Chapter -1

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Jungkook sleeping peacefully his sleep disturbed by his husband who kissing his forehead and he wakeup and saw the man who getting ready for office.
Jungkook: "Hyung wait I wil prepare breakfast in five minutes".

Jimin: "No no kook you sleep I will take care"
He saw his lovable husband who will understand him every situation.

And jimin went office and younger slept well he is only one son of his wealthy family.

This is business proposal Jungkook family got proposal for jimin father then they got Married each other after that jimin is handling jeons company.

After marriage jimin and Jungkook living his life peacefull and beautiful. They always respect eachother and others opinions.

It almost 6 months they got married but still they didn't intercourse eachother. Because Jungkook told Jimin he wants some time. Jimin also agreed. He like jimin for as a husband because he always respect younger and his decisions but still he didn't take it next level.

Jungkook completed his studies now he learning some business plans for his future in his house.

Jimin come home at evening and saw the cute one watching Series with his doe eyes.
And went to him stuffled his hairs and younger saw the one who is then smile at his husband.

Jungkook: "Hyung you come early " he asking while looking the saw clock.

Jimin: " Mm yeah I miss you that why" he teasing younger who looking him his eyes.

Jungkook: "hyung don't tease me" he said with shy smile.

Then jimin and Jungkook had dinner with lots of fun and chatting they are always eats together whenever jimin came late Jungkook would wait for him eat together.

Then jimin and Jungkook had dinner with lots of fun and chatting they are always eats together whenever jimin came late Jungkook would wait for him eat together

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They sleeping peacefully in their bedroom.

"You are always mine"

Jungkook got up his bed and looking at other side he only saw jimin sleeping no one else. he thinking "no no Jungkook don't think anything just nightmare".

At morning Jungkook wake up cooking breakfast for them and saw Jimin coming and smile at him.

Jimin: " oh kook why did you wake up early" he asked him while eating breakfast.

Jungkook: " mm yeah...wake up for cooking how many day's I am  sleeping like irresponsible husband" he telling to his Husband.

Jimin: " No Jungkook it's okay I will understand you grownup like princess in your family don't push yourself"
He saying to younger who looking him with his pout and asking.

Jungkook: " why you don't like a breakfast" he  asking with pouty face.

Jimin:" Aish this boy no no I am asking for your concern but you are asking for breakfast.

Jungkook: " No hyung I will learn this things so I will cook better next time"said with pout.

Jimin looking the younger disbelief  and informing to younger somthing.

Jimin: "mm Jungkook be ready in evening we will meet someone" he informed younger left office.

Jungkook doing his works and learning some cooking also he thought marriage is easy like seeing in dramas but doing so much household chores they have maids but still Jungkook wanna know about the things.

Then he got message from his husband who will pickup at 7 clock so he getting ready for the person who is they  are going meet didn't have any idea. He wear cut top and tight jeans.Jimin saw beauty and saying to Younger.

Jimin: "You looking ethereal kook" he said and opening the door for him.

Jungkook: " I know hyung" he sassy ly  said and sitting the passanger sit.

Then they enter largest restaurant and sitted together and Jungkook saw the one chair and waiting for the person he didn't know who is the person so he asked jimin.

Jungkook: "Hyung whom we will waiting" he asked to jimin while eating their orderd food

Jimin: " mmm we will gonna meet my brother" he saying to Younger.

Jungkook: " brother I thought you are only son of parks " he asked him to doubtfully.

Jimin: " yes yes I am the one of park he is my stepbrother " he saying without any emotion.

Jungkook: "ahh stepbrother mm fine" he said to him confusion and again asking.

Jungkook: " hyung he is your stepbrother then why you didn't invite him our marriage " he asking to jimin.

Jimin: " Ohh he treated psychometric for an year in US. He discharged recently"  he informed to the younger. Jungkook thinking psychometric treatment what happened to him and again asking jimin.

Jungkook: " mmm hyung I asking for concern mmm what happened to him" he directly looked the his husband eyes and asked him.

Jimin: "Nothing Jungkook just mental pressure nothing more he is good person" he said to Younger.

Jungkook looking the jimin eyes and he guessing jimin just think he don't want to know about the matter...

So younger didn't ask much things and then Jungkook saw jimin waving his hands to someone and Jungkook turn saw who the person is  he got shock....

   Kim Taehyung......

   Kim Taehyung

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