Chapter -28

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Unknown number :

"Come to the Store room"

Jungkook looked at the message with frown he knows it's taehyung but the store room why he messaged him to come there.

"Store room is that room I cleaned that day but jimin Hyung said that room not good for him and me" he thinking what can do he will should have to go otherwise he knows what Taehyung do but still he fearing lot.

He sighted and went upstairs but before Jimin's dad called him and said they were going to leave.

Mr. Park:" Jungkook we are leaving" he said to him.

Jungkook:" Why dad wait and have dinner with us" he asked him and his mother-in-law didn't look at him

Mr.park: "No son she forgot her pb tablets I always said many times take it whenever we are going out" he said to him and scolding his wife.

Mr.park :" that's why we are leaving son after Jimin woke up and said to him we will visit again" he said to him who nodded at him and they left.

Jungkook is amazed at how his father-in-law is taking care of his wife and he understands why Jimin's character is like this because his father, Jimin is also really taking care of him and understanding him but felt guilty for him cases of he cheating behind him but how will he react after got to know jimin also cheating behind him.......

He sighted and took his steps to the store room his heart beating increasing in fear he patted his chest a few times and opening the store room it's fully dark he couldn't see anything but hearing some sounds his face frowned he breathed out and called taehyung.

Jungkook:" T-aehyung are you here?" He called him but didn't get any response.

He turned the torch on his phone and saw the surroundings and saw the person face sitting on the couch and glaring at him he gulped and asked.

Jungkook:" Are you deaf ?I am calling you and why are you sitting in the dark?" He asked in irritatingly.

Still taehyung didn't reply yet The younger one got angry and turned the torch to the wall and searched the switch box and switch on the lights and seeing him but his breath stopped cause of a tall man sitting on the couch without any clothes and wide his legs shocking his dick aggressively.

Jungkook seeing Taehyung's reddish eyes and emotionless face he remembered this face how can he forget that day taehyung took a younger video and also chapter -9 he Forced him to suck him off he understands this not normal taehyung seeing the surr...

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Jungkook seeing Taehyung's reddish eyes and emotionless face he remembered this face how can he forget that day taehyung took a younger video and also chapter -9 he
Forced him to suck him off he understands this not normal taehyung seeing the surroundings he saw the same bag on the table he guessed right he took drugs is not good for him at all and without saying anything jungkook rushing out to the door.

But before the younger reached the door taehyung harshly pushed him inside the room and locked the door with key harshly
threw it on the ground and turned looked at him,who was sitting on the ground with hissed.

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