Chapter - 14

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Jungkook give a smile to jimin and seeing jimin speaking on phone first Jungkook didn't notice where is he standing after next second Jungkook eyes wide what is he seeing.

He saw truck coming to jimin way with full speed jimin didn't notice he is busy on his phone but Jungkook did.

Jungkook :"HYUNG" he shouting loudly.

Jimin turned but only seeing huge truck coming to his way put his phone on ground

"HYUNGIEEE" Jungkook got up rushed to him who laing on the ground with blood....

"Wake up Hyung"

"Please Wake up hyungie....."

At hospital.

Jungkook sitting on the chair hands on his head and his eyes flowing water it been hours he didn't get any information about his husband.

"Why why everything happening to me God"

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"Why why everything happening to me God"

he saw doctors coming out of the surgery room he rushed to them asked about him.

Jungkook:" D-octor Doctor how is my husband?" He asked with teary eyes.

"He is in critical condition he lost lot of blood we are trying our best" he said and went.

"Critical condition" Jungkook puffy eyes again flowing water.

"I am reason if I didn't take him that cafe it will not happened" he blaming himself while crying.

Few minutes later "Park Jimin husband park Jungkook" nurse called Jungkook who standing with red eyes.

Jungkook rushed to them "your husband lost lot of blood and his blood is group O-negative it's one of the rare blood group in the world and actually we don't have right now" she said to him.

Jungkook:"What how that's possible??? How can such a Big organization not have a single blood group" he shouted at them.

Nurse:"Sorry to say sir we contacted arounded hospitals and many O-negative blood bank but unfortunately they are also don't have right now"she said to him.

Jungkook got more hungry after hearing them.

Nurse:"We tried our best sir if we don't get the blood in 8 hours then your husband-"

Jungkook:"I will arrange it please don't say anything bad" he said to them they nodded.

" how can I arrange blood in 8 hour's" he thought and looking at the tees it's fully stained in jimin blood.

"If I said to dad or Father-in-law they will definitely arrange it for Hyung" he thought and taking out his phone in packet at same time his phone rings.

Unknown number calling.....

"missed me babe?" first he attend the phone he heard the voice how can he forgot those his eyes wide.

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