𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 15

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Hey awesome peeps! 🌟
We just hit 400 on Instagram! 🎉
Big virtual hugs to each one of you for making this happen.
Your support means the world to me! Let's keep the good vibes rolling! 🚀💕

Once again THANK YOU SO MUCH🥺💋

Chapter 16 is already uploaded on ScrollStack!<3
And 17 will be uploaded Thursday or Friday🫂

So here's Chapter 15 for my Wattpad readers💗 400 ki khushi mai🎊

Happy Reading💌


Yeah, it's Aarav

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Yeah, it's Aarav. That voice, it's unmistakably his, I know this. But now I'm scared, fear wraps around me, squeezing in this suffocating darkness. Breathing feels like gasping for air in an abyss.


"Yeah, yeah, I'm right here. Calm down. I will never hurt you. Look, open your eyes. You're safe here in your home, with me."

I heard his voice again. He's calling me to open my eyes, but how? My breaths were getting shallower, and my whole body was trembling. I tried to calm myself, but then I heard footsteps, someone walking towards me.

"They're coming, Aarav. I-I'm scared. I don't want them to touch me. Please, do something. Save me, Aarav. I don't want to go near them, please," I pleaded, tears rolling down my face uncontrollably, my heart pounding with every passing second.

I know Aarav will never hurt me; I know where I am isn't real-it's just a dream. Because in the place where I hear Aarav's voice, I feel safe. I want to break free from this nightmare, but it's proving difficult.

Suddenly, I feel a gentle tap on my cheek. "Open your eyes, Rhea, it's me, Aarav. I won't let anything happen to you. There's no one here, just me. You have to open your eyes; it's just a bad dream," he reassures me, offering comfort in the midst of my fears.

As I tentatively open my eyes, I see Aarav's comforting face, his eyes filled with concern. The room, once shrouded in darkness, begins to reveal its familiar surroundings. A sense of relief washes over me, realising that Aarav's presence has turned the haunting nightmare into mere shadows.

"You're safe, Rhea. It was just a bad dream," he whispers, his words becoming a soothing balm for my anxious soul. With each passing moment, the nightmare retreats, and the warmth of reality replaces the cold grip of fear.

"Li-lights," my shaky voice quivered, and in an instant, Aarav illuminated the room. Despite the light, my breaths remained unsteady, tears persisting. The hand that I mistook for something else turned out to be Aarav's, and though I tried to withdraw, he held on gently.

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