𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 32

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Seems everyone is asking for this, here you go! And Please Read AN at the end.

Chapter 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38 is already uploaded on ScrollStack! Don't miss out the early updates❤️
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Every single part of my body aches

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Every single part of my body aches. My heart hurts. My lungs are shallow. My eyes burn. I was sitting alone in my study room. Arjun had left half an hour ago, but I still couldn't muster the courage to go out and confront Rhea. My mind was racing with thoughts. Each word of Arjun revolved in my mind.

I couldn't figure out whether to be angry, sad, or frustrated! Everything seemed crystal clear in front of me, yet my mind didn't venture in that direction even once, and still, I couldn't understand or do anything. Rhea's condition, her panic attacks, her fear, her pain, everything was consuming my heart.

For months, I had been drowning in my own sorrow and pain! I couldn't see anything else; it felt like all the sorrow and pain were not with me but with Rhea, and I didn't even know! It dawned on me how oblivious I had been to her struggles, how consumed I was with my own world. I realised the weight of my ignorance and the depth of her silent battles. Guilt washed over me as I contemplated my role in her suffering, wishing I had been more attentive, more present, and more understanding.

For what felt like an eternity, I had been ensnared in the suffocating grip of my own anguish and despair! Blind to everything but my own pain, I failed to see the storm raging within Rhea's soul. Her struggles, her fears, and her silent cries for help- they all eluded my notice as I wallowed in the depths of my own misery. Now, as the weight of my indifference crushes down upon me, I'm overwhelmed by a flood of regret and remorse.

How could I have been so blind? So deaf to her silent screams for solace?

The realisation of my negligence cuts deep, carving a chasm of sorrow within me. I ache with the knowledge of the burdens she's carried alone, while I remained oblivious, cocooned in my own self-absorption. It's a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that my indifference may have deepened her wounds. But in this moment of clarity, I vow to make amends, to become the pillar of support she so desperately needs.

I rubbed my eyes, attempting to mask the emotions that were clearly visible. Standing up from my chair, I approached the door with heavy steps, taking one last deep breath to control my emotions before opening it. Normally, I was skilled at masking my emotions, but today, I don't know what's happening.

My first glance fell upon Rhea, who was trying to settle a half-sleepy Aarush in the room. Upon hearing the door, she looked at me tiredly and offered a weary smile. How can someone give such a sweet smile after enduring so much pain?

"Hasn't he slept yet?" I asked in a hushed tone, closing the door behind me.

Rhea patted Aarush's back and replied, "He was asleep just a while ago but woke up again a few moments ago. Maybe because he had already slept earlier, that's why he keeps waking up."

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