𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 25

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Before you start, I didn't get any response to my earlier question! How do you want to see Aarav and Rhea to confess their love! Of course I have already thought how it would be but I need your suggestions too! So that I can make it more interesting in all your ways❤️

Happy Reading💟


My eyes fluttered open to the morning sunlight streaming in through the windows

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My eyes fluttered open to the morning sunlight streaming in through the windows. I rubbed my eyes and yawned, my mind still half-asleep. As I gazed up at the ceiling, memories of the previous night's events flooded my mind - from the office to the warehouse, and then dinner, and- shit!

I turned to look at the other side of the bed, but Rhea wasn't there. The pillow wall was still partially intact, but the bed was empty, and the blanket was askew. I quickly sat up, scanning the room for any sign of her or Aarush.

Panic rising within me, I got out of bed and began searching for them both. My eyes darted to the balcony door, which stood slightly ajar. Without hesitation, I rushed over and peered outside, only to find Rhea peacefully asleep on the balcony swing, with Aarush snuggled in her arms.

A wave of relief washed over me as I took in the scene before me.

But then my eyes drifted to Rhea's chest. She was still in her night suit from last night, her cotton button-down shirt slightly open, with some kind of machine attached to one breast. Shit, this is awkward. It was a breast milk pump machine, something I had read about in pregnancy books.

Should I leave? No, it's too cold outside; it's six-thirty in the morning! They'll both catch a cold. And Rhea, she's-

What should I do??

I glanced around and pretended to clear my throat, but Rhea didn't stir. I tried again, this time with a bit more force, but still, nothing happened. I faked a cough, but Rhea remained asleep. I repeated this a couple more times, but it was all in vain!

Finally, admitting defeat, I called out to Rhea softly, "Umm, Rhea! Rhea!" I cleared my throat again and called out a bit louder, making sure not to wake Aarush. "Rhea!"

This time, Rhea stirred slightly, and I turned my attention away when her shirt shifted, exposing more of her chest. Damn it!

Without looking at her, I called out once more, "Rhea, wake up and come inside. It's quite chilly out here." I then started looking around again.

From the corner of my eye, I saw that Rhea had finally woken up. She looked around and then her gaze met mine before shifting to her chest. She gasped upon seeing her state and realizing I was there. But I didn't look at her; I turned my back to give her some privacy.

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