𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 36

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I couldn't understand what was happening to me

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I couldn't understand what was happening to me. All I knew was that seeing that man's face after so many months turned me back into the helpless, vulnerable girl I had been before. Panic surged through me, my breath quickening as my chest tightened. Someone was calling my name, but their voice sounded faint and distant like it was coming from underwater.

I couldn't hear clearly or see properly, my vision blurring with fear. My whole body was trembling uncontrollably, and a familiar, agonising pain began to spread through me again. It felt as if those same people were approaching me, ready to harm me, to torment me.

Shadows of my past were closing in, and I was powerless to stop them. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I couldn't let them fall. I felt trapped, suffocating under the weight of my memories and fears.

"Rhea-!" Someone called my name again, but it felt like a distant echo. I was reverting back to that terrified girl I once was.

Someone came closer, trying to touch me, and I instinctively recoiled in fear. What's happening to me, God? A sob escaped my lips as I kept moving backward, not realising when I hit the wall.

"Rhea, it's me, Aarav!" The voice reached my ears again. I wanted to believe him, but my fear was overpowering. It felt like I was back in that decrepit, dark room where I and a few other girls had been crying, begging for help.

"Rhea, you'll hurt yourself," the voice was calm now, not scary, but it still felt like I was drowning in the middle of an ocean, someone calling out to me.

Then, those men's faces appeared in my mind again. I saw one of them dragging one of the crying girls by her hair across the floor. Another was approaching me. I was crying, begging, pleading, but it made no difference.

He slapped me hard across the face, and the pain now felt ten times worse. I started clawing at my own cheeks, crying uncontrollably.

"Rhea, please, I know you're scared right now, but I'm here with you," the voice said again, more desperate.

But my ears and eyes were blinded by the bandages of fear and pain. The memories flooded back, each more vivid and terrifying than the last. I felt every hit, every insult, every ounce of fear they had inflicted on me. My body trembled violently as if trying to escape the invisible chains holding me back to that horrible time.

The room seemed to close in on me, walls becoming suffocatingly tight. The air felt thick, almost unbreathable. The flashbacks were relentless, each scene more horrifying than the last. I could almost feel the rough hands on me again, the mocking laughter ringing in my ears.

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