Chapter -12

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Jikook reached their mansion in evening their flight was midnight so they packed the things and got ready to leave the airport.

Then jimin said to all the maids and waiting for Jungkook who feeling nervous he mind didn't work what is Taehyung plan or he will leave them alone.

Jungkook comes downstairs and looking at jimin who smiling at him back seems like Taehyung didn't come yet home.

Jikook leaving house Jungkook looking at back he seeing only maids standing there, he is not there but still Jungkook fearing for him.

Then Jungkook and jimin reached airport, few minutes there for plane taking off Jungkook praying to God.

"Nothing should happen bad God" he thought and seeing his husband who sitting beside seat.

Jimin:"Why are you nervous? Have you not traveled by plane before?" He asked to Jungkook who sitting nervously and biting his lips

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Jimin:"Why are you nervous? Have you not traveled by plane before?" He asked to Jungkook who sitting nervously and biting his lips.

Jungkook:"H-uh yes i traveled with my dad" he nervously said to him.

Jimin:"If your fearing hold my hands" he said and offering his hands to Younger. Jungkook did because his Hands starts shaking in fear.

Finally plane landed in Maldives Jungkook open his eyes after long sleep and knowing their arrived his lips formed smile.

They walked out of the airport with luggage someone greeted jimin.

"Welcome sir we are happy to both of you here" he said to them with bowed

Jimin nodded at him and said to Jungkook
"Jungkook this is Mr. Bang our event manager who is going to lead us" said and Jungkook bowed at him.

Then Jungkook and Jimin sitting in car and going to luxurious villa Jimin Booked. Jungkook relief now and smiling bit but he wants to know where is Taehyung.

Jungkook:" h-yung" he called jimin who was busy on his phone.

Jimin:" Yes kook do you want anything we will reach in few minutes" He said

Jungkook:"No Hyung did you said anything to t-aehyung because we left without informing him" he asked to him.

Jimin:"I called him Jungkook someone attend the call said Taehyung drunk lots he couldn't speak now" he said to Jungkook who silently listening.

"Maybe he is with his friend house whose know" he thought and looking at window side.

Then they reached their resort it's really beautiful and big it's middle of water Jungkook wide his eyes seeing at all.

Then they reached their resort it's really beautiful and big it's middle of water Jungkook wide his eyes seeing at all

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