𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 38

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I walked through the empty corridor towards the basement. It was pitch dark, with no sound except for my footsteps echoing against the cold, concrete walls. The smell of blood and rusted iron was thick in the air. If someone new came here, they'd probably piss themselves and run away in terror. But not me. I was used to this now.

As I reached the door, Raj and Darsh were standing there with a few bodyguards. I pushed the door open, the metallic creak reverberating through the room. Raj and Darsh followed me in, closing the door behind them. I removed my mask and stared at the unconscious man in front of me.

The basement was dimly lit, with a single bulb casting long shadows on the walls. The man was tied to a chair, his head slumped forward, blood dripping from a wound on his temple. I stepped closer, my boots making a deliberate, menacing sound on the concrete floor.

This was the man who had inflicted so much pain and trauma on Rhea. There were more like him, and I would hunt each one down, but for now, he was my target.

With a cold determination, I looked at him with no emotions in my eyes for the unconscious man. "Wake him up," I ordered, my voice steady and commanding.

Darsh threw a bucket of cold water over him, and he gasped, his eyes snapping open in terror. He looked up at me, his eyes wide with fear. He knew who I was and what I was capable of. I saw the recognition and panic in his eyes, and it only fueled my resolve.

Good. He should be afraid.

"Do you know who I am?" I asked, my voice low and menacing.

He nodded, trembling. "Y-yes."

"Good. Then you know why you're here," I said, stepping even closer.

"Noo" he cried.

"Oh, cut that crap!" I laughed mockingly. "You dared to infiltrate my warehouse and challenge me! That's your first mistake," I said, circling him as he shivered in his chair. "But do you know what your biggest mistake was?" I grabbed his hair, yanking his head up to face me.

He cried out, "No-no," and I laughed again.

"Come on, I'll let you guess," I said, releasing his head with a jerk. He cried out in pain once more. "Do you know how you got here?" I asked, but he just trembled in silence. "Alright, maybe you know who sent you here?" I asked again, walking over to the table in the corner where my favourite tools were laid out. I picked up a pair of brass knuckles.

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