't called me from the passenger side and opened my door. I didn't even realise when Aarav had stopped the car, got out, and opened my door.

"Where have you brought us, Aarav?" my voice trembled. The sight before me was nothing short of paradise.

"First, step outside," he said, extending his hand in front of me.

I looked at his hand, then at him. Then, carefully balancing Aarush in my arms, I stepped out. As soon as I emerged, a gust of cool wind brushed against my face.

We walked a little further, and there it was, a scene straight out of a golden dream. We were on a hilltop where the entire landscape lay before us, glistening in the sunlight.

"What place is this?" I asked without turning because the scenery was captivating my eyes.

"Th-this!" he cleared his throat, "uh-- shall we sit there?" he asked, pointing towards a bench that I hadn't noticed yet.

I nodded, holding Aarush closer to my chest. Both of us headed towards the bench. Aarav helped me sit down, and I took a deep breath of the fresh air.

When I finally turned, I noticed Aarav seemed a bit nervous and hesitant. He kept rubbing his hands on his thighs, looking around but not at me.

"What's wrong, Aarav?" I asked softly this time, my full attention on him, one hand soothing Aarush's back.

"This place! ---" he cleared his throat again, "This place Sneha showed me," he finally said. And suddenly, everything started to make sense in my mind.

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