Chapter -24

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Taekook reached the mansion Jungkook totally exhausted and felt angry he tried something to get over the taehyung and his video things but that's all are wasted cause of taehyung is not naive he can't fool him easily he don't know what do next he cursing taehyung with so much anger his mind who didn't bother anything Just going to upstairs.

Jungkook seeing Mrs.han cleaning the dining table he directly went to her and asked about jimin.

Jungkook:" Aunt did hyung ate the dinner?" He asked her who was doing her work.

Mrs.Han:" No kook master he is waiting for you I told him to eat but he denied" she politely said to him who sighted hearing that.

Jungkook:" Okay give me food I will tell him to eat" he asked her who nodded and gave the food plate to his hands.

She gave it to the younger going to leave the place suddenly jungkook called her and asked.

Jungkook:" Aunt why are you avoiding me and why didn't even talk to me, what happened did I do anything" he asked her with low voice who was silently listening to him.

Mrs.han:" I am just a maid here master my work is only for serving so I am doing my work correctly I don't want to involve any other things," she said to him and left the place.

"She is even calling me master" he pouted sadly he knows why she is behaving like this she saw the things that are happening in their mansion.

"She is even calling me master" he pouted sadly he knows why she is behaving like this she saw the things that are happening in their mansion

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Jungkook unlocked the Jimin new room door and saw his husband watching TV after seeing kook jimin face bring a pretty smile.

Jungkook went to him and placed the food plate on the table and sat on the chair and asked.

Jungkook:" hyung why didn't you eat the dinner?? you should eat early and take medicine on time " he said with an angry pout.

Jimin:"I was waiting for you kook, you come and feed me with your hands" he said with a chuckle who gave him cute glare.

Jungkook smiled and took that plate and fed it to jimin who was smiling eating.

Jimin:" How was your first day kook?? Seems like you're exhausted lots" he asked to Younger who shuttering nervously.

Jungkook:" Y-eah h-yung kind of how can you work as a CEO it's hard to understand the things" he said to jimin who laughed at him.

Jimin:" Sorry for making you more irritated" he said to him.

Jungkook:" No No what are you saying hyung your my husband I am one who takes care of you" he said with Bunny smile.

Jimin:" see you didn't even freshen up and you're new to the business world in the beginning it's hard to learn that's why I am saying" he said.

Jungkook:" it's not a big deal hyungie only for a few days until you will be fine and I will rest totally" he said and finished the feeding to Jimin.

Jimin:" Yea definitely today Doctor called me said I can use a wheelchair because I can feel the improvement in muscles" he said and pointing at the wheelchair it delivered a few hours ago didn't even unbox.

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