Chapter -3

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Jungkook and jimin reached his house. jungkook directly went to bathroom took shower because of another man touch also jimin didn't want to know notice Taehyung smell on him.

"I hate him how can he touch me like this he always behave like monster" younger thinking while applying his night skincare.

"If he do something like this l will tell jimin Hyung about him" younger thought and touch his thighs how red due to hard squeeze.

"Then what if I would tell him what happened 2 years ago"
"No way how can I say he did to me that's disgusting"  he confused he didn't know what to do.

Jimim enter their bedroom seeing the bunny boy confusion and he asked.

Jimin:" Hey kookie what are you thinking come lets sleep" he called the younger and Jungkook joined him bed.

Kook:" Haa nothing hyung yeah comming" he laid beside him.

Jimin:"Mm kookie, Taehyung going to stay with us from tomorrow" he said to Younger and closed his eyes.

Kook:"Haa...why hyung ?" He question him with shocked expression.

Jimin:"he wants to stay with us" he said to Jungkook.

Jungshock again"Shit!!! Why he going to stay here ohh God please save me from that devil" he thinking and looking at his husband.

Next morning Jungkook wake up late and freshup Quickly come to downstairs and saw his husband telling some things to maids Jungkook saw many maids working. They have only one maid her name is Ms.HAN she was above 40 she is the one took care of Jungkook.

Ms.Han gave breakfast to Jungkook and bunny boy showing his teeths to her told thanks seeing his husband.

Kook:"Hyungie why are hiring many maids we have only two here" he asked with sleepy voice.

Jimin:"Ahh Jungkook did you forgot Taehyung will come today that why am arranging some things for him" he said to him.

how can he forgot he thinking of how to face him daily he just wants to maintain distance with him he doesn't want to betray jimin.

jimin arranged everything for his brother and other side Jungkook just blank he didn't did any works. Just sitting and watching clock time to time.

Then they hear door ring Jungkook heart beating in fear door opened Kim Taehyung entering their house.

Jimin greeted him with hug and kook just standing little bit distance.

He saw two brothers hugging each other Jungkook just glancing the tiger who is standing in their house with boxy smile and  handsome face with black cooling glass.

"He is only have outer beauty not inside his heart" he thought and standing distance away from him.

They come to him Taehyung eyeing younger who looking pretty always with his paggy pants and sleevless top.

Taehyung:"How are you Brother-in-law seems like you didn't happy for I am here"
He said with smirk.

"Yes yes I am not yet happy how can I ?"  he thought to himself.

Jimin:"why he is not Happy Taehyung kookie did you not Happy" he asked Jungkook with confusion.

Kook:" ha .. No .No I am happy for your staying here" he said to him with avoiding the tiger grace.

Then they sitted their coach Jungkook sit beside jimin and Taehyung sitting apposite of them. And jimin called maids to serve drinks for Taehyung.

After sometime Jimin and Taehyung drinking whiskey and Jungkook drinking wine. brothers talking he just listing.

Taehyung sip his glass while glancing to younger who drinking the wine with his own world he saw his face, doe eyes, pink lips he remember how the pink lips arounded his manhood just he felt like heaven.

Jungkook notice the man siting opposite of him looking him with his deep eyes

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Jungkook notice the man siting opposite of him looking him with his deep eyes. They share a eye contact few seconds. Jungkook break immediately.

Jimin:"Mm Taehyung why are going to saying in city" he siping his glass and asked to him.

Taehyung:" I am here for..." He looking at direction of younger who afraid of he will reveal something related to them.

"NO NO WHY HE LOOKING AT ME"  Jungkook fearing much.

Taehyung:" For going to take what is mine"  he said to jimin and sip tha last drink.

Jungkook and jimin didn't understand what does mean. Again jimin asked.

Jimin:"what man did you speaking about person or possession"  he asked him with confusion.

Taehyung:"Everything" he said with deep voice.

Jungkook gulped down jimin didn't asked much things they remind silence. After jimin told him he prepared new room from him.

Jimin:"mm Taehyung you can sleep the room beside us in upstairs if you want anything free to ask me or Jung Kookie" he said casually to taehyung.

Taehyung:" yes yes fine I will surely ask to Brother-in-law" he said with smirk.

After sometime Two brothers only speaking Jungkook always silent he notice tiger grace sometimes so he wants to leave this place he said to jimin he is going to their room.

Jungkook:"Haa hyung I am going to room you two will continue" he said to jimin who Looking at him worried expression.

Jimin:"What happened kookie did you not well why do you look pale" he asked and caressing the younger forehead.

Kook:"no no hyung just headache I am going to room you two continue" he said to his husband.

Jimin:"Oh kook come we will go to hospital if  you have much pain" he said and caressing  his hands.

Kook:"No no hyung it will gone soon don't worry I just want to some sleep" he said with smile showing his full bunny teeths.

Jimin agree him and Jungkook stood couch and going to leave and glancing last time sitting apposite person who giving death glare.

Taehyung saw how jimin caressing Jungkook and Jungkook giving his beautiful smile to him " I think he forgot something who he is  belongs to"  he thinking and saw the leaving figure.

to be continued...

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