Chapter -33

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Rose: "I'm not. Jungkook, sir, he is the one who is his secretary now. Did you forget that?" she informed them, causing Jungkook's eyes to widen in shock.

Jimin: "WHAT? How can he go with him when his hand is still injured?" he said with a frown.

Rose: "But sir-" Before she could finish, Jimin cut her off.

Jimin: "No, Rose, you can go with him. He's not well, and he was only discharged two days ago," he said, his frustration evident. Rose tried to hide her anger, knowing she had to manipulate the situation.

Rose: "B-but Jungkook is the one who has worked as Taehyung's secretary so far, sir. They know how to coordinate with each other and give presentations to clients," she said, trying to argue her point, causing Jimin's frown to deepen.

Jimin: "What does that mean? You can't even help him and give a presentation to clients as a secretary? You've been working with me for years," he yelled at her. Rose looked down, unable to respond, feeling the heat of his anger. and the realization that he was just using her for his needs. However, her desire for a luxurious life kept her silent, absorbing his reprimands with a growing sadness.

 However, her desire for a luxurious life kept her silent, absorbing his reprimands with a growing sadness

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Jungkook: "Hyung, don't scold her. It's okay, I will go with him. It's a really important deal for our company, right?" he said, trying to defuse the situation.

Jimin: "No, Jungkook, how can you manage? You're not well. Your health comes first, then the company," he said, glaring at Rose, who felt a pang of anger and sadness at being used only for his needs.

Jungkook: "It's okay, Hyungie. I am alright. Don't worry about my health. I will go and crack the deal," he said confidently. After the incident, Taehyung had been behaving differently, so he didn't feel as scared, especially knowing Taehyung had deleted the video.

Jimin: "But still-" he began, but Jungkook interrupted him.

Jungkook: "Don't you believe in me, Hyung? We will definitely crack the deal," he said, looking determined.

Jimin: "How many days?" he asked Rose, who clenched her jaw, controlling her anger at how Jimin spoke nicely to Jungkook but not to her.

Rose: "Two days, I think," she said, her voice tight. Jimin sighed and looked at Jungkook, who gave the same resigned expression.

Jungkook: "Okay, hyung, I am going to pack my things," he said and began to leave the room, but Jimin stopped him.

Jimin: "Are you okay with that, Kook? Two days, can you manage?" he asked, concerned for Jungkook's well-being.

Jungkook: "It's okay, Hyung. I will manage, don't worry," he said with a reassuring smile and left the room.

Rose glared at Jungkook's back with anger and turned to Jimin with the same expression, who now looked at her calmly.

Rose: "You scold me in front of your husband, right?" she asked, her voice trembling with emotion. Jimin sighed, trying to find the right words.

Rose: "Did you forget Taehyung was my ex? I cheated on him because of you. How can I go with him? But you're scolding me for your husband," she said, her eyes filling with tears. She grabbed the file and stormed out of the room in anger. Jimin watched her leave, knowing he just used her for his needs and not feeling any real remorse for her.....

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