𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 18

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I saw Rhea sleeping; she was still on my lap

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I saw Rhea sleeping; she was still on my lap. It had been more than twenty minutes since I called Harish. Rhea, forgetting her pain, was peacefully sleeping, and my hands suddenly wandered through her hair. The soft locks reminded me of Sneha; I used to comfort her the same way whenever she had a bad dream.

Looking at the three of us, I realised that our childhood wasn't anything special. The word "special" would be an understatement. Each of us has gone through some tough times. Sneha's childhood was burdened with responsibilities; her parents saw her only as a trophy daughter and nothing more. Sneha had to endure things she didn't like, forced upon her by her parents.

As for me, I've forgotten my biological parents; they passed away. I only have a few memories where a woman and a man showered me with love. Although here I'm their adopted son, they treated me like their own. They never let me feel alone. But they say, that to gain something, you have to lose something. In my case, my biological parents died when I was eleven, and Savitri mom and Rakesh dad adopted me at fifteen. I lost someone I loved and got someone now I love more than anything.

You might think I was happy and content during these years, but no, I spent eight months on the streets, hungry and thirsty, with no other relatives because they turned away from me due to my father's property. I spent days on the cold and hot streets, hungry and thirsty. Then, I was taken to an orphanage where conditions were not much better. They used to make the kids work, and I spent three and a half years there before being adopted.

Now, I don't know what happened to Rhea, but I want to find out. Somehow, I could relate to the struggles we all faced. I don't know why, but now Rhea was consuming my thoughts. I want to know everything about her - what happened to her, how she ended up here, and who brought her here. I still can't forget the day I first met Rhea.

She was unconscious in the trunk of my car. Her face was pale, lips dried with blood, a cut on her head, clothes dirty and torn, soaked in the rain, shivering in unconsciousness. Her body bore several wounds, and her hands were bruised. Initially, I thought she might be a spy because I found her near my warehouse, a place no one knew at that time. But with time, my suspicion faded.

I had started to inquire about Rhea, but then Sneha's pregnancy created chaos. At that moment, Sneha became my first priority. So, my focus shifted solely to Sneha, and nothing else mattered.

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