𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 11

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Reluctantly, at my mom's insistence, I found myself dragged into the morning bustle of our home

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Reluctantly, at my mom's insistence, I found myself dragged into the morning bustle of our home. All staff were hurriedly setting up the dining table. Sneha's noticeably absent, casting a shadow over the once-familiar breakfast routine. It seems like it's been ages since her departure, and every meal seemed to carry the weight of loneliness. Now, compelled by my mom, I was seated at the table as the staff buzzed around, setting plates and pouring tea. The presence of Rhea and her mother and brother only heightened the discomfort, their unfamiliar faces a stark contrast to the solitude I had grown accustomed to. When I entered no one uttered a single word.

The aroma of breakfast filled the air, a stark reminder of my avoidance of proper meals since Sneha's passing. Despite my mother's persistent efforts, the unease lingered, amplified by the space Sneha once occupied and now one more baby seat was added. This forced interaction with the new members added an extra layer of discomfort, making each bite a reminder of the solitude I felt in her absence.

Dad was seated at the head of the dining table with Mom to his left. I occupied a chair opposite Mom, leaving an empty chair where Sneha used to sit, and today, that void was glaringly apparent. The void left by Sneha's absence made the loneliness in the room even more palpable. This is the reason I don't like to come here anymore, each and everything of this place reminds me of Sneha.

(PS. The dinning is for 10 people in rectangular shape, the seat arrangements are something like this -

4 chairs


4 Chairs

Left his Dad was seated and on his left his Mom and 1 empty followed by Rheas' mother and brother. Oh right side of his Dad Aarav was seated leaving on empty chair and the 3rd chair was now replaced with baby seat and 4th occupied by Sonu

Hope this at least clear up some confusion)

Rhea's mom was sitting two chairs away from mom, leaving an empty chair in between, and Rhea's brother was seated beside her. I don't know why, but Rhea's mom is starting to make me feel uneasy. Since she arrived, it's as if her eyes are scrutinizing everyone and everything. She glanced at me several times, perhaps wanting to say something, but I chose to ignore her. I'll have to find out more about this woman and her brother. I can't take any risks since the number of enemies of mine is increasing day by day.

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