𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 29

722 123 8

Hello peeps!! 🙋🏻‍♀️
After a longgggggg time!!
Chapter 30, 31 and 32 is already on ScrollStack don't miss out the early update❤️

And I have noticed the vote count are decreasing😭 and now I have decided to keep Target on this chapter!
1 coz of less votes and 2nd is that my Semesters is starting from tomorrow i.e 15th and I won't be able to post anytime soon here, but on ScrollStack I'll post one small chapter that I have in my draft.


Votes - 130+ on all previous chapters too including this one!!
Comments 40+

Happy reading💌



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So, Mr. Rajesh, how are you?" I looked at Rajesh sitting in front of me, trembling from head to toe.

I slowly removed my mask, running my hand through my hair. Rajesh's eyes widened in shock. Fear was evident in his eyes, as I always remove my mask when it's someone's last day in this world.

I say, anger simmering in my voice, "Trying to run was a good attempt, but you forgot whom you were messing with."

He stutters because he probably knows when and why I remove my mask. "Please forgive me."

"Look, I know you're not going to tell me anything, so there's no point in keeping you alive," I say with anger burning in my eyes.

"Sorry, sorry! I truly don't know anything, the person who helped me escape had their face covered, I swear I don't know anything, sorry," he pleaded, trembling and clasping his hands together.

"And do you think I will believe you?" I roar, my voice echoing through the room, the intensity of my anger palpable.

"I am telling the truth!" he cried, tears streaming down his face, his voice trembling with fear.

"What kind of a specimen has Ricky sent my way? How much he cries! If you were so scared, if your life was so precious to you, then why did you step into this line of work?" My voice dripped with irritation and frustration, each word laced with venom. His incessant whimpering grated on my nerves, each sob fueling my growing anger.

"I-I'm s-so-sorry, p-p-please f-f-forgive me, l-let me g-g-go," he pleaded through tears, his voice trembling with fear. But apologies were meaningless now, mere echoes in the room of imminent demise.

With a swift and purposeful stride, I closed the distance between us, my steps echoing ominously in the room. The slap landed with a resounding crack, sending him sprawling to the ground, his cries momentarily silenced by the shock of the blow.

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