Chapter -13

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Continued flashback...

Door got open seeing other side of person who standing smirk smile with his face.

Jungkook seeing a tall handsome man standing hands on packet looking at him.

"Kim Taehyung "

Jungkook:"T-aehyung nim my friend Eunwoo is here?" he asked him politely.

Taehyung looking at him then he showed inside his room.

Jungkook see the elder finger direction to his room so he enter the room.

Younger seeing the room fully covered by red roses table's ground bed also Jungkook think somthing wrong so looked back at Taehyung.

Jungkook can't believe what is happening seeing the elder locking the door.

Jungkook:" T-aehyung nim where is my friend I'm here for him" he asked him nervously.

Taehyung steping to younger who wide his eyes in fear he backwards his steps.

Taehyung:" I am the one who called you here" he said to Younger and hold his wrist.

Jungkook:"Taehyung nim what are you doing leave" he said and pushed elder.

Taehyung harshly pulled younger into bed and tied his hands using rope Jungkook shouting in fear.



In next second Jungkook eye's wide Taehyung dragging younger dress he didn't know what to do only shouting he would hear to someone they will help him.

Jungkook fully naked laing on the bed struggling in tight rope and seeing the man in front of him eyeing him with lusty eyes.

Jungkook:"Please please don't rape me" he starts crying and looked at the person shocked.

Taehyung take his mobile and starts filming younger body Jungkook blank he didn't know why he is doing to him.

Jungkook:" NO NO please what are you doing" he shouting at Taehyung who wide his legs and filming his private parts.

Jungkook shouting out of his lungs but it couldn't help he trying to kick him using his legs but Taehyung hold his tights very tight using his long hands.

Jungkook: "DON'T DON'T "

He forcefully wide his legs and filmed his most precious treasured parts.

Then Taehyung closer his phone near in younger cunt and inserting his fingers into younger hole.

Jungkook:" ahhh no ahh not there"

"Ahhh leave Mee it's hurting"

"T-aehyung please leave i can't"

Taehyung didn't hear anything just doing with poker face to pretty one younger moaning in pain.

Jungkook seeing the man he doesn't care about him fingering him not only he taking vedio of him he didn't even guilt for younger.

Jungkook seeing elder eyes no emotions he thinking emotionless monster. He fearing he going to rape him and take a vedio of him.

Jungkook:" pleace please I am begging you don't rape me" he crying.

But Taehyung stopped and take his phone and watched the vedio he taken few minutes ago and off the screen placed in table.

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