𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 31

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Hey lovely peeps!❤️
From next week I'll be counting my old update schedule, Daily Sunday updates!

Chapter 32, 33 and 34 are already uploaded on ScrollStack, don't miss out early update go check it out☺️

Happy Reading💌


"Rhea, you've made such delicious food!" Arjun exclaimed, taking a bite

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"Rhea, you've made such delicious food!" Arjun exclaimed, taking a bite. "Baingan ka bharta is simply the best."

"Thank you, and please have more!" an overexcited Rhea cheered.

She was about to get up to leave her plate when I grabbed her hand and stopped her. "Rhea, sit down. If he wants more, he can take it himself, and there are servants here. Eat your food."

"But-" she started.

I was about to interrupt her, but Arjun spoke up before me. "Yeah, Rhea, focus on your dinner! I'll get it myself."

"See, now he's saying it himself. There's no need to pamper him more than necessary! Aarush needs you," I said with clear irritation in my voice.

"Ohh accept it, Aarav. You're just jealous of me because Rhea is pampering me and Aarush more," Arjun teased, and I shot him a 'seriously!' look.

"Shut up, Arjun, or I'll throw you out!" I hissed.

"Hey, don't talk like that. He's our guest," Rhea nudged me with her elbow, and I just gave her the same look. She continued, "Do you want more?"

I shook my head. "Don't get involved in his words, Rhea. He's crazy," I exclaimed.

"Quiet, you two, no fighting," Mom intervened.

I was about to say something when Aarush squealed, "Aaaiuuuuu mmmmmmmmmmaa uuu!"

He was sitting in his baby dining chair between Rhea and me. In front of him on the table were smashed boiled vegetables-potatoes, carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower. He had eaten almost all of it with his hands, and now food was smeared all over his face and hands. His apron was a mess too.

Rhea said whenever she tries to feed him, Aarush would get cranky and take food from her hand and eat it himself, that to it will depend on his mood. Also, Mom said that it is good that he is doing it on his own at this age, so we let him.

Rhea had told me that he should have at least two meals with veggies and milk at night and in the morning. He also usually has a snack in between meals. Now, I'm noting everything down-Aarush's sleeping time, waking time, meal times, nap times, everything.

"Mummmmm aaaaammmmmmm!" Aarush fake-cried, flapping his hands and legs, indicating he was done and now wanted attention from his Mamma!


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